[Bitches and gentlemen, We all know that Sef Kinsley is by far every ones favorite asshole of the Wrestling 2K. Ryan Cain comes in at a close, but still distant, second. The BIIIIGGGG JJJJJJ.....LLLLLL...comes in as an equal first but representing the favorite sand packed vagina of wrestlers. It's good to be home]
[Open scene, we see darkness over a still water. Moment of peaceful stillness We see a head slowly rise out of the water. Covering the forehead is a red headband. We see that the head is rising in slow motion, leading the people to know the obvious. This...is...slow motion. As the head fully exits the water we see that it's Sef, obviously with this being a Sef RP. Sef appears to be yelling as his chest, with no shirt, starts it's rise out of the water.]
Narrator in a Morgan Freeman voice: I know what you're thinking, Why the hell is this honky in slow motion and shirtless. Well folks after a recent 25 time blind study the University of Mainland University College of Research University has concluded that 15 percent of fans watching Wrestling 2000 are female. Those 15 fans get excited at the very mention of Sef's name, and those 15 fans love to see him shirtless. Not my personal taste, but they paid me to narrate this. So I'll just read the script OK?
[The barrel of some sort of gun is scene rising out of the water on Sef's right side as his left hand is clutched and shaking.]
Narrator: It's the man with the pink, long, ten inch ding dong. The true face of Wrestling 2000, the man who alone can keep this company afloat not showing up on camera to cut promos, but by simply having his name on the card as a possible appearance. It's the man who sweats buckets of blood, flips, kicks, and punches his way through opponent after opponent. The man who strikes fear in all who unjustly trample on the weak sheep-ling.
[At this point Sef is still rising out of the water and the gun is shown to be a light machine gun with an unknown amount of ammo, chain fed and in a box attached to the gun. The gun starts to fire as flashes of lights start illuminating the surrounding area of Sef, showing the details in his face as he screams.]
Narrator: It's well known that there are three type of people in the W2K. Those that fear Sef, those that respect Sef, and that one that has a child by him. Though she waited years to tell him. He's not a deadbeat dad, people. But on the flip side, it was kind of obvious that the girl was his blood. Look at her...Sorry that's not in the script.
[Down pour of ammo casings as they drop into the water all slow motion like,each one leaving a eruption of water from the surface, Sef is to waist level now still doing his bad ass thing.]
Narrator: The man who's very appearance in this company should strike fear and remorse to anyone involved. Fear that he may put you on his never ending list of shit to kick, and remorse that you're probably already on it. For those who face him will testify that he truly is the Devil of the South. That no animal shows as much determination in a fight as he does. He can endure a fucking IED and still march through on a path of ass kicking.
[Camera starts to circle around Sef as he is knee level, showing two things. One that he is wearing pants, two that they are old school tiger stripe camo.]
Narrator: For as King Leonidas stood against the Persians. The Allied forces closed in on Hitler during the war. The stupid kid from Home Alone stood up to the stupid half assed idiots. This man stands up to competition, thrives on war, loves it when people challenge him. We all know who he is, he is SefKinsley. A man not to be fucked with. Seriously.
[The camera moves back to the front of Sef who is completely standing in the water by this point. Sef stands as he still fires away. suddenly the camera goes to full speed and a light turns on.]
Voice: What in the bloody hell do you think you're doing?
[The camera turns to show Pyxii standing at the doorway, and Sef standing in a kids pool dripping with water.]
Sef Kinsley: uhhh....
Pyxii DeWolfe: Are you seriously in a kiddie pool, firing that mock gun making all kinds of ruckus?
[Sef looks down at the gun,he trys to open the ammo box but seems to have problems. He slaps the gun.]
Sef Kinsley: I think I broke it....
[Pyxii huffs and turns to walk out the door.]
Pyxii DeWolfe: I liked it better when you were drunk.
Narrator:........titty sprinkles.
[Fade to black]