Title: Battle Zone Ep 9 | |
Steffaniesstuffff > Rorie Steele > BBW | Go to subcategory: |
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Date Posted:08/28/2015 05:00 AMCopy HTML Danny" Luke, it sure seems that we are seeing you alot more around BBW. I thought you would be in Texas with your girlfriend Anna this week" Luke" Well I would like to be there partner, believe me. Did you see my little Anna Banana in that bikini? Wooweeee she's a hot little firecracker. But if you must know buddy, I finally got that Elder fellar to give me a contract and he said I had to go get a physical. Do you know where Nurse Jenny is?" Danny" She's giving physicals now?" Luke" Guess so, he muttered something about making her do something useful for once and told me to go find her" Danny" Well her medic room is right up here, but I don't think she's here." Luke knocks on the door seeing a handwritten note on the door " Open Interviews Today". Luke looks at Danny" They hiring somebody?" Danny" Don't know" There is a soft voice coming from the other side of the door" Come in" Luke pulls open the door and mutters to himself at the sight before him " Good God Almighty" Rorie Steele pushes herself up on the side of the examination bed looking at Luke and then smiling. Rorie" Oooo you got potential, come on in Cow Poke and lets see what you got" Luke looks at Danny and then at Rorie. He takes off his hat and steps back " Pardon me Ma'am, but I think an interview with you would leave me without a girlfriend." Luke shoves Danny into the room" Good luck Pard" Luke slams the door with Rorie's voice coming through the door. Rorie" Well lets see what you are working with Bones" ...... Rorie" No not the camera, we can play with that later. Drop your pants and show it to me" Danny screams like a little girl running out the door right by Luke, who is laughing is ass off now. Rorie comes out into the hallway with Luke covering his eyes with the hat. Rorie puts her hands on her hips. Rorie" Doesn't this place have one damn decent guy!" The show cuts away to Mitch laughing. " Wow, Rorie Steele definitely isn't bashful and I don't think the guys here know how to take her. She is hotter than Texas in July, and the man that finally wins out on her application process better be prepared and taking lots of vitamins. We will be right back folks with the main event. Up next the Breakout Championship is on the line!" |