Title: Caged (BW) | |
Steffaniesstuffff > Haven Van Slyke > W2K | Go to subcategory: |
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Date Posted:08/27/2015 01:13 AMCopy HTML
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Re:Caged (BW) Date Posted:08/27/2015 01:14 AMCopy HTML ![]() You think you're gonna get away that easy? This isn't just any damn match for Bryan Williams, this is another step from becoming the W2K Champion. This is just another step in the right direction, the direction Bryan's been yearning for ever since his arrival to W2K. This is what will define his career, and his chance to show Ryan Cain why his 'Franchise' tagline has passed him by. There is a new era arriving in W2K, and Bryan Williams is leading the way... Open up on Bryan Williams, backstage at the W2K Arena. He's getting ready for the show, and has some choice words for Andrew Bradford before the show will begin. Bryan looks into the camera, he's not in his full gear yet. But he looks ready, he looks ready to step into that cage and face Andrew Bradford one-on-one. "Andrew, the time has come. We're about to step into the cage, and fight each other in what might be the biggest match of our lives. I remember the Summer of 2007, when I had to step into that cell with three other guys. Sean Hunter, Shawn Clarke, and Owen Stevenson. I remember just how scared I was, to see those three guys and to know that I could possible walk out without the OCW Championship. It was a crazy match, but I proved to everyone why I belong in this business. I stepped into the ring with some of the greats, and came out the new OCW Champion. That's what I've been doing for the last few weeks, I've proved myself to all of the W2K-faithful." Bryan pauses. "We've all had to do things we don't like, and I understand that you don't want to be in this match. This cage, locking two men in for battle. It's sick, it's absolutely disgusting. But it has to be done, one of us has to emerge the clear winner. One of us has to come out on the other side, ready to take on Ryan Cain. He's not going to take his match lightly, and that won't be a walk in the park either. But I'm focused on you right now, you are the person standing in front of me. You're the one ready to take my chance away at the W2K Championship. And I stand in your way, you want this just as bad as I do. We're going to battle, make no mistake about it. You're going to see me do things I've never done before, and do you know why?" He stops, as if somebody will answer him. "I do this to become the absolute best. I want nobody to say that I should have done this, or I could have done something differently. No, this will all be taken care of tonight. No 'what-ifs', everything that happens tonight will be done by our own doing. WE are in control of our destinies, we are the ones in control of the outcome of this match. I look forward to this match, I look forward to what we're going to do. What we're going to show to everyone out there watching. We are not to be taking lightly, you are going to come out of this a stronger person, Andrew. I promise you that..." Bryan shakes his head. "But you won't be getting a shot at the W2K Championship. You won't be meeting Ryan Cain at Endgame, and do you know why? Because I'm walking out of there as the winner. I'm walking in as the Impact champion, and I'm walking out with a shot at the W2K Championship. I'll get my chance to shut up Ryan Cain, once and for all..." Bryan smirks. "So don't take this too badly, don't think this was because you were the lesser person. I'm just on a mission , I have something to prove to everyone. My name, my legacy has been tracked through the mud and dirt over the last few weeks. My involvement with Haven Van Slyke has somehow made me a marked person. I have so many new enemies it's not even funny, the amount of pressure on my mind is just...The point is, I have to do this. I HAVE to beat you, I won't let you walk out of this match with a chance to become the new W2K Champion. I can't see anybody else in that match, other than me. It's nothing personal..." Bryan stops, and guess who just happens to walk in the door? Haven. There she stands, right in front of Bryan. The two hadn't talked since last week, she showed up at his apartment and had some things to tell him. Their emotions got the better of each other, and they acted on that a little. Bryan seemed to be more into it than she was, something was holding her back. Something about her past was keeping her from acting on her feelings. Bryan didn't know, how could he? He looks at her, a slight smile comes onto his face. "Bry-Mr. Williams..." "Whoa, what the hell? Mr. Williams? You haven't called me that in a long while, what's up with that?" Haven looks away, frustrated by much more than she was letting on. "Look, I just wanted you to know that I saw Mr. Bradford in my office a little while ago. He had some concerns about your match tonight, I'm guessing he wasn't liking the stipulation." "I know, I heard. He's not really wanting to step into a cage. I'm not looking forward to it either." Haven nods. "So I'll change the stipulation then?" Bryan looks confused. "What?! No! There's no reason to do that, I may not like it but I'm going into that damn cage. I'm going to step through that cage door and beat the holy hell out of Bradford. I'm putting my body on the line tonight, I want Ryan Cain next week. I WANT that W2K Championship..." "I know, I know. Look Bryan, we're going to have to talk sometime. I've been pretty busy lately-" Bryan shushes her. "I understand, we'll talk next week." "But what if you win? Won't you be focused all on Ryan Cain?" Bryan nods his head. "Yeah, I'll be pretty strapped into it. But I can always make time for you, you've done a lot for me. I need to show you my gratitude anyway." Haven shakes her head. "I'm not sure about that, Bryan...I...look, we'll talk later. Okay?" "Yeah...sure." Another weak smile, and like that Haven walks out of the room. And with that, another person enters the room. A bit surprising for Bryan, Katherine Fitzgerald Cooper. She skips into the room, looking quite devious. Bryan is already annoyed, their interaction last year left a bad taste in his mouth. To those that don't remember, KFC actually pinned Bryan in the ring. Bryan sighs, as KFC smiles at him. She's probably thinking about that win at this very moment, that twat. "Oy, Bryan. I got somethin' to ask you." "Yeah? Go for it, I'm about to get out of here. So make it quick." KFC smiles. "Well look, I heard you talkin' tough this week. So I talked to my main man, Andy Bradford, and we decided that YOU should put your Impact championship on the line." A confused look comes over Bryan's face. "What are you talking about? Bradford wants a shot at MY title, and a chance at the W2K Championship? Are you serious?" "Serious as a heart attack!" Bryan thinks to himself, he's a bit annoyed. "You know what?" Fitzy looks up, wide eyed. "Fine...tell him he's got an Impact title shot. He better be ready to step into that cage though, I'm not playing around. I want Ryan Cain next week, I don't have time to be messing around with him. We're going to war, you better tell him that." Bryan looks into the camera, but has nothing else to say. For this week, we're done. The message is there, the time for action is now. Fade.