Title: Ezrynn -- The Party | |
Steffaniesstuffff > Illiya and Ezrynn > Redemption | Go to subcategory: |
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Date Posted:11/16/2017 00:31 AMCopy HTML ![]() December 28th, 2016 Vancouver, B.C. “Oh gosh… Who am I up against? Illiya said I have to check before we leave. ‘Research’ she says. ‘It’ll do you good’, she says. No! It’ll do me bad! Very, very bad!” She sighs and sits in front of her laptop, loading up the screen. A graphic shows up with the tiers for the tournament. She finds her name and puts a finger to the screen, dragging her nail down to the name of her opponent. “Spike.” She thinks for a moment. “LIKE SPIKE FROM BUFFY! Oh my god, go my gooooooooddddddd-uh!” She jumps out of her chair, jumping around. Just then, Illiya poked her head into the room. “Not that Spike.” She shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “When you’re done your research, go pack. There’s an extra suitcase in my room.” “Yeah, yeah. Buzzkill.” Illiya left and Ezrynn sat back down, looking through the roster again. Of course she forgot everyone she went through two weeks ago. She couldn’t remember these people. There were too many to count anyways. “Okay… Spike.. Spike Steel!” She found him and clicked on his picture so she could see his information. She made a bit of a face. “He has a mullet… I can dig that.” She thought for a moment. “Oh yeah! The nice one on the twitter! I like him.” She reads some of his information. “Hah! Says here his name is Harry… Harry Johnson… Like… a hairy…. Like a hairy penis. HAH! Poor guy. I’ll stick to his cooler name. Spike is old as eff. So there’s that. Which means he was probably born when Edison discovered orange peels. I wonder if he hung around pirates too? Hmm…” She ponders that for a moment, while she reads a bit more. Multitasking. Booyah. “Wait. It says here he’s a bad guy! Like… He’s mean to people! But he was so nice to me. Does that mean we have to play cops and robbers? And he get’s to be the robber? I hate being the cop.” She makes a pouty face. “The handcuffs are the best part.” She scrolls down a bit more. “Well it says here he’s okay in the ring too. Pretty good. Impressive and stuff. He’s probably a really good robber.” She smirks. “But I’m better.” She closes the screen and then the laptop. She walks out of the room and towards her sisters room, while yelling. “I did my research! All done! Gonna pack now!” She steps into the room and heads towards the empty suitcase, but stops before she gets there. She looks on the floor, picking up a photo. She smiles slightly, remembering what happened. - - - - - June 9th 2007, 7:35pm Vancouver, B.C. Ezrynn’s phone made a little chime and lit up at the front. She grabbed it and flipped it up. She still had a flip-phone. But not one of those cool Motorola Razr’s everyone had the year before. It wasn’t one of the new cool phones that the popular kids got after only having the best one possible for 3 months. Oh no. This was a Nokia 6061. Scratched up and on the way to death. But she didn’t care. She wasn’t into having the best phone. She looked at the text message she had gotten. It was from her friend James asking if she was still coming to the party tonight. She bit her lip and walked over to Illiya’s room. “So.. what’s the verdict?” “I’m not going…” “Illiya!” “I don’t want to go.” “We have to go, Illiya. We said we would go.” “No… you said we’d go. I wasn’t even in the conversation. I doubt I was even asked. They probably just wanted you there.” She was right. They hadn’t asked about Illiya. But that wasn’t the point. And no matter what, Illiya was her sister. She was part of anything Ezrynn did, no matter what. “They want you too…” “They don’t, Ez. I’m not exactly the most popular person in school.” “We’re a packaged deal.” “That doesn’t make me feel any better…” “I’m not saying that in a bad way. I want you there… I need you there…” “It’s just.. not my scene.” “Just bring a book. If you don’t like it, read. If you REALLY hate it, we’ll leave. I promise.” Ez put her hands together in a pleading way. Her sister sighed. “Fine. But seriously… if I want to leave, we leave. Promise?” “Of course!” Ezrynn smiled big and hugged her sister tightly around the neck. She jumped away, off to find something to wear. She got into her bedroom, which looked like a bomb had gone off. Clothes everywhere. The first thing she did was grab her phone. She sent a text back to James, telling him to give them a bit of time and then come by. She tossed her phone on the bed and began picking up random items from the floor. “This? No. Hmm… This? Maybe next time. This one?” It was constant questions to herself going through each item. She finally threw a complete outfit together on her bed. Technically, none of it matched. But that didn’t matter to her. She just liked to wear whatever made her stick out the most. It was her favourite thing to do. Weird stockings here, fishnet over here. Stripes on this. Lace on that. Whatever she could find, would work. She put all of the things she pulled out on her body, happy with the outcome. Then she started her makeup. She was feeling very clown-doll-like tonight. So that was the look she went for. As said numerous times, Ezrynn was the type of goth that stood out. Black mixed with other colours. Her sister was more of a reserved, classic goth. Very different. She finally finished her face and looked at herself in a mirror. She squealed slightly and went to Illiya’s room. “Hope you’re ready!” She looked into the room at her sister, smiling. She was proud of what her sister had become over the years. She embraced the gothic lifestyle a lot more in the past two years and it made Ezrynn proud. She could relate to her more on a fashion note. Illiya had always been into the literary part of it all, but the fashion was never her thing. Ezrynn liked it all from the time she was 13 and convinced their mother to let her dye her hair. “Let’s go. We’ve got a party to attend.” The two made their way downstairs and into James’ car, who had just showed up. The three drove together to the house party. June 9th 2007, 9:45pm Vancouver, B.C. When they arrived at the party, everyone got excited over Ezrynn’s entrance. They all seemed so excited to see her. It was normal for her. She was welcomed with open arms and said hi to everyone she knew, while noticing her sister slink off to a corner to read. She frowned slightly, but turned it all around again, deciding to leave her sister be for the time. She moved through the house like a snake, slithering through the crowds and talking to everyone. She was the weird one at school, but for some reason, everyone liked it. She was just so outgoing and magnetic. People were just easily attracted to her in general. She got herself a beer and started to dance with a big group of people, enjoying herself. After a little while, she looked up and saw her sister, nose buried into her book. Everyone was ignoring her. She sighed and moved over to her sister, hoping that maybe bringing some attention to her would help. A few people followed, but it was still as if Illiya was invisible to them. “You having fun, pretty?” “I’m having a fantastic time, Ez. Just enjoying my book.” “You should come party! We’re dancing and everything. You should stop being so antisocial and play with us!” “Or I could just continue reading.” Ez felt sad for her sister. She wanted her to enjoy herself. But she also knew that she enjoyed herself most when reading. “I’m just concerned, you know? I want you to have fun.” “I am having fun. I promise.” Ezrynn nodded and took a sip from her beer. One of her friends came over with a camera, beginning to snap some photos of the girls. Ezrynn thought this would be the best opportunity to get her sister into the fun of this whole thing. ![]() ![]() Illiya stayed mostly rigid for the photos, but had a smile on her face. She didn’t like being in front of the camera. She was usually the one behind it. Ezrynn curled up to her sister, kind of hugging her arm. She thought maybe this would help, but it didn’t. She sighed quietly and put on a smile for her sister. “Okay… I’m going to go grab another beer. Come find me when you’re done wanting to be lonely, kay?” She smiled big and kissed her sister on the cheek. She stood up and walked away, leaving Illiya to read again. Ezrynn bumped into a guy on the way to the kitchen. She had never seen him before. She smiled and said sorry. He stopped her for a moment, gently grabbing her arm. “No worries. You getting a drink?” “Yeah! I’m all out.” She faked a pouty face. “Mind if I join you?” “Sure! We can get beers together and talk about existentialism.” “What?” “Nothing. Who are you, anyway? I haven’t seen you before.” “I’m Dave. My buddy brought me along.” “Cool. I’m Ezrynn.” “Interesting name.” “I know. My parents were from Bora Bora. It’s a national flower there.” “Really? You don’t look like you’d come from there…” “No. Not really. They just liked the name.” She laughed quietly and continued to move through the kitchen. He followed her. The two continued to talk for quite some time, passing the time. It felt like only a few minutes together, but it ended up being a few hours. “Hey… you want to go upstairs?” “Why..?” She raised a brow at him. “To talk more! It’s really loud down here.” “Of course. Sure.” He grabbed her hand and lead her towards the stairs. Ezrynn caught James watching her out of the corner of his eye. She smiled big at him and gave him a salute with her hand. He nodded and continued his conversation with the girl in front of him. Dave found a room and lead Ez inside, closing the door behind him. He locked it and walked up behind her. She felt uneasy the moment the door closed. She heard it lock and felt even more uncomfortable. She turned around against him, his eyes closing for a brief second as she did it. “Mmm. I’ve been wanting to get you alone for a while now. We’ve got this energy between us, you know?” “Not really. You’re just good at speaking words that match mine. Good conversation.” “And this little number you have on…? I’d love to see it all on the floor.” “Excuse me?” “I’ve seen the looks you’ve given me. I know what’s been going through your mind.” “You mean… you can read minds? Unbelievable.” “Alright… cut it out with the jokes. How about we get down on this bed.” “I don’t think so.” Ezrynn tried to move past him, but he grabbed her wrist, pulling her back towards him. “Let me go. You’re really drunk. Don’t be stupid.” “Nah. I like this idea better.” He continued holding onto her, pushing her backwards towards the bed. Then they heard a knock on the door. Dave pulled Ezrynn around in the room, holding her beside him. She let out a little yelp as he quickly moved them both. The door started to jiggle, as if someone was trying to get in. “Hello? Let me in!” Ezrynn knew it was Illiya. She began to yell her name, but her mouth was quickly covered by Dave’s large hand. “Ez? Are you in there?” Ezrynn screamed into his hand, but it wasn’t loud enough to alert anyone other than Illiya. They started to hear a pounding on the door. Like a small body hitting it. After a few seconds, they heard another voice. “What are you doing?” “Someones in there. They locked the door.” “Hey man! Parents room is off limits! I told you guys that. Fucksakes.” They heard a clinking sound, like a key in a hole. The door unlocked and slowly opened. “If the bed is fucked up, you’re fixing it.” A hand reached in, turning on the light. Ezrynn’s eyes widened, seeing her sister and the guy who came to help, Mike. “What the fuck?” Dave tossed Ezrynn to the bed and put his hands up. “I wasn’t gunna do anything. Just wanted a bit of ass, you know? And she was giving me the eyes, you know what I mean, man?” Dave winked at Mike. Illiya began to run for the guy to tackle him. Mike caught her and held her back with an arm around her waist. Ezrynn watched from the bed. “Get the fuck out of here, dude. That shit won’t fly around here. Especially not in this room. Who the fuck are you anyways? Get out of my house.” Dave shrugged and left the room. Illiya got out of the hold on her and joined Ez on the bed. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” “I’m ok. It was just a misunderstanding. In that he misunderstood a no for a yes.” Ezrynn shook her head, slightly angry with herself. Mike looked back at the two. “You good, Ez?” “Yeah, Mike. I’m fine. Thank you.” “No worries. I saw you come up here. Had to make sure you were cool.” Ez nodded and smiled slightly at him. He nodded back and left the room, closing the door to give them a bit of space. “What happened?” “We just came up here to talk. But he lied about the talking. I couldn’t get him off me.” She bit her lip, frustrated that she couldn’t even defend herself. “You’re lucky Mike and I came up. You’re lucky Mike came up.” “I am. Thank you. Mike is a good guy too.” “Apparently. We need to change something, Ez. We need to change ourselves. I never want this to happen again. I won’t always be there. And not everyone is smart enough to notice something is wrong like Mike.” “I agree…” - - - - - December 28th, 2016 Vancouver, B.C. “I forgot about this… The whole thing with that guy Dave… Turns out Dave never left like he was told to. Mike and a couple of the other guys ended up bringing him out front and beating the shit out of him. We never saw him again. I’m even still friends with Mike.” She smiled slightly and brought the photo to her chest. “This was the beginning of the rest of our lives. Illiya’s call. My agreeing. If this hadn’t happened, we’d probably have never begun our road to becoming wrestlers. Honestly… I’m thankful for it every day. In my own way.” She let out a happy sigh and let the photo fall to the floor. “I should pack…” She moved to the suitcase and picked it up, moving it to her room to pack for Osaka. |