Date Posted:06/18/2013 15:30 PMCopy HTML
 | [This is supposed to take place before the night Gabriel has Illiya meet him]
Quite frankly, Damian has had enough of this damn bird following him around. Damian has decided to enlist the help of his friend Dorian, also known as Shadow (think short-haired Criss Angel with blue hair). He is somewhat of an expert in matters of the spirit. Damian has tried everything from caging to killing the bird and nothing has helped, so Damian concludes it must be something supernatural.
Dorian has the bird in his hands. He is inspecting every inch of its body and is holding its head still while he stares into its eyes.
Dorian: I don't see anything that points to the paranormal. It looks like a normal bird to me.
Gabriel: I've literally killed this bird and it was there again the next morning. That's even more immortality than you have. It must be something.
Dorian: Hmm. Sounds a lot like vampirism. Remember how you got stabbed through the chest that one time and you didn't die because it missed your heart? Maybe there's just a special way it needs to die. How did you do it?
Gabriel: I snapped its neck.
Dorian: Well, that rules out vampirism. Cutting off the connection to the central nervous system is the other way to kill a vampire.
Damian drops his head in frustration.
Gabriel: I want to know why this damn thing is following me, Dorian. I just started my new life. I've found someone to love. I'm finally ready to accept the darkness in my past and move on. I don't need some creepy ass bird stalking me for the rest of my life.
Dorian releases the bird and it flies to perch on top of Damian's locker. Dorian turns to face his friend who is now sitting on a bench with his face in his hands.
Dorian: I don't know what to tell you. I wish I could help. Whatever this is, I have no idea what the cause could be. It appears to be specially designed for you. Though...
Dorian gets a look of epiphany on his face. He slowly looks over at the bird.
Dorian: Call it over here.
Damian extends his arm and the raven flies over and sits on it. Dorian walks up to it and kneels down. He stares into its eyes.
Dorian: Don't let it move.
Dorian grabs the raven by both sides of its face. He says a few words in latin and passes out. Damian lets the bird fly back to its perch and kneels down to check on his friend. His pulse is still strong and he is breathing normally.
Gabriel: It must be some kind of spell...
Dorian wakes up in a room of impenetrable darkness. He can't see anything on any side of him. This is exactly as he expected. Dorian's spell was intended to go into the bird's subconscious but it sent him directly to Damian's. This means the bird is a spiritual animal and takes its orders from within Damian's mind.
Dorian: Alright birdie. Who is your master?
His voice echoes. His question is answered by the figure of a woman. She steps out from the darkness and her very presence emits light.
Dorian: An aura of light penetrating the darkness of Damian's must be her.
She doesn't answer right away. She nods to answer his question. After looking around warily, she finally speaks.
Illiya: I am...but I can't help him yet. "He" is still master of this place...
Dorian: Who?
A vampire with blood red hair steps out from the darkness.
Nosferatu: She means me, Shadow.
Illiya's image disappears at a wave of Nosferatu's hand. Dorian is obviously suspicious of his intent.
Nosferatu: Don't worry old friend. I haven't come to fight you. After all, you called me.
Dorian: The raven? You're its master?
Nosferatu: 'twould be far more accurate to say I created it. Damian is its master now. The raven is a manifestation of his guilt over his past. It can't be destroyed so long as I exist within him.
Dorian nods with intent, instinctively reaching for the sword that isn't there. Nosferatu waves him off with disdain.
Nosferatu: Waste not your strength. Only he can destroy me. A fight here will solve nothing.
Dorian: How? If you are a part of him then that would surely kill off part of his mind.
Nosferatu shakes his head and smiles devilishly.
Nosferatu: Nay. To fight me, he must face me. He knows where he must go.
Nosferatu's image fades as he says this. And...
Dorian's eyes slowly open. Damian is sitting on the bench above him with the raven on his shoulder.
Dorian: How long was I...?
Gabriel: About an hour. What did you find?
Dorian sits up and takes a drink from a nearby water bottle.
Dorian: The bird is a familiar...
This appears to surprise Damian.
Gabriel: Whose? He isn't mine and he isn't yours...
Dorian puts his hand up to halt him.
Dorian: He IS yours. Nosferatu created him from your guilt.
Gabriel: If he is mine then why can't I get rid of him?
Dorian: So long as Nosferatu exists, so does it.
Damian sits down on the bench again in defeat.
Dorian: Damian...I saw her in there. She was the only light in the place. You need to let her in.
Damian shakes his head.
Gabriel: I'm afraid to. I don't know what he will do to her.
Dorian considers this for a moment. He sits down next to Damian and puts his hand on his shoulder.
Dorian: You know, I don't think he will do anything to her. I don't know if he even can. He is a part of you after all and you like her. I think she might actually be able to help you. Does she like you?
Damian shrugs.
Gabriel: I haven't asked her.
Dorian: You should find out. After the little incident you told me about in the gym I'm sure she could use an explanation. Meet with her in private and see what she says.
Damian nods.
Gabriel: You're right. To hell with Nosferatu. My past is dead. She's all I want to see now.
Thus, Damian calls Illiya and asks her to meet him. This is how it began... |