Title: Harlow Stats | |
Steffaniesstuffff > Harlow Blue > Mainstream | Go to subcategory: |
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Date Posted:05/06/2020 22:39 PMCopy HTML [center][hr] [color=#FF0040][b][size=3]★ MAINSTREAM WRESTLING ★[/size] [size=2]★ WRESTLER BIOGRAPHY ★[/size][/b][/color] [hr] [b][size=1]★ [u]APPEARANCE[/u] ★[/size][/b] [img]https://imgshare.io/images/2020/05/06/uc57z9wd36pz.jpg[/img] [b]RIAE SUICIDE[/b] [hr] [color=#FF0040][size=3][b]★ WRESTLER INFORMATION ★[/b][/size][/color] [b][size=1]★ [u]NAME[/u] ★[/size][/b] Harlow Blue [b][size=1]★ [u]ALIAS[/u] ★[/size][/b] N/A [b][size=1]★ [u]HOMETOWN[/u] ★[/size][/b] London, UK [b][size=1]★ [u]AGE[/u] ★[/size][/b] 25 [b][size=1]★ [u]HEIGHT[/u] ★[/size][/b] 5’6” [b][size=1]★ [u]WEIGHT[/u] ★[/size][/b] 127 lbs. [hr] [color=#FF0040][size=3][b]★ WRESTLER DETAILS ★[/b][/size][/color] [b][size=1]★ [u]WRESTLING STYLE[/u] ★[/size][/b] Brawler/High Flyer [b][size=1]★ [u]BRIEF CAREER BIOGRAPHY[/u] ★[/size][/b] Harlow was born in London, UK in 1995. She moved to California when she was 14 with her family, but returned when she was 23 to live there on her own and join the wrestling circuits in the London area. Two years later, she still considers London home, but with being on the road, she was there less and less. She started getting into wrestling when she was 17. She made her debut as a manager for a local indy wrestler in California and began to learn the ropes in the ring. She would do some small fights with other managers in the ring, while training behind the scenes with the wrestler she managed. Midway through 18, she finally began her career in the ring as a wrestler. She began growing her record and making a bit more of a name for herself. As a free agent, she was able to jump from different companies and began creating feuds with and going up against many other wrestlers in the scene in London and the surrounding area. At 24, she decided to move back to working in the States, hoping it would expose her to a larger audience. She did a few circuits, but decided to stick to one place to plant her feet. And that's where we're at today. [b][size=1]★ [u]ENTRANCE THEME[/u] ★[/size][/b] "Thank You For The Venom" by Forbidden Seasons [b][size=1]★ [u]ENTRANCE DESCRIPTION[/u] ★[/size][/b] The lights dim leaving only two blue lights shining at the entrance. "Thank You For The Venom" by Forbidden Seasons starts up and the crowd starts to cheer. The song picks up and out steps Harlow Blue, arms up in the air. Two white lights shine beside each of the blue ones, giving a glowing effect on Harlow as she makes her way to the ring. She blows kisses to a few fans as she gets up onto the mat. She gets under the lowest set of turnbuckles, and heads to each corner of the ring as the lights return to normal. She riles up the fans, getting bigger pops. At the end, she gets into the middle of the ring to await her opponent. [b][size=1]★ [u]ALIGNMENT[/u] ★[/size] FACE/TWEENER/HEEL[/b] Tweener [b][size=1]★ [u]MANAGER[/u] ★[/size][/b] - [b][size=1]★ [u]MANAGER PIC BASE[/u] ★[/size][/b] - [b][size=1]★ [u]ALLIES[/u] ★[/size][/b] - - - [b][size=1]★ [u]ENEMIES[/u] ★[/size][/b] - - - [hr] [color=#FF0040][size=3][b]★ FINISHER MOVE LIST ★[/b][/size][/color] [b]***1 TO 3***[/b] - "Blue Diamonds" - Tarantula Rope Backbreaker - "Teal Dreams" - Bridging Fall-away Slam (pin) - "Sapphire" - Fisherman’s Suplex [hr] [color=#FF0040][size=3][b]★ HANDLER INFORMATION ★[/b][/size][/color] [b][size=1]★ [u]REAL FIRST NAME[/u] ★[/size][/b] - [b][size=1]★ [u]YOUR ACTUAL AGE[/u] ★[/size][/b] 31 [b][size=1]★ [u]CHARACTER TWITTER HANDLE[/u] ★[/size][/b] @xHarlowBluex [b][size=1]★ [u]HOW DID YOU FIND US?[/u] ★[/size][/b] Suggested by a friend |