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- Register:12/07/2008 01:08 AM
Date Posted:08/27/2015 01:59 AMCopy HTML
 | Our scene opens up in the all too familiar vestiges of Haven Van Slyke's office, the lady in question sat behind her desk, looking extremely busy. She's concentrating very hard, flicking through papers, no doubt planning the forthcoming show, whilst juggling all the other business dealings and drama that comes with running a wrestling promotion. And unfortunately for Haven, she's interrupted by a light knock on the door, causing her to roll her eyes as she tears herself away from the papers in front of her.
Haven: Yes?
"It's your favourite person!"
Haven groans inwardly as she recognises the voice, as do we, we're all getting used to these visits by now. Without waiting for another word from Haven, the door swings open and in strolls Isabella Taylor with a little grin on her face. She dressed a lot more casually than usual, maybe this isn't lawyer business after all. She has on a pair of knee-high brown leather boots over the top of skin tight jeans, a short-sleeved, low-cut brown top to match. Her long brown locks swing loose around her shoulders as she struts into the room and takes a seat opposite Haven, opening her mouth to speak, but getting cut off before she can utter a word.
Haven: Let me guess, "we have to talk"?
Isabella brushes off Haven's brusque manner and lets out a little chuckle, her grin growing in size.
Isabella: Oh Haven, you know me so well. But this isn't lawyer talk, don't worry.
Haven just stares across at Isabella, not a single expression crosses her face, she's not in the mood for fun and games.
Isabella: Oh come on Haven, don't be such a sourpuss. At least I knocked this time.
Haven: What do you want?
Haven's voice is deadpan, much like her expression, and Isabella notices this change in her, her grin slipping a little.
Isabella: So anyway, like I said, this is just a little talk between two girls. Your main event this week, it's ridiculous.
Haven's gaze turns into a bit of a glower at this comment, she doesn't like to be insulted, clearly.
Isabella: We all know what's going to happen Haven. Hell, if we couldn't have guessed already, Bryan's openly admitted it himself. He's going to throw Ryan to the wolves, you may as well have booked it as three versus one, because that's what it's going to be.
Haven: Losing faith in the wonder that is Ryan Cain, are you?
Isabella pauses for a second, this isn't like Haven, she's not outright nasty like that, no matter how much Isabella throws at her. Maybe she's finally cracked?
Isabella: Of course not, I know he's more than capable of looking after himself. But he's the Champion now. He's got a target the size of Texas painted on his back in neon ink, he has enough to worry about. He doesn't need to be ambushed by his own partner.
Haven: The match is booked, deal with it. It's too late to change anything now. It's been hyped all week, the ratings that partnership is going to draw will be phenomenal.
Isabella: If it's hype and ratings you're worried about, then book me instead.
This actually gets Haven's full attention, her eyes widen a little, she's not sure she heard that right.
Haven: Excuse me?
Isabella: You heard me. Swap me in for Bryan. I still know how to lace up a pair of wrestling boots Haven. And I can do more than just look out for Ryan legally, I can watch his back from a physical standpoint just as well, trust me. And what would draw more ratings than Isabella Taylor's in-ring return to the W2K ring, hmm?
Haven actually smirks now, but still she shakes her head slightly, no matter how intriguing this offer, she still doesn't want to mess with her main event.
Haven: You're not a contracted employee here at this current time.
Isabella: That didn't stop you when it came to Trash Can Man, did it? And don't throw legal jargon in my face Haven, you know we could whip up a contract in no time if it was deemed necessary. So, is it necessary?
Haven seems to think this over for a second or two, but smirks and shakes her head again.
Haven: The main event stays as it is.
Isabella huffs and rolls her eyes, not believing she still isn't getting through to her.
Isabella: Oh come on Haven! If you're worried about dumping Bryan out of the main event, I wouldn't. He ceremoniously humiliated you on live television, he doesn't give a crap about you, so you should return the favour. Screw him, he's an assho-
Haven suddenly jumps to her feet, her chair slamming against the wall behind her, her hands slapping down onto the desk, a look of pure fury in her eyes.
Haven: It stays as it is. Now get out.
The glares she aims in Isabella's direction is almost frightening. This is a completely different Haven to the one Isabella is used to dealing with. She's not a pushover usually, but she's never been like this with her before. The two don't exactly get along, and Haven usually ends up frustrated, but she's never lost it this much before. Isabella herself seems frozen to her chair, not quite sure how to react to this.
Haven: Get. Out.
Knowing she isn't going to get anywhere wih Haven like this, Isabella stands up and heads towards the door, turning back for one more look.
Isabella: I'm not done with you, no matter how bitchy you've gotten lately.
And with that, she turns and leaves the room, slamming the door behind her as she begins to march down the corridor.
"It didn't go too well then?"
Her anger dissippates as she glances behind her, to find Ryan Cain leaning against the nearest wall, a little smirk on his face. He has on his usual pair of jeans and a black shirt, his shiny new belt hanging over his shoulder.
Isabella: Not exactly, no. Must be her time of the month or something, she was a total bitch.
Ryan just grins and pushes away from the wall, slinging his arm around Isabella's shoulders, as the two begin to head down the corridor, presumably to exit the building.
Ryan: I told you not to bother. I'll be fine, honestly. I just have to watch my back a little more carefully than usual.
Isabella: Well I had to try, didn't I? You're constantly put in crappy situations, and it's starting to get to me.
Ryan: Only now?
Ryan smirks down at her and she just smiles back up at him, she knows what he means. He's been in crappy situation after crappy situation for years, why would this week be any different?
Isabella: You know what I mean. You're the champ now, it's different. If you keep being treated in the same way you have been in recent years, then you'll be screwed out of this bad boy before you know it.
Isabella reaches up a hand and lays a palm gently on the surface of the W2K World Championship belt.
Isabella: And I'll be damned if I sit back and let that happen. I even offered to take Bryan's place, but she wouldn't have any of it.
This causes Ryan to stop in his tracks, as he stares down at Isabella, a little taken back.
Ryan: Seriously?
Isabella: Yes, seriously. I know I choose not to wrestle anymore, and I didn't exactly plan to jump in and do it again anytime soon, but you know, if the situation called for it, I'd be there to back you up in a heartbeat.
The two just smile at each other for a second or two, before Isabella reaches out and grabs Ryan's hand, pulling him along beside her.
Isabella: But that day won't be this Saturday according to the almighty Haven. We can however, eat when we want, she doesn't dictate that just yet. So let's go, I'm starving.
Ryan can't help but smile at that, this girl is always hungry. He allows himself to be led down the corridor towards the exit, the prospect of dinner out on the town awaiting the two of them. |