NC. Let's Make a Deal ooc: NC between myself and Steff
Immediately after the dismantlement of his opponent, Devin Hawk rolled out of the ring and began to make his way to the backstage area of the Howlin’ Wolf. The fans were indifferent to him still. The majority of the fans had a major dislike for the man known as ‘The Ripper’. Felt his violent ways were a little too much to handle, and after the destruction of his recent opponent, and of Donovan de Verges at Feast or Famine - Devin Hawk obviously wasn’t in their good books. However, there were a few of the bloodthirsty few that enjoyed men like Devin ripping people apart. He walked to the back, a slow, menacing march. His hands ran over his head, pushing hair out of his face and behind his head immediately before pushing through the curtain that lead backstage. He passed a few nameless BCW staff members, as well as a few wrestlers prepping for their matches. One person in particular that he passed…. Rorie Steele. These two have had words with each other a few times over twitter, and he even took her in for a couple of training sessions - as previously seen. She was in the process of beginning an interview with Samantha Kingston. As he passed, his eyes locked on hers …. and her’s did the same. She obviously just watched what happened, and how she felt about the situation was anyone’s guess. He didn’t stop his stride to the dressing room, but at the nearest point to her in his path of passing her by, he grinned. The usual blank, emotionless face of Devin Hawk actually cracked into a grin. She didn’t react...only watched him. And just like that, he passed her and vanished down the hall….
The Next Day.
Devin Hawk wasn’t training today. He absolutely hated taking days off from training, but he figured he should rest for a day before preparing for his next match. He’s out on the town in New Orleans. A few passer byers notice the heavily tattooed, thick bearded man and recognize him from the destruction he’s caused in BCW. Others pay him no mind. Anyway, he’s downtown New Orleans somewhere, sitting outside of a cafe bistro. Not a typical hang out for the Ripper, but he was finally taking in the sights of the city which he called a temporary home, so he stopped for a coffee and decided to relax for a moment. His eyes darted from side to side, watching people as they passed. If he wanted he could lunge out at the next person and strangle the life from them - but was keeping his urge in check. He spotted her across the street, maybe even before she did him.
She, of course, was Rorie. She had just stepped out of a limo, her hands rummaging through her purse. She didn’t look frantic or anything, she actually made the whole thing look rather elegant. Which is kind of a weird word to use for Rorie… but I used it anyways. She had on a pencil skirt paired with a tight white dress shirt tucked into it. She wore black Louboutin heels on her feet. It looked as if she was going to or coming from somewhere important. Her sunglasses started to slip down the bridge of her nose. She finally found what she had been looking for, twirling the long, thin tube-shaped item in her fingers. She put her purse on her shoulder, pushing her sunglasses up on her nose. She looked across the street, instantly seeing Devin sitting there, staring at her. Of course. Of course he would be where she was. She looked from him to the store in front of her and then back to him. She had been planning on going into the extremely expensive clothing store, but now she had to actually make conversation with someone. Because she wasn’t going to be rude… again… extremely weird of her not to be. She rolled her eyes behind the sunglasses and let out a sigh. She stepped onto the street, confidently walking towards him on the other side of the street. Cars pulled to a stop both ways, allowing her to walk safely, even without her bothering to look. People just liked the view. She stood over him at the table, staring down at him.
RORIE STEELE “the black widow” "What are you looking at?"
His lips fashioned into a smirk, and he chuckled under his breath at her statement. As if it were all about her. Devin was dressed in a pair of fitted jeans, ripped at the right knee worn into his Doc Martin boots. A black shirt underneath a red and black flannel shirt, and a black beanie atop of his head. His eyes were locked on her the second she crossed the street, and now he stares up at her from his seated position. DEVIN HAWK “the ripper” "There it is. Rorie Steele acting big and tough like always. I was minding my own business, people watching. I spotted you and continued about my business. You made the effort to come over to me. What’s up?" RORIE STEELE “the black widow” "I just didn’t want you to start crying if I didn’t come over. Plus… you were… LITERALLY staring at me. For a good couple of minutes." The tube she had removed earlier was still in her hand. She opened the top. It was lip gloss. She put some on her lips, making them stand out more. She placed the tube back into her purse. RORIE STEELE “the black widow” "You were just so taken by my beauty that you couldn’t stop staring. I get it. I would have too." He watched her paint her lips, fighting every urge inside to grab her and throw her to the ground right now. For what purpose...you’ll never know. But anyway. He remained calm, his hand on the table shook only slightly. Not really enough to draw attention. DEVIN HAWK “the ripper” "So you noticed me staring, did you? I take it you were looking as well? As far as your beauty is concerned. You are right. You are breathtaking."
He didn’t say much more, taking a sip from his coffee. She remained silent, watching his movements.
DEVIN HAWK “the ripper” "As far as crying is concerned. I wouldn’t consider that a possibility. How are you coping after Last Call Brawl? After he up and left the Bayou.."
He asked, referencing the man who was supposed to be his opponent - the guy that she had been seen linked to a few times. She just stared blankly at him for a few moments. Then it clicked.
RORIE STEELE “the black widow”
"Oh! That dude? Right... " She shrugged her shoulders. "Whatever."
She raised a perfect brow at Devin. She had no emotions towards the other man. They hooked up a few times. She didn’t care about him all that much. He nodded his head, taking in her response.
DEVIN HAWK “the ripper” "Figured it would be something like that."
He took another sip of his coffee..
DEVIN HAWK “the ripper” "So. Big, tough Rorie. When do I get to see you in the ring. See how good you really are?"
She ignored everything he said after the first four words.
RORIE STEELE “the black widow”
"I swear to baby Jesus in a fucking manger… if you call me ‘big’ one more time, I’m going to spear you from across this table and slit your throat. I don’t really want to ruin my outfit, so please don’t test me."
She clenched her teeth.
RORIE STEELE “the black widow”
"As for the ring… You’ve seen me in action. Winning my Vixen title. Doesn’t that show you exactly who I am?"
He did enjoy pressing her buttons. It was fun for him.
DEVIN HAWK “the ripper” "Violent side, I like it." He grinned. "And as far as that match, I saw bits and pieces. I was busy, finalizing my contract. Everything isn’t about you, love."
RORIE STEELE “the black widow”
"Everything is about me. Which is why you’re going to get up off of your ass and come across the street with me. I have things to do. You can hold my purse."
He scoffed at her, and finished his coffee.
DEVIN HAWK “the ripper” "You’re high, Rorie. I’m not holding your bag."
He stood up from his chair, walking over to the garbage can and disposing of his coffee cup. His eyes shot to her, and he stood motionless.
DEVIN HAWK “the ripper” "So what is this. A date or something now? I have to take you shopping…?"
She raised a brow at him again. This dude serious right now?
RORIE STEELE “the black widow”
"Excuse me? A what? I don’t go on dates."
She shakes her head.
RORIE STEELE “the black widow”
"You don’t have to hold my purse, then… but you still have to come with me."
DEVIN HAWK “the ripper” "Have to, do I? I don’t recall agreeing to any of this. So I’ll see you later.."
He turned to start walking away, leaving her with an angered look. She was about to say something, but he stopped and turned around. Seems he came up with an idea..
DEVIN HAWK “the ripper” "Tell you what. I tag along with you, and you do something that you don’t normally do. Let me take you on a date.."
She stood there, still staring at him. The fucking prick. Honestly… she could just say no and leave it at that.
RORIE STEELE “the black widow”
"Like I said… I don’t do dates."
She just stared at him for a moment. He started to turn away again, but she grabbed his arm, pulling him towards the street.
RORIE STEELE “the black widow”
“We’re not calling it a date… just so you know."
He didn’t resist, allowing her to pull him with her.
DEVIN HAWK “the ripper” "I’m calling it whatever it is. It’s a date."
He smiled again, they now crossed the street with reckless abandon again, Rorie leading the way and not looking both ways. Cars squealed to a stop, horns filled the air. A few angry people yelled out of their windows. Though, nothing would transpire. Rorie would have shot them some attitude, maybe even fight them...but she KNEW Devin could take out whoever was brave enough.
RORIE STEELE “the black widow”
"Ugh. NOT a date."
She pulled him into the first store she came up to, and that was the end of the video. |