Title: Pandemonium 9-15-12 | |
Steffaniesstuffff > Rorie Steele > BBW | Go to subcategory: |
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Date Posted:08/28/2015 05:23 AMCopy HTML With the ring being cleared of the carnage that Justin Black just left behind. We cut away to see Rorie Steel draped across a sofa in her dressing room making every man jealous of a lollipop with the way she works it over.
Rorie" Hurry up Sugar, you are up next and I expect to be pleased if you want to be pleased" Jonathan Andrew Reed steps from the bathroom looking at Rorie and taking a deep breath trying to keep from soiling up another pair of boxers over the vivacious vixen. " Damn this almost looks better than you....Almost" JAR holds up Winterborn's golden case kissing it. " How's about a mouth hug for luck?" Rorie rolls her eyes with the show going to Commercial Break |
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Re:Pandemonium 9-15-12 Date Posted:08/28/2015 05:25 AMCopy HTML Pandemonium returns from commercial break with Mitch Phillips waiting to introduce the next match. Avery" Jonathon Andrew Reed debut at the pay per view revealing that he had been behind the set up of Phoenix Winterborn because apparently he really wants Rorie Steele and she really wants to mess with Winterborn's mind right now. She is a spiteful young woman that has JAR wrapped around her pinky finger with promises of maybe having sex with him someday. " Huggy" A man that is driven by his hormones can be a very dangerous man." Avery" Lets take a look back at JAR's antics since his arrival in BBW under a disguise" A video package plays showing the mystery camera man arriving on the scene and nearly burning Krys Jericho's face off, and setting up Winterborn to look like the culprit behind it all. We see the ladder match at Bad to the Bone when it looked like Winterborn was going to grab on of the three golden cases only to have JAR show up and steal the case for what he now calls safe keeping. With Rorie Steele pulling the strings, this puppet has become a very big thorn in Winterborn's side. We cut back to the live shot with Mitch's deep voice ringing out over the crowd noise. Mitch" The following match is scheduled for one fall with a twenty minute time limit!" "Save your life " Newsboys plays over the sound system with the self-proclaimed Hardcore Icon Salman Van Dam making his way towards the ring. The newfound cheers for SVD sound out from the crowd as he makes his way towards the ring slapping hands with a few fans along the aisle. Avery" SVD is a road weary warrior that has been in about as many places as Matt Ward, perhaps that's why the two men dislike each other so much. Salman has slowly built a fanbase here in Bare Bones Wrestling though when he showed some compassion for James Tsunami." Huggy" He didn't see so compassionate when he was saying such mean things about Rorie Steele, how dare he talk bad about such an upstanding woman." Avery" Still not returning your calls huh? " Huggy" Not a one" The music changes to " Hillbilly better put up some stats before I beat his ass" by Andrew is so damn awesome. SVD stares hard at the entrance ramp waiting for JAR and Rorie Steele to The curtain parts and out comes Steele and Reed walking arm in arm together towards the ring. Reed popping open the front of his vest showing off his physique. make an appeAvery" It is amazing that a girl who is so beautiful is so spiteful and mean. Not to mention Promiscious with anyone but apparently JAR" Huggy" She just needs some Bear in her Cave" Avery" I cannot express how disturbing that is" Rorie has the Gold Case in her hands with it handcuffed to her wrist like she is carrying Nuclear Secrets or something. JAR hits the ring with Chaz Charles calling for the bell. SVD and JAR come together in the middle of the ring slugging it out with SVD backing JAR back towards the ropes. JAR rakes the Hardcore Icon's eyes temporarily blinding him. JAR drives a knee into SVD's stomach, whipping him acrossed the ring. SVD reverses JAR into the ropes catching him on the rebound with a big back body drop that has JAR bouncing around on the mat grabbing his back. Avery" SVD is coming out on fire here tonight and already has Reed reeling" Huggy" Rorie needs to get her man outside the ring and regroup with him before he lets Apu get the better of him" Avery" I apologize to the Pakistan and Indian communities for Harold's words" Huggy" What? I didn't say anything about Indians, I love their Casinos" Avery" Nevermind" SVD hits the ropes picking up speed, but his momentum is halted quickly by the briefcase swung at his back dropping him to the mat with a thud. Outside the ring the Best BJ in the Business smirks with the boos ringing out. JAR grins picking up SVD with intentions of possibly putting away the Hardcore Icon when " Playing the Saint" by Digital Summer hits. JAR gets bug eyed with Rorie turning towards the ramp and the fans going nuts. The American Tradition Phoenix Winterborn steps through the curtain looking out over the fans, who only get louder. He reaches into his pocket pulling out a microphone as the music fades away. Winterborn" Well isn't this special. Little Jonnie done got himself a whore and some big boy pants. To bad the whore wont put out and the big boy pants don't come in extra small" The crowd bursts into laughter with JAR forgetting about SVD now and glaring at Winterborn jawing at him from the ring. Winterborn" Did you two nitwits really think you could take that case from me and I was just going to walk away with my head hung low? Obviously you didn't pay to much attention Rorie, because you should know I never back down. So now you and your little boy bitch have something I want back and I'm here to get it the easy way or when we get to Florida I will make it a very, very hard way." Rorie holds up the case handcuffed to her wrist and grins, shaking her head. Winterborn" Oh that's okay...I came prepared" Winterborn reaches behind his back pulling a hacksaw from his waistband. He grins at Rorie" I just can't decide I will wanna go through the handcuff or the bone" Rorie immediately books it around the ring with JAR jumping out of the ring as both leap over the ringside barricade with Winterborn in hot pursuit. Chaz's count reaches ten as SVD gets up confused as to what just happened. Avery" Jonathon Andrew Reed and Rorie Steele are running like thieves in the night from Winterborn, but they wont be able to run in two weeks time when we reach Florida and Winterborn gets his case back" Huggy"IF...If he gets his case back" Mitch"Here is your winner via the countout....The Hardcore Icon Salman Van Dammmmm!!" SVD stands in the middle of the ring getting a nice ovation from the fans. Avery" We will be right back folks with the debut of Lucas Prodigy taking on the original franchise Larry Steele." Huggy" The Beast is about to be unleashed, can the Franchise survive with his new partner in crime Nikki Vanity in his corner?" The show heads into commercial showing Rorie Steele and JAR running from the Vet Memorial and jumping into a car. JAR leaves a streak of rubber on the pavement as he peels out just seconds before Winterborn reaches his car. Winterborn smirks " In Florida, there will be no more running for either of you" arance. |