Title: Show Crap | |
Steffaniesstuffff > Illiya and Ezrynn > RWF | Go to subcategory: |
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Date Posted:02/21/2011 17:18 PMCopy HTML We return from commercial break with footage of what just transpired between Morgan Mordenthane and Justin McCall, with the return of the Soviet Stomper now apparently under the employment of McCall as he seeks revenge on Morgan for what he perceives as Morgan stealing Jasmine Jericho away from him. Hog" Welcome back folks, and if you are just joining us. I hope you got DVR, VCR or...what's that other one called? Tito" Barry" Tivo, not Tito" Hog" Well you need something to catch up with what has been an action packed show from the opening bell and we still got that huge Main Event here tonight when TJ Mares defends her championship against Teresa Ramos. But right now I understand we have caught back up with Javen and Isis out on their date" Barry" What are the two lovebirds up too now?" We cut away back to the open air cafe where Javen is sitting with his head down, minus the praying this time and loud lip smacking chewing is heard from the other side of the table sounding something like Hyenas stripping a full size Water Buffalo to the bone. Isis" I want dessert!!" Javen looks up Javen" So get something...You already maxed out my credit anyway" Isis licks her lips" I don't want that kind of dessert Sugar Tush" Javen"Oh god...Look we need to talk about this" Isis reaches out snatching his hand with her vice like grip" I know a place where we can be all alone" Javen" I would much rather stay here...I like public places." Isis looks around and shrugs" I can do kinky...Lets go to the bathroom" Javen" No!! That's not what I meant....I...I....Uhhhh....Im Gay!!" Isis looks him up and down chuckling" Doesn't surprise me with that hair, but I will turn you back Sugar Tush...One night with me and you will never want a man again" Javen" One night with you and I will never want to breath again" Isis" WHAT?!?!" Javen" I said one night with you and" "BOBBBBYYY!!" Javen looks up as the eccentric looking, spikey hair having, black make up wearing Ezrynn Rushing skips happily across the restaurant and plops down on Javen's lap. Ezrynn wraps her arms around Javen's neck and gives him a big kiss on the cheek leaving behind the ring of black lipstick. "How ya been Bobby...I haven't seen you in. Well I have never seen you huh?" "Javen....My names Javen, remember we met?" Isis lets out what almost sounds like a growl " Who the hell are you" Ezrynn looks at Isis, tilting her head to one side and then other before pounding on her chest and letting out a loud Tarzan-esque yell that has the entire restaurant looking. " Me Tarazan...You...You....You Magilla the Gorilla" Javen tries not laugh as Isis' teeth clench into a scowl. Ezrynn smiles happily and looks down at the table "Ooooooo....Ut oh" She scampers up onto the table her ass now shoved in Javen's face as she gets right over Isis's plate and begins to arrange what's left of the steaks. " I can save this cow....I NEED ER STAT!!! C'mon People, we got a dying animal here" Isis flings back her chair nearly taking out a man at the next table. Isis" I'm going to break every bone in your body" Ezrynn pops up onto her knees " Now we can work this out....I know where there is some bananas at Magilla" Isis lunges forward just as Illiya comes rushing up getting in between her sister and what could be certain demise. " Hold on...I'm so sorry. Ezrynn get off the table" Ezrynn rolls off the table landing on her feet and smiling as she strikes a pose like Gymnast just completing a Gold Medal Routine. Isis has hate in her eyes as Illiya grabs Ezrynn by her hand trying to drag her away. Illiya" We are really sorry...My sister is just a little hyper tonight" Ezrynn pulls away from Illiya and races back grabbing Javen and putting another big ole kiss on his other cheek leaving with him match black, mouth shaped marks on his face. Ezrynn" Nice seeing you again Bobbbyyyyy " She strokes Javen's hair and then staggers in a circle" The colors....The colors " Illiya grabs her hand and pulls her away apologizing again and again as she goes. Isis stares after them and kicks over the table." Go wash your face...I wanna leave!!" Javen jumps up heading to the bathroom as we cut back to the arena. Hog" Well it doesn't look like the Rainbow Haired Warrior's date is going so well Barry" Barry" What is it with these damn Terror Twins? Last show they were blowing up a computer and this show they are crashing a date. I swear that one girl needs to be put on a leash or main-line some Ritalin" Hog" They are two very interesting sisters, but you gotta admit they sure aren't dull" Barry" They aren't sane either" Hog" We will be right back folks with Duke Andrews in action against Dylan James. Duke has spent the last two shows for the RWF putting his hands on Ruby Cooper, lets see how he does against someone that can fight back" Barry" I seen Phoenix Winterborn earlier today as well Hog." Hog" That could be one violatile situation coming to a head here tonight. We will be right back folks, you don't wanna miss this" *Commercial Break* |
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Re:Show Crap Date Posted:02/21/2011 17:20 PMCopy HTML
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Re:Show Crap Date Posted:02/21/2011 17:23 PMCopy HTML