Title: Sydd Stats | |
Steffaniesstuffff > Syddnii Stryker > EE | Go to subcategory: |
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Date Posted:02/16/2010 03:08 AMCopy HTML ![]() Personal Information Name: Syddnii Rembrandt Stryker Hometown: Vancouver, B.C. Height/Weight: 5'8" / 128lbs. Face: Alissa White-Gluz Backstage Personality: She's a sweetheart to the people she knows. She jokes around a lot and usually has a smile plastered on her face. She'd rather sit around with a bunch of dudes and shoot the shit rather than be around girls. She's always found the guys to be a lot easier to get along with. Pranks are a favorite of hers. She'll do them on anyone at any time. She'll usually try and get someone to help her out too. It's always more fun with more people anyways. If she doesn't like you, expect dirty looks, her being a HUGE bitch, and the pranks being played on you. :) Ring Information Ring Name: Syddnii Stryker Announced From: Vancouver, B.C. Enterance Song: "Blood On My Hands" by The Used Fighting Style: She's mainly high-flyer, but loves to add that brawler style to all of her moves. She uses all of her power in most of her moves to take her opponant down. She's strong for such a small girl and likes to overpower her opponant. Once she's got them down, her love for high-flying shows. She'll be up on the ropes at any chance she can get. In-Ring Personality: Expect her to take the normal smile off her face and replace it with a smirk or a glare. She gets very into the match when it's time. She knows when she's allowed to play around and she knows when she has to win. At times, when it's to her advantage, she'll bring some fun into the ring. But only when she's winning. Commonly Used Moves: 1) Clothesline 2) Dropkick 3) Irish Whip 4) Schoolboy 5) Spear 6) DDT Advanced Moves: 1) Driving Elbow Drop 2) Flying DDT 3) Springboard Tornado DDT 4) Senton 5) Cobra Clutch Backbreaker Trademark Moves: 1) Powerslam 2) Triple Jump Moonsault 3) Neckbreaker Finisher: 1) 'On Stryke' -> Modified Widow's Peak : Put's hands stright out like a crucifix instead of holding them in. |