Title: The Terror Twins -- Xpensiv Sh!t I | |
Steffaniesstuffff > Illiya and Ezrynn > Redemption | Go to subcategory: |
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Date Posted:11/16/2017 00:34 AMCopy HTML ![]() “I rub my dick on expensive shit, I rub my dick on expensive shit. It’s like a dream come true, I’m living the dream, Bru. Rubbing my dick on expensive shit.” The scene opens up to Ezrynn dancing around in the hotel room the twins were sharing. She was singing along to a song, headphones in her ears. Illiya comes out of the bathroom, eyebrow raised at her sister. Illiya: “What the hell are you listening to?” Ezrynn hears her sister somewhat and pulls out one ear bud. She smiles. Ezrynn: “XP€N$IV $H1T. Die Antwoord.” She said it with all the symbols too. FYI. Illiya: “Right… Are you going to get dressed at all?” Ezrynn: “I saw your babes new Gucci shades… so I stepped to her face…” Illiya: “What?” Ezrynn: “And I rubbed my dick on expensive shit.” Ezrynn sang the words as she began to dance around the room. Illiya sighed in annoyance. Illiya: “Jesus Christ. Seriously… We have to get dressed. The dinner for Mikki’s birthday starts in an hour.” Ezrynn: “I saw Hugh Heff’s girlfriend’s new boobs… and I rubbed my dick on expensive tits.” Illiya: “We’re lucky enough to be in Japan for her birthday and you’re going to ruin it?” Ezrynn: “I saw Snoop Dogg’s long gold-plated bong… and I rubbed my dick on expensive shit.” Illiya: “Dude… seriously?” Ezrynn: “I saw Lady Gaga’s new telephone hat. And I rubbed my dick on expensive shit.” Illiya: “Ezrynn!” Ezrynn: “What? I’m fokkin’ busy!” She exaggerated her accent to sound extreme South African, mimicking the female singer of the group. Illiya: “Gods… We don’t have time for this. Stop fucking around and go get ready.” Ezrynn: “FINE!” She yelled as she ripped the headphones from her ears and threw her phone to the bed. She stomped off to the bathroom, slamming the door(without much sound, as there was a thingy on the door to stop that from happening) behind her. Illiya moved over to the bed and picked up the phone, putting in an ear bud, listening to the song. She tapped her foot slightly to the beat. Ezrynn: “Stop listening to my shit, puss!!” Ez yelled it from the bathroom, knowing her sister would be curious. Illiya sighed and turned off the song and placed the phone on the side table. About an hour later, Illiya was knocking on the bathroom door. She had changed into a black dress with a black brocade jacket over itShe had put on some simple makeup and left her hair down. Illiya: “Ez, come on! We’re already late!” She knocked a few more times before the door opened. The lights were off and it looked like smoke was pouring out of the room. It was steam, however. Ezrynn stepped out of the room slowly, being kind of creepy with her movements, but once her foot crossed the door frame, she put a big smile on her face and skipped over to her bed. She was, of course, covered from head to toe in black. Her bangs were pinned back on her head, with her teased hair falling down her back in loose waves. Her makeup was less extreme, but still very ‘Ez’. She was in a pair of leather pants with a black lacey corset top. Over that was a leather jacket. Ezrynn: “Check out my expensive shit, Ill.” She did a sort of dance, shaking her butt a bit. Illiya just rolled her eyes. Illiya: “Nobody will want to put their dick on it. Let’s go.” Ezrynn pouted, but followed her sister out of the hotel room. The two girls got into a cab that they had called for. Illiya spoke to the driver, giving directions to somewhere in close proximity to them. The girls spoke back and forth through the journey, talking about the plan for the night. Ez sometimes liked to go overboard with the drinking, which would hinder their planned workout for the next morning. Ezrynn promised she would be a good girl, which wasn’t always something she could keep. When they finally arrived at the place, the twins got out and made their way inside. Ezrynn, of course, would make a grand entrance… - - - - - ![]() Ezrynn’s Monologue “You know, boys… you’ve got a lot on your plates this week. You’re not just going against two little ladies in the ring. You’re going against the Terror Twins. Let’s be honest… we get put down a lot. We’re constantly told we’re not good enough. Told that we’re worthless in the ring. We’re skinny, so what harm can we do. Interesting enough, we’re actually quite good in the ring. Take last week for example… It took CHEATING to beat us. If that means we’re not great, I think you have another thing coming to you. We’re on the hunt for treasure. You two are just in our way.” “Mason Moore… The balloon-armed dork that is CONSTANTLY going on and on about himself. Talking up his ‘muscles’ and superior body. Sweet… you look dumb. You sound dumb. Sometimes I think you get other’s to type out your responses because I don’t know that that big, dumb head of yours could even think up a logical comeback. Not to mention those sausage-factory fingers that are likely incapable of even typing anything on the screen.” “But let’s be honest here, Mason.. You’re such an inspiration to me… An inspiration for what I’ll never choose to be. You’re narcissistic, stupid, and probably a misogynist. You’re dating a woman, sure, but she’s about as feminine as a male peacock. They may look kinda pretty sometimes, but deep down, they’re actually a dude.” “I’m not saying she’s a dude… but have you slept with her yet? She’s just kinda, you know, big? For a girl? You guys are a perfect couple, though. Guys.” “Now I love my body. There’s actually a lot of perks to being small. I bet you can’t even hug yourself, right? Because you’re arms are so big? You’re balloony muscles get in the way of each other. My sister and I, you see, we have this kind of convenient thing we can do. We can slip out of pretty tight spots. Your big arms can only squeeze so close to your own body. On someone larger in size, you’d be okay. That trick would work. But we have that as an advantage. Not to mention we do pack a punch. We’re not weak, as we may look.” “You’re looking for more and more different ways to tell us you’re going to win against us, even if is without the help of your partner. You desperately come at us on twitter, trying to prove what a big man you are. Ravenous in your words… in your desires. Maybe that’s what it is. Maybe you just desire us. Who doesn’t have a twin fantasy at some point in their life?” “I don’t blame you… but maybe you should start to focus more on your ‘significant other’ instead of bothering us on social media. ‘I’m going to beat you’, ‘I’m going to slam you around’, ‘I’m the best’. Doll… We’ve got a lot more in store for you than you can even fathom.” “And then there’s Anton Chase. What can I even say about this guy? He’s basically radio silent until the very last minute. Maybe we’ll hear from him… maybe not. Either way, nothing he can say will help them with this match. Two men butting heads doesn’t do too well in the ring. Let’s be honest… I think at LEAST that will be their downfall in this match. I’m not even going to go into the other factors.” “Being clever got us pretty far in life. Being tricky, even further. We try to keep our eyes on the prize. We will prove ourselves in this match. We will show everyone why we should have another chance at the treasure. We should have beat those pirates. But cheating wins, right? And whining… that wins too, huh? I guess next time Illiya and I should go to the boss and complain so we can have a second chance at winning. Not like those arseholes got hit in the face with metal. But, you know… C’est la vie. We’re just The Terror Twins, right?” “See you this weekend, boys. And good luck… you’ll honestly need it.” |