Title: The Terror Twins -- Xpensiv Sh!t II | |
Steffaniesstuffff > Illiya and Ezrynn > Redemption | Go to subcategory: |
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Date Posted:11/16/2017 00:35 AMCopy HTML ![]() Ezrynn and Illiya stepped into the restaurant; Illiya following a bit behind Ez. The girls saw their friends, sitting around a large table, chatting loudly. Ezrynn stretched out her arms, raising her voice. Ezrynn: “Ladies and Gentlemen! Ezrynn and Illiyana have entered the building!” The group turn to look at the girls, excitement coming from each person. A small woman pushed away from the table and somewhat ran towards the girls. Ezrynn got the first hug from the woman, who was much shorter. Ezrynn made her way to the table, exchanging pleasantries with the other people, bowing to some and hugging others. The smaller woman moved to Illiya, hugging around her waist. Illiya smiled and hugged her back, holding her tightly. Woman: “I missed you, Ill.” Illiya: “You too, Mikki. Happy birthday, doll.” The woman, Mikki, was a beautiful mixed Asian girl. Her black hair was slightly curled and left down her back. She wore contacts that made her iris’ much larger than normal, giving her a very young and innocent look. Mikki kept her arms around Illiya as they walked back to the table. Illiya exchanged pleasantries with the others as well and sat down at a spot beside her sister. The beginning of the night was filled with drinking, eating, and sharing old stories. Mikki had brought up an old story about the twins and herself getting into some trouble with the police when they were younger. Mikki: “Do you remember what Ez said to the cop? He was like, “How high are you?”. And she goes-“ Ezrynn: “No, officer… it’s ‘Hi, how are you?’ He was so angry with me. And then Illiya flashed him so we could run away. Honestly the perfect ending to that night.” Illiya: “Not one of my proudest moments, to be honest…” Ezrynn: “It’s one of mine. You did something out of your norm and it worked perfectly.” Mikki: “Not to mention saving us from getting arrested. I would have been deported.” Ezrynn: “Us too, probably.” The girls laughed. Mikki: “I miss America. It’s been so long.” Illiya: “It’s not terrible. I still like Canada better. But nothing is like Ireland.” Ezrynn: “Ireland always feels like home. But you’ll have to come visit soon. All of you! Come see one of our shows in America. It’s very different from the ones put on here.” The group continued to talk about random things. More drinks were had and everyone moved to club to finish the celebration. Illiya had forgotten about needing to watch her sister and just enjoyed herself for once. The girls danced the night away, enjoying every minute. At the end of the night, the girls started to head back to their hotel, which was a close walk. The girls were singing quite loudly. Illiya and Ezrynn: “I rub my dick on expensive shit, I rub my dick on expensive shit. It’s like a dream come true, I’m living the dream, Bru. Rubbing my dick on expensive shit.” The girls continue to sing and are quickly stopped by a police officer. He says something to them in Japanese, which neither can understand at the moment. Ezrynn speaks first, trying to be funny. Ezrynn: “No, officer, it’s ‘Hi, how are you?’” She smiles big at him. He raises a brow at her, clearly confused. Illiya does the only thing she can think to do at the moment. She raises her whole dress and flashes her undergarments to the officer. The dress gets stuck over her head just as Ezrynn grabs her arm and the two start to run away. Illiya is struggling to get her dress down, so she isn’t flashing anyone else. The two head in the direction of their hotel to hide and eventually sleep. The cop just watches them run off, completely confused. Officer: “Americans…” - - - - - ![]() Illiya’s Monologue “Sigh. Yes… the word sigh. Picture me literally sighing when I say it. It’s a sigh within a sigh. A sigh-ception. See what I did there? Whatever. Let’s pretend like I care what some people say about Ez and I. Let’s also pretend that one of our opponents isn’t a walking cliche. Because literally everything that man comes up with is the same response. As if his brain is much too small to come up with anything better. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised. His back and forth crap he does with my sister is beyond tiresome. One thing after another. Same old thing. You’re not better than us. You’re not Gods gift. You’re just a big ape that’s trying to intimidate with mere size. Guess what, monkey. being big doesn’t automatically give you a win.” “But let’s pretend these two things. Pretend like this match is simple and easy and nothing will hinder the outcome. Take comfort in knowing the ‘bigger guy always wins’…” “Yeah, fuuuuuck that. Comfort is a mystery. You know why? Because comfort is a lie. You may feel safe and secure. Comfortable. But at what cost? Being oblivious? Playing pretend? There’s no comfort here. There never is. Not in our world.” “Look at us. Look at The Terror Twins. Are we comforting? Do we make you feel comfort in your abilities? Do we make you feel confident in yourselves? I would say to most, we are. Two small women going up against big, big men. But is that the end of the story? No… We have much more to offer. Many more sights to show you. We’re no pushovers. We’re not easily knocked down. We give a fight. We even make people resort to cheating, it seems. Interesting, huh?” “Honestly, Mason… you disappoint me. I would have thought you’d have more to say. I would have thought you’d have changed it up a bit with your words. Maybe it’s better off this way… Maybe proving you’re all muscle is just as simple as not being able to come up with more than three key statements. It’s okay, Mr. Moore. We get it… You’ll beat us to the ground. You’ll slam us up and down. You’ll win this match without a scratch and make our heads spin round.” “See that? I made a rhyme. That was everything you’ve ever said, but with more entertainment. That’s show biz, kid.” “Wake up, Mason. You’re the hired muscle. As good as a bouncer in front of a club. Honestly… you’re really only there for show. Roid rage at its finest. Go back to that, my dear. I think you’d do a lot better in that line of work.” “As for Anton… it’s more of a waiting game. I constantly hear about the newest rehash of the same stale lines from Mason, but nothing from Anton. He’s just so quiet. Again, it’s difficult to not feel disappointed. To not feel slighted with our opponent. We have chatterbox McGee on one side and Anton on the other. What am I do do? What do I say?” “Apparently nothing. Nothing at all. Just like him. He has time on his side, of course. He has time to voice his opinion on us. To voice his hate and anger towards us. To act like he knows us and knows what we are and are not capable of. He has time to talk himself up and make himself feel like he’s bigger than us in every way. But what does that really get him? No matter what, you’ve still got two seemingly stubborn men teaming up against two women that are so incredibly in tune with each other. Who’s got the bigger advantage here, really?” “You don’t see us, boys. You see us on the outside… but you don’t REALLY see us. And that’s going to be your downfall. Your loss will be a tragedy. And we will enjoy every moment.” |