Title: The Terror Twins in -- Duct Tales Part I | |
Steffaniesstuffff > Illiya and Ezrynn > Redemption | Go to subcategory: |
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Date Posted:11/16/2017 00:32 AMCopy HTML ![]() We open up to a view of the Marine Messe Fukuoka Convention Centre in Fukuoka, Japan. It is night time, so only the lights of the centre provide any sort of indication of where to go. On the roof, two ladies are sneaking around. One is Ezrynn and the other is her sister, Illiya. Illiya: “Can’t we talk about this?” Ezrynn: “No. We have a mission. It may be impossible, be we must succeed.” Illiya: “What mission! There is no mission!” Ezrynn: “Stop yelling or you’ll get caught. Then I’ll have to pay a ransom to get you back. We haven’t been working long enough for me to pay it.” Illiya rolled her eyes in the dark. She continued to follow her sister. The two were dressed in all black, with Ezrynn showing too much of her pale skin to remain undetected if they were being sought out. The twins practically glow in the dark. Ezrynn spiked up mohawk swayed in the wind. Illiya: “Did you really need to do your hair, too?” Ezrynn: “Yes. It helps me focus. Now shush! We’re at the tunnel.” They stop in front of a large bent pipe at the top of the building. As if by some magic, it is perfectly their size. Easy to fit in. Nothing suspicious about that. Not to mention it was easy access into the building. Ezrynn: “All we have to do is jump in like Mario and we’ll transport into the building. And then… we implement our master plan.” Illiya: “What IS the plan? You haven’t even told me.” Ezrynn: “Did you bring the pail with you?” Illiya: “What pail?” Ezrynn: “The one that was in the back seat! Illiya! I told you to grab it!” Illiya: “No you didn’t. You just told me to follow you and then hummed the Mission Impossible theme while we climbed up here.” Ezrynn: “Oh yeah… Whoops! My bad! Well… change of plans.” She fishes around her small pockets, trying to find some stuff. Ezrynn: “Alright… I have a toothbrush and some lint. How about you?” Illiya raised a brow. She put her hands into her pockets, pulling out a stick of bubblegum, a lighter and a penny. Ezrynn put her fingers up to her chin. Ezrynn: “Welp… I got nothin’. Let’s jump in and find the spot.” Illiya: “Wait!” Before she could stop her, Ezrynn dove head-first into the pipe. A bit of knocking around was heard, and then nothing. Illiya raced to the opening. Illiya: “Ez! You okay?” Nothing. Illiya: “Ezrynn!” Still nothing. Illiya let out a frustrated sigh and climbed into the pipe, following her sister in. She yelped as she fell through the pipe, hitting hard metal at the bottom. Illiya: “Ow…” She rubbed her butt before squirming around to see if she could see where Ezrynn went. She looked one way, seeing a dead end. As she turned around, she was met with Ezrynn’s face right in front of hers. Ezrynn: “Boo.” Illiya gasped, jumping slightly. Illiya: “Goddamnit, Ez!” Ezrynn: “Shh… the pirates will hear us…” Illiya: “What pirates?” Ezrynn: “Shhh…” Ezrynn turned her body around in the metal ducts they were in. She started to make her way down the first tunnel on her hands and knees. Illiya followed reluctantly. After a little while, Illiya piped up. Illiya: “Can you tell me what we’re doing?” Ezrynn: “We’re setting a booby trap. So the pirates don’t find the gold.” Illiya: “What pirates?” Ezrynn: “The pirates! Those people we’re fighting this week.” Illiya: “You mean the other tag teams?” Ezrynn: “Yeah! Those. We have to protect the gold. And they’re on the verge of finding it. We can’t let them find it first.” Illiya: “Are you talking about the Tag Team Championships?” Ezrynn: “I don’t know. The gold belty things.” Illiya sighed. Illiya: “Alright, alright. So you want to set up a trap. And what.. you think that will help us in the ring?” Ezrynn: “Well if they’re not able to get to the ring, how can they compete? How can they find the golden treasure, huh? Huh??” Illiya nodded from behind. Illiya: “I see. But what if they get free? What do we do then?” Ezrynn: “We’ll just have to punch their butts and make sure they don’t pass GO and collect two hundred dollars.” Illiya: “Right…” Ezrynn: “Also… If we steal their pirates booty, we’ll render them weak and they won’t be able to defend themselves. We will have our victory!” Ezrynn’s arm shot up, instantly hitting the roof of the duct, making a loud metallic popping sound. Ezrynn: “Ouch!” She put her other hand over the injured one, rubbing it gently. Suddenly, the two heard footsteps. Ezrynn’s eyes opened wide as she perked up a bit. There was a small grate which made it so they could see down below. There was a man walking around below them, inspecting the area. Ezrynn turned her head to Illiya, whispering loudly. Ezrynn: “There’s a spy down there! He know’s we’re here. We have to move! BE QUIET!” Ezrynn began to crawl… loudly… further into the tunnel. She turned right at a crossroad and continued a bit further down. Illiya followed quietly behind. Ezrynn found another grate, this time seeing into a room. The grate was big enough for them to jump through and get out. Ezrynn pulled it up and moved it into the duct. She stuck her head down, her flattened hair now straight up again. She looked around the room and then brought her head back into the duct. Ezrynn: “Coast is clear. Fall out, men!” She quickly repositioned herself and jumped out of the duct, landing safely on the floor. Illiya followed, having a bit more trouble. She was sometimes iffy on heights. Mostly when it had to do with jumping from a duct to a floor. But she hopped down and stood beside her sister. They were in what seemed to be a locker room of sorts. The lights were off, so a small bit of light shone through the bottom of the door, allowing them to see a bit. Ezrynn: “Okay… here’s the plan. I’ll use the lighter, coin, and the toothbrush to make a makeshift shiv and make a rope out of lint and attach it to the chewed bubblegum. We’ll attach it to a door in this locker room… The gum will get stuck in one of those girls’ hair… you know.. the ones with poofy hair that isn’t as cool as mine. And once she pulls away, the lint string will pull, activating a mechanism that shoots out the shiv and it’ll stab her in the eye and she’ll bleed everywhere and stumble around the room, screaming and holding her eye and she’ll step on a shovel and it’ll hit her in the face and she’ll get the shiv pushed further into her eye and she’ll be blind forever and nobody will visit her in the hospital and she’ll die alone and I’ll be so happy and-“ She stopped, taking in a huge breath. Illiya just stared at her blankly, not sure what to say. Before Ezrynn could continue, Illiya tilted her head to the side and her mouth opened to speak first. Illiya: “That’s a little bloody dark…” Ezrynn: “Nah… I could have made that a lot worse.” Illiya shook her head. Ezrynn: “After that, we’ll find another place for another booby trap. We’ll catch those dang pirates!” The last sentence was yelled a bit louder, as Ezrynn’s hand shot up into the air. Illiya’s hand slapped over her sisters mouth, just as footsteps were heard. The two stared at the door in front of them, eyes wide. The light under the door dimmed slightly. The footsteps stopped. Then, two thick black blocks appeared under the door, as if someone was standing there. The door handle slowly began to turn as the two twins stared ahead in horror. TO BE CONTINUED… |