Title: The Terror Twins in -- Duct Tales Part II | |
Steffaniesstuffff > Illiya and Ezrynn > Redemption | Go to subcategory: |
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Date Posted:11/16/2017 00:33 AMCopy HTML ![]() Illiya and Ezrynn stand inside of a locker room in the Marine Messe Fukuoka Convention Centre. The twins stare in horror at the door directly in front of them, Illiya’s hand covering her sisters mouth. The door handle begins to jiggle as someone attempts to get inside. The girls made it into the building via air ducts that snake through the convention centre. This didn’t alert anyone. What DID alert them, was Ezrynn’s voice, which was raised in excitement. The door handle finally began to turn, light pouring into the once dark room. The two girls stood in the middle, staring at the man in front of them in shock. He wasn’t too big, but he looked like security. He was stunned to find them there, raising his hand as he began to yell at them in Japanese. Illiya dropped her hand from her sisters mouth, prompting Ezrynn to speak. Ezrynn: “The ninja found us. RUN!” With that, Ez went to bolt out of the room. The man standing there moved out of her way, but she was quickly caught by an arm that shot out in front of her from the right side of the door. She looked as if she got the wind knocked out of her, as her body almost folded in half from the impact. The guy, a much larger security guard, stepped into the doorway, pulling Ezrynn’s small body towards his and holding her there. She looked a bit limp. Illiya sighed, knowing they were caught. Illiya: “Damnit.” She slowly walked towards the small guard and he grabbed her tightly by the arm. He was yelling at her in Japanese again, which she very much didn’t understand. But it would be obvious they were in trouble for trespassing. The show wasn’t for a couple days anyway. The girls were lead deeper into the building, for some reason, with Ezrynn actually being carried along. Illiya: “Can’t you tell me where you’re taking us?” With a very thick accent, the smaller guard only said a simple ‘No’. Illiya sighed once again. The four finally stopped at a door. Illiya looked at it, unsure of why they were there. The smaller one gently knocked, hoping for an answer. After a few moments, he knocked again. Still nothing. He turned to look at the bigger one, looking concerned. The two exchanged words, sounding nervous. Suddenly, the bigger one let out a loud yelp, dropping Ezrynn to the floor. His arm was covered in black lipstick with bite marks in his skin. Ezrynn popped up off the floor, looked between the two men, and popped the smaller one quick on the nose. He instantly let go of Illiya’s arm and grabbed at his nose in pain. Ezrynn took her sisters hand and began to run. Ezrynn: “Hurry, Ill! The ninja’s will catch us!” The two girls continued to run through the hallways, trying to find their way to… something. They finally got to a door and hid inside. The locked it behind them and stared at the door for a few moments, waiting to hear any sounds of running. Illiya: “What the hell, Ez. What are we doing? We’re going to get in so much trouble.” She was quietly scolding her sister. It WAS her idea. Ezrynn: “Maybe they won’t remember us.” Illiya: “We’re pretty bloody recognizable, Ezrynn! You think they won’t notice us? You think they’ll forget? There’s such thing as security cameras.” Ezrynn: “You know what? We’ll come disguised! Maybe we can pretend to be those selfie chicks or whatever. Maybe we can be that robot guy and the other dude. I call robot.” Illiya: “No, Ez. It doesn’t work like that. We can’t just pretend to be other people.” Ezrynn: “So what do you plan to do?” Illiya: “Give ourselves up. Tell them we’re sorry.” Ezrynn: “Are you crazy? They’re ninjas! They won’t believe us. That one already almost tried to murder me to death.” Illiya: “That is redundant.” Ezrynn: “I don’t care. Look… we just have to get out of here. If we don’t, We’re not going to be able to fight those pirates. And if we don’t fight the pirates, we lose the chance at the treasure. And if we lose our chance at the treasure, then we’re not even worth anything! Illiya we just need to get out! They’ll forget by Sunday, I’m sure of it.” Illiya: “You’re so naive! It doesn’t work like that.” Ezrynn: “It so does!” She paused for a moment, hearing footsteps. Ezrynn: “Shh. Someones coming.” They stared at the door, finding themselves in the same situation as before. Ezrynn had a different plan this time. Out of nowhere, she flew towards the door, opening and pushing out towards the arena. She began to scream as loud as she could, trying to scare the person. She had successfully gotten the person to the floor and stood over them, acting like she was baring her teeth at them like a feral dog. She bent down to get closer. On the floor was a small woman, cowering. Woman: “Please! I just try to help!” The woman’s broken English came through her arms as she hid her face. Illiya came out of the room and pulled her sister away. She reached her hand down and helped the woman up. Illiya: “I’m so sorry. Are you okay? We thought you were going to be the guys from earlier.” Woman: “No. No I am Aiko. I am… building manager?” She questioned it like she wasn’t sure. But she was simply trying to find the proper words in English. She nodded. Aiko: “I am big fan! Redemption come to my building! Terror Twins amazing.” Illiya smiled. Illiya: “Thank you. We try. We’re just trying to get out of here. We kind of accidentally found our way in. Can you help us?” Aiko nodded and put her hand out to the left, gesturing them to follow. The three women walked in the direction of the exit. Aiko: “So your match on Sunday. Are you excited?” Ezrynn: “Super excited! We have these pirates to defeat and stuff. It’s so cool. There’s gonna be treasure and swords and sand. Everything.” Aiko looked very excited about this. Aiko: “This sounds… very exciting! I am excited to see. What do you think of opponents?” Illiya: “Well everyone has a lot of talent coming into this. But I think we can handle it. We work extremely well together. It’s just different since there will be four teams instead of the normal two. But we can handle it. Just a new challenge that we’re willing to meet. Ez and I know how to work together. As twins, I think we have more advantage. We can win this. And we plan to.” Aiko: “I have every… faith in you. Good luck.” Illiya: “Thank you.” Aiko: “Here is exit. I hope to see you Sunday.” Illiya: “I agree. And thank you so much for helping us escape. We could have gotten into a lot of trouble.” Ezrynn: “Yeah… and sorry for knocking you down. My bad.” Aiko nodded, smiling. She held a hand out, motioning for them to go. Footsteps were heard coming nearer. The twins looked at each other and bolted out the door, waving to Aiko on their way. She watched them leave, just as the smaller security guard walked into view. Security Guard: (In Japanese) “Aiko! Get back to work. You need to get those toilets cleaned. And if you see two black haired pale women, tell us so we can kick them out. Get going! Toilet’s won’t clean themselves.” She nodded to him. Aiko: (In Japanese) “Of course. Right away. I’m sorry.” She put her head down and walked quickly back to where she came from. The guard sighed and shook his head. He looked around the area and shrugged. He left the area to continue his search. But he would soon forget about the twins, as more pressing matters showed up moments later. It seems Ezrynn had, in fact, planted a little trick while she was ‘unconscious’. She had chewed up the gum and stuck it inside of the big security guards pants. He found this out the hard way, when he stuck his hands in his pants pockets and found sticky bubble gum now covering his hands and the insides of his pockets. In the confusion, he slipped and fell backwards. He instantly brought his hands to the back of his head, where he was now attached by gum. This is when long hair is a curse.The smaller guard, hearing his partner yell, showed up and was now in charge of cutting the gum out of his partners hair. He, of course, cut off too much, was punched by the larger man, and sent to the hospital to recover, as his cheekbone shattered. The larger man was, of course, fired. Suffice to say, the girls would not need to worry about those men on Sunday night. And, thankfully for them, the security cameras had gone down not even ten minutes before the girls had arrived. Coincidence? I… think… not. |