Title: Vocal times (SVD about Rorie) | |
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Date Posted:08/28/2015 05:36 AMCopy HTML Out of character:"Just made this new banner myself.Kinda like the way it turned out.Anyway here is a lil something to start the spice for my match with John ..Lets do this man" We are set for the Next Pandemoninum and Johnathon Andrew Reed,the so called accomplice of The gorgeous Rorie Steele is now set for action against Salman Van Dam but there is something that disgust the Hardore Icon.He is very discontent the way the things were being handled by the officials and with Gypsy now in-charge--Sal is hoping that she would do something to clear all the misunderstandings.You see few days after the one year anniversary show--Sal tweeted Phoenix Winterborn,he wanted Winterborn to be at ringside while he go ahead to ahead with J.A.R and why not?J.A.R stole the precious briefcase that belongs to Winterborn-well thats what the officials are saying but Sal has different views about it.He is here to address his views in just in few moments as the scene opens up at the Arena,with limited attendance in the spectator stands--The Audience weren't in huge number tonight but they will give a full house arena packed attendance when we go live--Right now as we speak,"Save Your Life",by newsboys begins to play and Salman Van Dam makes his way out with crowd begins to give a mixed reaction.Few of them were supporting the Hardcore Icon and the others just showing their animosity towards him.Sal smirked and smile as he walked down the ramp--he didn't look sad or unpleasant at all,despite his tweets about the important thing he is going to address to all of us. He walked down the ramp and then wasting no time at all,he steps on the metal steps as he made his way inside the squared circle,an alternative name given to this squared circle is The Ring.Sal walked half way to the centre of the rings as he looks at the crowd--he scratches the side of his head.He waited for someone to hand him the microphone,and just as he was given the opportunity to be on the mic--He taps his hand on the microphone,checking whether its On. SVD:"Is this thing on",and with that crowd heavily cheered,convincing him that it was definantly on."Okay now you all saw the injustice that transpired at Texas Hold Em match.I wasn't going to complain about it,and because most of you think its not any of my business to poke my nose regarding that one controversial issue but I have to open my mouth anyway and there is no one here who can shut me up!!". He smriked a bit,he didn't lose his smirk at all,he kept that sly smile on his face. SVD:"Johnathon Andrew Reed and his comrade Rorie--these two little twats decided to ruin the Texas Hold Em match.Do you all know how?Well let me tell you how?Its due their un-wanted interference,not just Winterborn was screwed but I was screwed too.You see people,all of you think Winterborn is the only one who was announced as the official victor and was announced qualified to be known as the holder of one of those briefcases--You see I watched the entire tape of how Winterborn was awarded the briefcase,and I notice--I guess I am the only one who noticed it that Winterborn barelly even touched the case.Yes it was a cruel step taken by John and Miss Rorie--even I do not approve of that disgusting act they did.In my eyes --it ruin the dignity and integrity of such a man".Sal believes by such an hideous step taken by Reed and Rorie,their deed went unpunished--well they will be punished for that.Reed was never an official entrant.He wasn't their when the first bell to start the match was rang but no during the match when Winterborn was just inches away to have his hand on the briefcase,Rorie showed up,well with her sexual antics and shenanigans,she screwed not only Winterborn,but others who too could have held the briefcase?Reed wouldn't have never showed up if it wasn't for Rorie. SVD:"you know its really funny when people call mis Rorie every man's wet dream.I mean the funniest part,she means like all the men in the world are horny or are keeping fantasies about her.Oh give me a break bitch,thats a whole big LIE?You see your not my WET DREAM,so that doesn't make every man--Your proclaims about being all that wet dream shit is totally nothing but delusional.Yeah that measn I do not consider you any special.Your just another tease that is just running around looking for attention and GOD I hate CUNTS that just seaks for attention.Your boytoy however did caught my attention though?I mean the dude has been in the number one most wanted list of Phoenix Winterborn.I do not know if Winterborn will come to my aid but I am sure about one thing--I am going to beat your boytoy as If I am beating crap out of some little punk that isn't calibre to compete in the rings with the likes of our World Champion,because why I mentioned Manic?Well lets face it,if I mention myself -you guys will just belittle me and despite I still think I am thee Best talent here,even though I been on a bit of a losing streak--but,that will all change when I beat Mister Reed and once I beat Reed and done with him..I would like Winterborn to listen up and listen carefully--I am coming for that briefcase,so I would recommend you to give me a shot at it Birdie--because in my eyes your still not the rightfull owner of that contract neither does our friend Reed does.So both of you listen up--I am coming for that briefcase and I will take it away from both of you.Its my time to SHINE..and its your time to be ones that stands in the Hasbeen zone--No Disrespect Birdbrain but I have to do what I gotta do",and with that said Sal drops the mic.He made it clear that he wants the briefcase and he doesn't consider Winterborn being the rightful owner as well--So this things getting spicy and spicy after all. |
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Re:Vocal times (SVD about Rorie) Date Posted:08/28/2015 05:36 AMCopy HTML ![]() Did Sal Struck a nerve or something?It seems like Johnathon Reed is not happy about the comments our Hardcore Icon has made in his past promo--awwe did it offended you Johnny...You want an apology or wait you wanted Sally boy to apologize your bitch friend Rorie for the comments--well as Danny Kingston has set up the tripod stand to make sure the camera is well placed and balanced on it--so this way He could record another promo from Salman Van Dam. SVD:"aww Johnny boy what happened?You mad.Oh my oh my your mad because I said few words about that bitch that is drolling around with you like a troll she is".Sarcastically speaking and maybe he is also keeping his skepticism alive,we hardly a skeptic SVD though or we might see one in this promo. SVD:"You want me to apologise,oh I am sorry Rorie to reveal the truth about her claims,oh I am sorry that I broke the fourth wall.I am sorry that she isn't an every man's dream and I am sorry to clear your mind about you trying to call me a fag and even trying to prove the world that I am some sort of a cocksucker".Hysterical laugh erupts from Salman Van Dam as he continue to speak. SVD:"Really am I a fag..GEE if sleeping with Alexandra Callaway makes me a fag than okay I am a fag,dated Karmen Moore makes me a fag,then okay I am a fag,and this is really a good one.During my early days here in Bare Bone Wrestling I was trying to get into Ivy James.Well everybody saw the way I was treating her during that battle royal match that I had.So your claims about me being fag is in-accurate and completely false,just like your slutty friend claims about being every men's wet dream is proven to be false".Wow now I guess John might able to say some more stuff but here I guess in Sal's own moderate view,he has thrown some point and owned Reed at this one.Fag,homo yeah right He is hetrosexual straight you fool. SVD:"Reed you seem to be talking from your arse and not talking straight from your mouth.Look man--I am not Phoenix Winterborn I am the Hardcore Icon,I am Salman Van Dam.For days and days I have been overshadowed but not anymore.I have been noticed around as an UNDERDOG..but its time I work my ass up the ladder and show the world that I am more than just an UNDERDOG.Reed that briefcase you hold doesn't fuckin belongs to you..Neither does it belongs to Phoenx.I would request Miss Gypsy to do something about this dilemme.She should right the wrong that was done by the old regime.She should do what should have been done by Tyler's team but noo Tyler's team had to declare had to declare WINTERBOTOOM as the winner--I am not accepting him as the WINNER.You see I will knock those teeth out of Reed and then I am willing to beat the crap out of Winterbottom and have my hands clinged onto that briefacse.Because Johnny my not so formidable foe--I am going to what I have to do and I do not regret a damn thing.So Johnny see you at Pandemonium". Static |
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Re:Vocal times (SVD about Rorie) Date Posted:08/28/2015 05:39 AMCopy HTML ![]() "Never Have I ever",those are the only words Sal heard from Rorie's disgusting little mouth.Seriously you want to explain all of us that you never proclaim to be what the announcer team of this company claims to be?Very well then,this atleast proves that Huggy is an idiot and if Gypsy wants to fire someone else after disposing Tyler off his duties then Huggy should be next?Let just Say Sal isn't a big huge fan of Huggy where as when it comes to Avery..He is good in his books. SVD:"AWW looks like I have to prepare myself against two bozos--oh wait that catchphrase comes to my mind.What was it again?Two birds and one what?"tapping his chn as he tries his best to remember that most famous saying'Two birds with one stone' and here the two birdies are just coming to fly over and sit on the pier,enjoying the beautiful setting of the sunset.How Romantic? SVD:"John they say that --behind every sucessfull man there is a woman.Well maybe that is true but there is another saying that comes to my mind and do you want to know what that really is?Well actually behind every couple there is Karma.Do not worry My two little pornstars-I am not that Karma--what I am is someone who wants something that is in your hands?and no its not your cock that you play with while you look at that whore pole dancing infront of you.Oh no no actually its that briefcase.The briefcase that you don't deserve to keep it around you.The briefcase that belongs to either me or to that Phoenix Winterborn,Damn I hate to mention his name every time--he is always stealing spotlight--what a nasty little devil he is?".Jealousy is a common factor between all of us.Its the fuel that feeds our ego.Sal has an ego of his own.He is sick and tired of being overshadowed by the officials.He only prevailed victorious over that not so threatening Matt Ward.Hey anyone can beat that ugly juggernaut. SVD:"Rorie Rorie..Is it just me or are you really obsessed with Winterborn.You ungrateful and completely unfaithful bitch.Oh Wait WHORE's are never faithfull they just want to whore around--no matter who?and when I said that your not beautiful..Your not at all beautiful and that little lecture you gave to all us about 'never ever have I had',why do you give an example about 'having or not having sex with Salman Van Dam',maybe because you feel so insecured about your own beauty.I mean lets face it.I am more good looking than that beach blondie"..There he goes again..Damn How many time do I have to tell him to stop day dreaming? but GAWD does this boy ever listen to me.UGH!!Its his promo let him what he like to say?."Aren't you schocked and surprised that some of the guys here doesn't consider you quite attractive.Hey I even met some lesbians and they say exact same thing.YOUR ONE UGLY BITCH.Oh and you have problem with me calling you a twat--awwwe poor you..FUCK YOU bitch..I do not care.Whatever word comes out of my mouth?comes straight from my mind.Yes sometime sound quite nonsensical but hey bitch it proves one more thing about this company's roster.They all say they do not care what I say?and here you actually do care..I heard from many folks around here-telling me that I am sort of a joke,just because I suck at English doesn't make me suck at WRESTLING".You should all know one more thing Sal really hates when people do not completely focus on him and talk about outsiders that have nothing to do with his match.Few days ago Sal however asked Winterborn to be at ringside--but with Winterborn ignoring that tweet...Doesn't mean that he has given his answer yet.You never know if Winterborn would show up or not,but we all know that he is going to be inside that building. SVD:"all I want is that briefcase.You three kids can then happily play along with each other like you were.You see I do not care about what you or John has plans for Mister American Tradition,but I do care to have that briefcase in my hands.You see that briefcase holds a very vital information that would lead any of us in championship hunt and I must say for months and months I want to get back in the run to one of those GOLDEN Championship.I do not mind which one of them will it be.All I want is a GOLD around my waist.I have been neglected far too long and I will not allow that.The company kept me busy feuding with Matt Ward--that was a huge waste of time.I wanted to be in the big league--I do not want my time here being wasted on battling jobbers or low life scum bags like Mister Reed.I want to face Manic again.Last time he and I competed against each other.He squashed me in just seconds.Plus it was our last match of the florida base promotions.I am sure here in OHIO,he and I will clash sooner or later.I have no personal issue with him.Its not just Manic I want to wrestle.There is Justin Black the Extreme Icon,Emma Douglas,and even Donovan Geiger.I would love to have my name put up in the same brackets as them.".In order to get into a match with them.Sal need to surpass Reed.Is it impossible for Salman Van Dam to beat Reed..No not at all.It may be difficult but it isn't impossible at all.So you see Sal wants that briefcase badly.Yes he failed to win it.He would have won it if Rorie and her boytoy didn't bother to show their face but since they showed up--they now need to be shut up and will Sal able to do it or will he fail.Who knows?Its hard to tell really. Out of character:"Sorry I know this sucks.My brain felt dead regarding creativity..Couldn't write anything new lol My Bad" |