| | | | | | | | | | Rorie Steele | | | | | | | | | | | | | |  | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (!!!WARNING!!! - May Will contain whorish statements, sluttiness, sex, violence, bad language, and any other horrible things you can think of. BE ADVISED!) | | | |
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Christmas Eve, 2015 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada - 3:47pm
Rorie is seen in a cab. She stares out into the
road, teeth clearly clenched together. Beside her is Devin. He turns his head
towards her, examining her.
Devin Hawk: “You alright there, love?”
Rorie ignores him, keeping her eyes outside of
the cab. She glares at the decorations on all of the lampposts and buildings.
Toronto is such a piece of shit city, she thought. Devin’s eyebrows furrowed as
he put a hand on her leg.
Devin Hawk: “Rorie?”
She didn’t even swat his hand away like she would
Rorie Steele: “I fucking hate Christmas.”
She muttered the words, anger in her voice. She
swallowed and clenched her teeth again.
Devin Hawk: “You’d better unclench your jaw. If
you do it any harder, you’ll break all of your teeth.”
A small chuckle came from him. He was trying to
make things lighter. She turned her head to him, eyes burning a hole right
through him. Clearly it wasn’t working.
Rorie Steele: “Fuck you.”
Devin nodded, withdrawing his hand from her leg.
He leaned back in the seat. Rorie frowned. Normally she wouldn’t care about
what she did, but she felt as if she needed to mend her words now.
Rorie Steele: “Sorry… I’m just… I’m pissed about
last night. I should have won that match. That piece of shit Williams is
nothing. How did I lose?”
Devin Hawk: “Stop thinking about it. You’ll get
back on your feet. You’ve been up against women this whole time. Need to get
back on your feet and take on these men again. I know you can do it. You just
need to get the rest of that rust off of you, yeah?”
Rorie shrugged her shoulders.
Rorie Steele: “I guess. I just really thought I
had it. I’ll get back on my feet. I’ll take my loss back. I’ll demolish those
pricks in 4CW. I will become queen.”
She nods to herself and turns her head back to
him again.
Rorie Steele: “Besides… I have my match against
Gen coming up soon. I will tear her apart. That I know for sure I have in the
bag. She’s not even worth my time.”
Devin smiled at her reassuringly.
Rorie Steele: “What are you doing after dinner,
Devin Hawk: “Oh… I was going to ask if you wanted
to go work out. Might as well get some in while we’re here, you know?”
Rorie shook her head.
Rorie Steele: “Not for me, sugar. Really not
feeling it tonight. But I’ll be waiting at the hotel for you. Have a little
‘fuck Christmas’ celebration, hm?”
She smiled slightly. Devin nodded at her.
Devin Hawk: “That sounds perfect. I’ll bring you
a surprise.”
Rorie Steele: “It better be chocolate. Or that
special surprise down there…”
She smirked and pointed to his crotch.
Devin Hawk: “Likely both. Don’t worry.”
The two rode to their destination in silence for
the rest of the time. Devin’s arm around Rorie’s neck and her hand resting on
his thigh. Gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee. J ---------------------------------------------------------------
Rorie sits on the massive bed in the hotel room
that she was sharing with Devin. She had a remote control in front of her. She
wore a black lingerie set, a little babydoll see-through dress overtop. Her hair
was curled and draped down on her back and shoulders. She pressed a button,
muting the Skrillex song that was coming from the TV. She had been watching
something. She starts to speak.
Rorie Steele: "You know that movie Spring Breakers? I was
just watching it. It’s that shitty one with James Franco. I fucked him once...
long story. He's a whore. But it's about all those little famous singer
bitches. And they go away for spring break and get into some shit? Drugs...
alcohol... anything you could imagine. Even get thrown in jail. Interestingly
enough... I had a similar experience when I was their age. Minus the deaths. We
never killed a person. But there we were... four friends who wanted to
have some fun. We did a lot of shit that most girls would never think to get
into. Got thrown in jail for a night. It was a ton of fun."
Rorie smiled, thinking of her experiences back
then. Her smile slowly fades as she starts talking again.
Rorie Steele: "We had this one friend, though. You know...
the Faith Rivers type? The kind the complains about everything. 'We don't
belong here', 'I'm uncomfortable', 'please... let's just go home'. Whiny little
bitch. Her? She's the one who crumbles under pressure. She leaves when things
get a little tough. She doesn't stick it out. And when she starts to lose, she
cowers like a little puppy in a corner. A waste of time. We should have never
brought her in the first place."
She shakes her head, slight annoyance on her
Rorie Steele: "So when she leaves, we rejoice. There's
still 3. But much like the pink haired chick, we have our worthless character
that... really brings nothing to the story. Like our very own Nocturna in that
match that won me my title here. Just a filler person to make things more even.
But in the end, what happens? She leaves. She is lost in the whole thing
because she's just a random face. And NPC in a video game. So when she leaves,
nobody bats a lash. Fuck her, they all say. She didn't add a thing."
She shrugs her shoulders, not caring about this
girl, clearly.
Rorie Steele: "By the end, I was left with my best friend.
The other girl that was one of the main characters. We were the ones people
were really interested in seeing. We were the ones who were having the most
fun. We wanted to stay forever. We were going to be on spring break for
eternity. Nobody would stop us. We were going to party until we died. We didn't
care. We had people giving us everything we wanted. Free drinks... drugs...
sex. Anything."
She laughs quietly. They definitely were two
little hellions. Got into a lot of shit.
Rorie Steele: "Who did we bump into at the end? Our
'Alien'. The drug dealing rapper that wasn't famous... but damn was he rolling
in cash. Why not hook up with this guy. We'd get everything we wanted. It may
sound crazy... but we lived almost that whole movie. It was fun. We had an
amazing time. And that guy did exactly what we wanted. But all things come to
an end. Things got too intense and we left. I draw the line at guns... or did
back then."
Another shrug. Guns can be… interesting.
Rorie Steele: "Now you may be asking... who was my co-star
in this? None other than Genevie. Well... like Gen. We got along perfect. We
knew each other so well because we practically were each other. The perfect
pair, really. But you start to hate someone that's just like you very quickly.
Not hate... that's a strong word... more like... despise."
Her eyebrow is raised. She grabs some of her
hair, moving it to the other side of her head. She leans back on the bed,
resting against the headboard. Her feet cross at the ankles.
Rorie Steele: "You say... 'But she's done nothing to you,
Rorie!'. No… she hasn’t. Except for wanting my title. She’s definitely done
that. And in my eyes, that’s doing me wrong. She doesn’t deserve my title. It
belongs to me and only me. Faith was holding onto it until I got here. And now…
now it is in its rightful home. And Gen has the audacity to come here and try
to take it? I don’t think so, sugar. I really don’t think so.”
She smiles sweetly at the camera in front of her.
Rorie Steele: “So now what happens in OUR version of Spring
Breakers, hm? My real life version was easy… My best friend and I grew apart. I
didn’t need her. In the movie, they go and kill a bunch of people, driving off
into the sunrise with a stolen car. Smart. But our story is much different. Me…
as our lovely main character, since we know there’s always only one, turns my
gun on my best friend. After the deed is done and we’ve killed the rival drug
lords gang… I turn my gun on you, Genie. And what do I do? Shoot you between
the fucking eyes. Didn’t see that one coming, did you? I want that fucking car
to myself.”
A smirk forms on her lips. It really was a nice
car in the movie.
Rorie Steele: “Why
would I throw such a lovely ‘friendship’ away like that? Because I don’t
actually care about you. We shoot the shit when it is convenient. We talk about
hot dudes because it is fun. We act friendly because we’re so alike. But that’s
where it all ends. After I demolish you in the ring… We can go back to how it
was. I don’t care. But at that point… you’ll know. You weren’t good enough to
take my title away. And I doubt you’ll feel good enough to take things back to
where they were. You can go cry to your friend Aaron… Tell her how mean I was
to you. And have her act like she’s better than me as well. Sugar… neither of
you come close to me. You don’t belong in my rankings and you never will.
Closer than Faith… I DO give you that.”
She moves
again on the bed. She now sits with her legs spread under her, legs bent behind
her at the knee. Like a kneel, in a way. She runs her hand through her hair
Rorie Steele: “And
before you go off on my personal choices with men… look at your own. I’m not
dating anyone. I haven’t broken any of my vows. I have amazing sex with a guy
that is completely insane. That’s right… I admit the obvious. But he knows how
I am. And knows I won’t change. But I go back to him. And he knows that. He
could rip a person apart. He could rip apart your man in a swift motion. Sad,
really. Look at the choice you made. Your man couldn’t fight his way out of a
paper bag. You settled on THAT? Great choice, sugar. You broke the internet
with that guy.”
She rolls
her eyes.
Rorie Steele: “But of
course… this isn’t about who we’re fucking. This is about us. This is about how
I’m going to tear you apart. We’ve both learned a lot from Devin. But
sweetheart… I’ve learned a lot more. Add that to what I’ve already got coming
your way and I’ll be unstoppable. You have nothing on me, Genie. Absolutely
nothing. I will take that bottle you reside in and break it. Break the weak
exterior right in my hands. And we know what happens when a genie’s bottle is
broken… you disappear. Forever. You vanish into non-existence and nobody will
even care. Too bad, huh?”
laughs once again, smiling sadistically at the camera.
Rorie Steele: “I am
better than you, Genevie. I will always be better than you. I will be better
than you until days end. Because you are just Rorie 2.0. A downgrade, if I’m
honest. The original is ALWAYS better. And when they constructed you to replace
me, they clearly had to bring me back… since you are such a disappointment.”
She bites
her lip playfully at the camera. Suddenly, a keycard is heard being inserted
into the door. Rorie’s attention shifts over to where the door would be. Her
lip still between her teeth. Behind the camera, Devin walks in, looking at the
scene in front of him. A smirk would play across his face as he looked at the
woman on his bed. Rorie’s attention goes back to the camera for a moment.
Rorie Steele: “Speak of
my beautiful, bearded devil… Here he is. And I have things to do. Bye, sugar.
See you real soon.”
Steps are
heard coming towards the camera. Only Rorie’s eyes move upwards to the man now
standing in front of her. The seductive look on her face wasn’t anything
someone could resist. She ran her hands down her sides as her lips curled into
another smirk, letting her lip go in the process. The camera abruptly turns