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The Psyche Devyne Chronicles
MEMORIES AND NEW ADVENTURES September 17, 2015 | PsycheDevyne | wrestling, work, boyfriends, relationships, training, past, remember | Leave a comment
Dear Diary, Mood: Apathetic.
Catch the reference? Anyone? Anyone? Well I’m not explaining it if you don’t.
Today is a day for reflection. Reflecting on past, present, and future. You may be thinking to yourself, “Why, Psyche? Why are you talking about these things?” Well, Internet reader, it is because I feel like I need to get some things out in the open. Make people understand where I’m coming from. I don’t think people have grasped who I am as a person and what I am doing in my life. So why not try and explain it in the best way I can, where you can read it at your own pace and not have to listen to me ramble. Cause that’s not fun, is it?
So let’s start with the past. When I was growing up, I was a bit of a nuisance for my parents. Not on purpose. I was just not smart enough at the start to not get into trouble. I fought with other kids and many times I was almost removed from the school all together. My parents always found ways to keep that from happening. As I got older and the teasing and fighting didn’t stop, I learned how to control situations. I knew where to go so that nobody would see what was happening and made sure someone was always looking when the other person took the first shot. I would have rather had someone weakly punch me in the face first then to start a fight. This technique helped me stay in school. It helped me to be viewed as the victim and lead people to believe that I was weak. It worked.
Once school ended, I started to train. I knew that wrestling was where I wanted to be and training was one of the keys to getting there. I had always found the gyms in London to not be the same as how I had pictured them being in America. I pictured these lavish places with top of the line tools for building an amazing body. We didn’t have that in London. The ones I would come across were always small, run-down places that looked as if they were at least 70 years old. We had newer gyms everywhere, but nothing with a wrestling ring and tools for wrestling training. I was basically on my own, trying to figure things out for myself.
There was one day when a man came in to the gym looking to work out. He was a huge man, looking like his arms were about to burst with all the muscle. I was so impressed with the man and that he was here, of all places. I had a large weight in my hands, which made me look as if I was struggling simply from the size. To someone else, I probably looked like I needed help, but I could easily take it to the workout bench a few feet away. The man noticed me, seeing this skinny little blonde trying to carry a huge weight. He rushed over, asking me if he could help me, reaching for the weight. I was still a bit in awe of this man and went to hand it to him. Instead of taking it with two hands, he tried grabbing it with one, trying to look extremely strong, I guess. That’s where he had made his mistake. I let go of the weight, assuming he had it. He very quickly lost his grip on it, as it was much heavier than he had intended, and it fell to the ground. I jumped back, startled by the falling weight. He went to pick it up after apologizing profusely in his American accent, only to find it hard to pick up. He needed two hands as well, looking to be struggling more than I had previously. On that day, I learned two things. 1. I loved American accents. And 2. Big bodies don’t always mean strong. Sometimes they mean too many enhancing drugs. Which was the deal with this man. Looking back, I’m happy that the situation had happened, since I was deceived and possibly would have dated him, not knowing about how weak he actually was.
I got myself a personal trainer at one point. It was a man who had been wrestling for years, but only in extreme indy places. Places nobody knew about. It didn’t matter to me that I didn’t know him… it mattered only that he was working as a personal trainer with some wrestling knowledge. His name was Joseph. It worked out well, as I was given all the proper insight on wrestling and how everything works. This is what cemented the dream into my brain. Soon, I was competing in these small hidden wrestling places with him, trying to see if I liked it or not. I was never disappointed. I knew this was what I wanted in life. But I wanted bigger. I wanted real fans. I didn’t want this underground ring with only the other wrestlers as your audience. It was as if everyone was in a porno, waiting for their turn to give the star a bukkake. That star being the ring and everyone was usually itching to get in. I knew this whole thing wasn’t for me. I knew I needed more. So I went off to find bigger places.
I didn’t get very far, honestly. I got myself into a few feds that were quite low key. But these were the only ones that would take new talent. And I was desperate. The fans were sparse, since this was still unknown to most of them. While I wrestled there, I was still looking at bigger and better things. I really wanted to get to America and wrestle there, since I had a feeling the fan base would be a lot bigger and they would be interested in newer talent. As I got better, I was able to send off promo videos. And I was picked up by BCW. It was a quick move and I said my goodbyes to my life in London. My parents were nervous about my leaving, but excited for this new adventure I’d be taking part in. Plus since I had gone to America so many times with my dad, things would be okay.
BCW is a small fed with limited space and run out of a bar. This made my transition that much easier, since it reminded me of some of the feds I was part of back home. I was happy there. I bought a flat in New Orleans near the bar using the money I had saved over the years. The fans here, even at a smaller place, were insane. They loved everything and were always there to add to the excitement. It definitely helped that there was great talent there and there was always entertainment going on around the bar. It wasn’t just people wrestling and fighting. It was great storylines and people that could sell it.
Soon after my move to New Orleans, I started talking to Bryan Williams. We talked through twitter, and soon I was on a plane to go see him wrestle in Atlantic City. Boardwalk was a bigger place with bigger talent. The place was amazing. This was more what I wanted. This was getting closer to where I wanted to be. Bryan and I hung out the whole time that I was in Atlantic City. He suggested I try out for Boardwalk, where he was wrestling. How could I not? I, obviously, was accepted and started my new career there. I have been commuting back and forth from BW to BCW ever since.
I lost my first BW match against Kevin “Slick” Williams. Why? Because he cheated. But I also wasn’t focused enough. I learned from my mistakes. I learned that I needed to work harder against these people. This wasn’t like the places back home. The basement bukkake fests were pretty hardcore wrestling places, but I forgot about those when I joined the smaller feds. They were less work and there was no competition there. But here… these people work their butts off and I just needed to get used to that.
Things have been going extremely well since then. I’m one of the more talked about wrestlers in BCW and I’ve been making more of a name for myself in BW. I beat Jennifer Engima at the show on Tuesday, which was amazing. My relationship with Bryan has started to go further. This is something I’m not as used to, since relationships aren’t really a big thing for me. I’ve really only had two big relationships in my life, which are both another story all together. But I’m enjoying myself. As I type this, I’m on my way to Atlantic City again to meet up with Bryan. I definitely don’t mind the commute at all when AC gets me some nice Bryan eye candy. Haha.
Now for the future… My future includes a male that isn’t Bryan. It includes Pat Gordon Junior. Now I honestly don’t know much about the guy, but he is quite impressive in the ring. His match didn’t go well for him last week, but he still showed some great potential. So I just have to watch myself. I have to keep myself focused and bring everything I’ve got. I may have lost my first match to a man, but this time, I’ll be the winner. I’ll show the BW world that I can take a man and get him on his back and win the match. I’m not the type of girl who won’t go down with a fight. I’m the type of girl that will try harder to make sure I win and prove that I am an amazing contender around here. Just watch out, Pat Gordon Junior. I’ve got my eyes on you.
Oh… and my future also includes a bit more Bryan time. Just saying. 
That’s all for today, ladies and gents. Have an amazing weekend. See you Tuesday! ☺
-Psyche |