| | | | | | | | | | Rorie Steele | | | | | | | | | | | | | |  | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (!!!WARNING!!! - May Will contain whorish statements, sluttiness, sex, violence, bad language, and any other horrible things you can think of. BE ADVISED!) | | | |
They say sometimes you have to face something you reallydon’t want to. It could be a fear or a person. This is the thing that couldchange your life. The thing that could change who you are as a person. Thiscould also be the thing that breaks you. But you won’t know until you face it.You could be finding yourself having to jump over a lot of hurdles in order toget to this… whatever it is that you must face. Or… you sit down right in front of them. Dinner with the devil, you could say. In this case, a verypersonal devil that, until this very moment, had no ties with you for a verylong time. This is the current situation for one Rorie Steele. She sitsin a posh restaurant, leaning back in her chair. Her arms lazily hang over thearms of the chairs as she stares at the person sitting across from her. Herlook is of annoyance mixed with a bit of anger. The man across from her, who isbeing extremely impolite at the moment, is staring at her chest. He forgets hismanners, this devil. He can’t be blamed, in a way, since Rorie decided to showup in an extremely tight dress with a keyhole neckline, showing off her amplecleavage. Because why wouldn’t she. Rorie rolls her eyes, licking at her upperset of teeth. She sat up straighter, glaring at the man with seething hatred. Rorie Steele: “So… ‘daddy’… What did you want from your onlydaughter?” Her teeth clenched after the last word. So this was herfather. Richard Steele. The man that left her alone at 15. But… here he fuckingwas. Sitting in front of her, staring at her chest. She shook her head, lettingout a sarcastic chuckle. Rorie Steele: “I’ll bet I’m payin’ for this dinner too, huh?Cheap fucking prick.” She grabbed the double shot of whiskey that had been broughtto the table for her a few moments earlier. She downed it, bringing it downharder on the table than she had meant to. It made a bit of noise, a fewpatrons looking over at the table. Theolder man across from her shook his head. He was wearing a suit, but it was notas crisp as someone with money would have. His hair was slicked back in a bitof an awkward way. It was black with random grey streaks through it. He wastrying to look like a business man, but it wasn’t working as well for him. Hewas, however, an attractive older gentleman. There was no denying that. Roriewasn’t hot just because. Richard Steele: “Rorie… baby… come on. I wanted to see you.” Rorie snarled a bit at the man. Rorie Steele: “Don’t call me baby.” Her mouth stayed clenched, even through her words. Rorie Steele: “I haven’t seen you since I was 15 fuckingyears old. Don’t you dare try and pretend to be my daddy now.” She glared at him once again, her anger rising. But she kepther voice down, not wanting to draw more attention to them. Richard Steele: “I… I just wanted to see you. I feel likeshit for what I did back then.” Rorie Steele: “You left me… your fucking daughter… for awoman. And you feel like shit NOW?” She raised a brow at him. Richard Steele: “How did you-“ Rorie Steele: “I wasn’t fucking stupid. I was 15, not 5. Youthink I didn’t see what you were doing? Couldn’t see your conversations online?Your phone calls? You must have been the stupid one.” Richard Steele: “You weren’t supposed to see all that…” Rorie Steele: “No. I wasn’t.” She said it matter-of-factly. She let out another singlelaugh and took a sip of her water, since that was the only other beverage onthe table. Rorie Steele: “You even did it while mum was still alive,you heartless prick.” Richard Steele: “I..” Rorie Steele: “Don’t bother giving me your bullshit excusesfor why you did it. She was dying and you wanted to find someone else. Why doyou think I turned out the way I did? I learned from the fucking best, daddydearest.” Richard Steele: “Baby-“ Rorie Steele: “Stop fucking calling me that.” She rolled her eyes again. The waiter paused theirconversation for a bit, asking if they had decided on what to order. They didso, with Rorie ordering two more double shots of whiskey to go along with it.After he left, Rorie started up again. Rorie Steele: “You found a girl online and chatted her up.Talked about moving in together and getting married. Having kids. How did thatgo for you, Richard?” Richard Steele: "It… uhh… went well.” Rorie Steele: “I thought so. How many kids do you guys havenow? 3, is it?” She rolled her eyes. Rorie Steele: “I’ll bet shedoesn’t even know about me. Doesn’t even know about mum. Your wife.” Richard puts his head down,frowning. Rorie takes a small sip of one of the glasses of whiskey that hadbeen set on the table. She places it back down. One leg goes over the other,crossing together. Her one foot impatiently moves, tapping quietly against thetable leg. Richard Steele: “I just wanted tosee you… to apologize.” Rorie Steele: “Here’s something Ididn't inherit from you… My ability to lie through my fucking teeth. It’s quiteobvious you’re not here for either of those things. Don’t put your fuckingguilt on me, Richard.” Richard Steele: “I’m not lying,Rorie. I really am sorry about everything.” Rorie Steele: “If you were sorry,you wouldn’t have done what you did. I was fifteen… fucking fifteen. A child.And you left me. I was handed around to everyone in the family. Because nobodywanted to take care of me. And you’re sorry? Do you even know gran died?” Richard frowned again, looking atthe empty plate in front of him. Richard Steele: “No..” Rorie Steele: “Fucking look at mewhen you’re talking!” Her voice rose a bit. A few peopleturned to look, but quickly went back to their dinners. Richard brought hishead up, looking at her. Richard Steele: “No.” Rorie Steele: “That was your wife’sfucking mother, you piece of shit. And you didn’t even give her enough respectto call at all. Nothing. You didn’t even help her when she grieved over thedeath of her daughter! Are you that fucking selfish?” Richard Steele: “I wasn’t fuckinghappy, okay!?” His voice rose higher than hers.Many heads turned, some looking at him in disgust. His hands were in fists onthe table. Rorie took notice. Rorie Steele: “Why? Because shewouldn’t let you fuck her while she was dying?” Rorie tilted her head to the side.She took another sip of her whiskey. He bites the inside of his lip. His handsstay closed together, shaking slightly. Rorie Steele: “Or was it becauseshe wasn’t happy with your tiny cock and stopped fucking you after one child?” He slammed his fist down on thetable, the items making clanking sounds afterwards. Richard Steele: “Watch your mouth,young lady!” He got up a bit in his chair,slightly towering over her. She wasn’t bothered by it. A laugh came from herthroat as her mouth curved into a smirk. Rorie Steele: “Don’t talk to melike one of your illegitimate children. You stopped being my father when youleft me.” He sat down. A waiter came over,bringing their food. He quietly asked Richard to keep his voice down. Richardsimply nodded. He kept his cool around the waiter, not wanting to make more ofa scene. Richard grabbed his fork, thinking that maybe stuffing his face wouldend the awkward situation he was in. Rorie didn’t even look at her food. Shedowned the rest of the whiskey in the first glass. The other stayed on thetable for the moment. Rorie Steele: “Yet here you are.Here for me. I’m really curious to know why you’re really here.” He put his fork down, sittingsilently for a moment. Rorie just watched him, arms crossed over her chest. Richard Steele: “I want to be backin your life again. I want to be there for you again. I want to make up foreverything I’ve done to you.” Rorie Steele: “So you can get somemoney out of me? Now that I’ve fucked my way into a lot cash and get paid tofight… you want my money?” He looked away for a moment. Sheknew she was right. She bit at her lip, laughing quietly to herself. Rorie Steele: “That’s fuckingpathetic, Rich. Don’t even comment on the fact that your daughter acts like awhore to get whatever she wants.” Richard Steele: “Don’t talk aboutyourself like that.” Rorie Steele: “Oh… am I making youuncomfortable? Your daughter is a slut, Richard. She sleeps with men to getwhat she wants. And because she’s so amazing at what she does, she’s givenanything she wants. And she fucking loves it. At this point, I don’t even needto sleep with them to get what I want. I can get it by snapping my fuckingfingers. But you? You have to resort to finding said daughter, feigning somekind of love for her to see if she’ll give you some. I see through it, Dick. Iknow exactly what’s on that agenda of yours.” She glares at him from across thetable. Richard Steele: “That’s not-“ Rorie rolls her eyes and let’s outa loud sigh. Rorie Steele: “Enough with thefucking lying! I’m so tired of this bullshit. You haven’t seen me in years… andthe first things that come out of your mouth are lies. You really fucked me up,daddy.” He shook his head. Richard Steele: “We just need alittle bit…” Rorie laughs loudly, not evensurprised by his words. Rorie Steele: “Wow! I knew Iwasn’t wrong. Pathetic doesn’t even come close to what you are.” She shakes her head, reaching forthe second double shot. Rorie Steele: “I can’t even beginto tell you how embarrassed I am for you. I don’t even know you anymore. You’rejust one of the pieces of shit I walk by on the fucking street, at this point. Wouldn’teven give you a second look. And you come to me to ask for fucking money? Iwouldn’t even care if it were because your new wife was in the hospital. Youdidn’t care about your own family… why the fuck should I care about yours? Gofuck yourself, Richard.” Rorie looked at the glass still inher hand, contemplating. She downed the double and set it down on the table.She stood up, grabbing her water. She picked it up, throwing it in his face. Heslid back in his seat, shocked by what just happened. Rorie Steele: “I wouldn’t darewaste a drop of alcohol on your deadbeat ass. Don’t contact me again, prick.” She reached into her purse,pulling out a few hundred-dollar bills. She tossed them onto the table. Rorie Steele: “Enjoy your fuckingdinner.” She turned and walked away fromhim. He grabbed at the money, greedily bringing it closer to him. Little did heknow, this posh little place cost more than she even put on the table. Shestill fucked him over. ---------------------------------------------- Rorie sits on a white chaise lounge, a laptop open in frontof her. She’s watching something on the screen. She wears a pair of caprileggings and a tight tank top. The room around her seems to be a living room.The place isn’t her condo, though. It looks more like a penthouse room in ahotel. And that’s exactly where she is. She’s not in New Orleans. No… she’s offsomewhere else. The city is irrelevant, really. Behind her, Devin Hawk is seenwalking past. He’s in just a pair of sweatpants. Rorie pulls her headphonesout, unplugging them from the laptop as well. Genevie’s voice is heard over thespeakers. Genevie: “…can tell you’ve actually been fucking Devin, because you’re mouth isstarting to twist like his. Saying you are going to destroy me in the ring andrip me apart. I’m laughing at how rough and tough you are pretending to be…” Rorie pushes her finger down on a key on her laptop. Devinbacktracks, turning his head towards Rorie, brow raised. He hears Gen’s words,a smirk coming across his face. Devin Hawk: "Ah… big, tough Rorie…” Rorie shoots a glare over at Devin. She clenches her teeth. Rorie Steele: “Get the fuck out of here before I kick yourfucking teeth in. Asshole.” He laughs and starts to walk away. Rorie Steele: “And take off those pants. I’m going to hate-fuckthe shit out of you after I’m done with this bitch.” She smirks to herself and focuses on the camera set up infront of her. She closes the laptop and her smirk instantly leaves her face.She is left with an angered expression. Rorie Steele: “Jesus Fucking Christ, Genevie. I feel likeyou should be placed in a fucking insane asylum. The shit you spewed out ofyour fucking mouth was worthless. Talking about how you got into wrestling andall that shit. Guess what, sugar… nobody fucking cares. Nobody cares that apiece of trash from Boston decided to try and be worth something. Problem is…you’re still not worth shit. People wouldn’t even pay money for you. And that’ssad. People don’t come and see the show for you… they come for me. I’mentertainment. I’m the one bringing in fucking ratings. I’m the one who catchesattention. Because I’m better than you. It’s as fucking simple as that.” She shrugged her shoulders. Rorie Steele: “You talk about Devin as if he was just thenew thing for you to look at. A tool. And as if I only went to him for hiscock. That’s where you’re completely wrong, Gen… Funny story… Devin sought meout. He came to me. I’m not going to make assumptions… but I am… He probablycame to me because he couldn’t stand you. Couldn’t deal with how terrible youactually are. The whole over confidence thing your boyfriend enjoys so muchdoesn’t work unless you’re actually good. Sorry… But that’s just the truth. Youtry and act all big and bad, much like how you claim I do, and pretend you’reactually better than him. Sweetheart… he’s been doing this for years… you thinkyou could actually take him on? Please. The only way you could possibly dosomething better than you is if he was to go extremely easy on you. I don’teven try to pretend I’m better than him. He could tear me to pieces… and honey…you have no idea how fucking sexy that is.” She bites her lip, a small ‘mm’ coming from her throat. Sheturned her head, looking at Devin off camera. She licked her lips at him beforeturning her head back towards the camera. Rorie Steele: “You act as if I didn’t deserve this title. Ithink I proved that many times over when I took this title with such ease. Ieven beat two women to get it. Can you say that? Not yet, anyway. And if I haveanything to say about it, you never will. I have this title for a reason. I ambetter than everyone here. I proved just that. Faith held this title for a longtime, I’m told. But I just step in here… ratings skyrocket, and I take thetitle from her in one fluid motion. Impressive doesn’t even begin to describeme.” She runs a hand down her side, closing her eyes and lettingout a small sigh. She was clearly enjoying herself. Rorie Steele: “And since you clearly enjoy comparing ourcurrent sexual partners, let’s talk about them more, shall we? Your“relationship” is with a piece of shit that seems to lay around all day. Youtwo fuck… and he goes back into hiding. Does he even ever win matches? All Isee is disappointment. All I see is a man that is wasting everyones time.Acting tough… and then letting us all down. You’re a lucky girl, Gen. Realfucking lucky. Now look at Devin. Our “relationship” is very different. I’mstill me in what we do. Can you say the same? Are you the same as you were whennot dating Corso? I can say I’m exactly the same. Without a doubt. But look athim as a man in general. Look at what he’s done in BCW. He has annihilatedeveryone who has come in his path. He is destruction. He takes what he wantsand leaves anyone in his way bloodied and bruised behind him. That’s what makeshim a real man. That’s what makes him better than your boyfriend. I’ll betyou’re jealous as fuck that you ended up with Corso. Too bad. Tough luck.” She smiled wide at the camera. She had already admitted thatCorso was a good looking dude, but right now, she wasn’t interested in him. Shehad other things to look at. Rorie Steele: “My favourite part of everything you said wasthat this match wasn’t about these men of ours. That it was about us… but whatdo you do? Go and bring them back into it. I’ve done that once now… I’m notabout to do it again after this. That’s the difference between us, Gen. I dowhat I say I will. If I say I’m going to beat you to the ground, I will. If Isay I’m keeping this title around my waist, I will. That’s what I do. That’show I am. But you can’t see that. You’re blind, Genevie. You’re blind to thefact that you’re just not up to par with me.” She shook her head. Rorie Steele: “You’re not scared of me? Really? That’s cute.If you weren’t scared of me, you wouldn’t have even brought it up. That’s thething, sugar… once that comes out of your mouth, the seed is planted. In theback of your mind, it’s there. You won’t see it at first, but then it starts tofester. It starts to grow and rot inside of you. Until one day, it grows toomuch. The sickness fills your body and all you can think of is that thing youclaimed to be unafraid of. You become so focused on that fear that you losecontrol of yourself. It’s over. You’re done. Your fear has taken over. I… havetaken over. Just like I had planned to. It’s too bad, really. I was kind ofstarting to like you in a way. But now? Now I just want to destroy you.” She has an intense look on her face. Her eyes flash for amoment, as if anger washed over them. Anger towards Genevie and how weak sheactually is. Rorie Steele: “I will do whatever I have to do to win thismatch, yes. That’s what I do. That’s how I’ve lived my life. I do whatever Ican to make sure that I’m the one that comes out on top. I look out for myself.I am crafty. And my craftiness is what will help me win this match. There’s noifs, ands, or buts about it. You can’t take me on and expect to win. Not here.And definitely not now. You’re nothing here, Gen. You are worth nothing. Youwon’t get asses in those seats! I’m the one bringing them in. You act as ifthese people come here for you… Haven’t you noticed the spike in attendees?That was me, sugar. People hearing that Rorie Fucking Steele was back. I’vegiven them everything they wanted to see. I’ve given them the Rorie Steele theywant and love. And what do I get in return? The praise. The adoration.Everything I need to keep me coming back to entertain them night after night. Imay be a heel… but I’m the best damn heel in the business, sugar.” Her face went back to a smirk. She raised an arm, showingherself off a bit more. Rorie Steele: “You’ve been double booked, hm? What kind ofproblems is that going to give you? None. You’re going against a shitty teamthat nobody cares about. And you’re teaming with someone even shittier. Whenyou end up losing that match, we’ll see just how pathetic you are. After that,you’ll drag your feet into my ring… and TRY to take my title away. But you’regoing to fail, sweetheart. You’re going to show people exactly why you’re notthe champion. You will be let down by your partner and by yourself. You willthen realize that you should have been scared. That you should have triedharder. That you should… have listened to me.” She nodded slightly. She knew she was right. She was alwaysright. Rorie Steele: “You rely on useless words and hopes to winthis match. But here’s the thing… your hopes and dreams are futile. I wishedfor a lot of things when I was younger. Wished that people had never left me.But what did those wishes get me? Nothing. I was never satisfied. My wisheswere never granted. So I learned to live with that. I learned to make newwishes. I learned how to get what I want. I learned to take what I want. Thisis where you’re lacking. You haven’t taken a thing. You’ve fought your way towhere you are now… but you didn’t take it. And in this business, taking is theonly way to win. Take the things you want. But it’s too late for you. Youmissed your chance. I’ve taken what you want. And I’m not letting it go for thelikes of you. You’ll try. But I will come out victorious. I will be the oneleaving with the title. And you will be left in the middle of the ring, wishingyou had done exactly what I did. And when you go home and get yourself somedick to make yourself feel better, you’ll realize that you couldn’t havepossibly done what you hoped. You couldn’t possibly have beaten me.” Another shake of the head. She rolled her eyes at thethought of Genevie actually beating her. Rorie Steele: “I am the Queen of BCW. You are part of thesea of my followers. And that’s all you’ll ever be. Below me. You think you’remy equal. You thought you were above me. You were sorely mistaken, Gen. You arethe jester. The one for me to laugh at when I please. Nothing more. You are andalways will be below me. Soon, I’ll have you on your hands and knees, bowing tome like a fucking animal.” She put her hand up, a sharp, pointed nail pointingdownwards. She moves her hand down, acting out her words. She tilted her headto the side. Rorie Steele: “Get on your fucking knees, doll. I’ll see youat my show.” <!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE She smirked one last time, watching the camera for a fewmore seconds. She turned her head to the right, looking back at where Devin hadgone earlier. She nodded and stood up, walking to the camera to turn it off.The scene instantly went black.