“He just told me to tell you he loves you. And he’ll see you wrestle soon.” - - - - - - - - -
One of the hardest things to hear is that someone close to you is really sick. What’s worse? Being half way across the world when you find out. During a Skype conversation with her mum, Psyche Devyne received the news that her dad was in the hospital. He had a heart attack on New Years Eve, right before the Holiday Bonus show. Psyche, however, didn’t find out until two days later. Her instant decision was to go home, but unfortunately, that wasn’t in the cards. Psyche was cleared to go back into the ring. She was to face Zarek Lyle. Her plan was to get the match over with and fly home to England that night. Julliet Brooks messed with those plans. So before she left, she paid Julliet a little visit, costing her her match. Because fuck that cow.
Psyche made her flight, the 8 hours in the air dragging on forever, it seemed. Her reunion with her mother was bittersweet. Even after having just been there a few weeks prior, it still seemed like she hadn’t seen her in a long time. Her mum sobbed into her shoulder. Psyche was back to being her old strong self. This was who she was. This was what she was supposed to do. Be strong for her mother like she used to be. Be strong for everyone around her. The car ride was spent talking about her father. Remembering things he used to do. As if he was already gone or something. But it helped. It helped them to see things with a bit more optimism.
- - - - - - - - -
The Princess Grace Hospital
London, EnglandUpon arrival at the hospital, her mother instantly lead her to the room her father was in. For a week now, Mrs. Devyne had stayed by her husbands’ side as much as she could. From the moment visitor hours opened until she was told she had to leave again for the night. She was devoted, that was for sure. As Psyche stepped into the room, her heart sank. Her father was attached to different tubes and wires, sounds ringing through the room. She frowned at the sight. Seeing him like this really hit her. But she kept her composure for her mother. She grabbed her mum’s hand, gripping tightly onto it as they stood at the foot of the bed.
The day was spent in the room, watching her father. He didn’t move other than the slow rise of his chest while he was breathing. A doctor had come in at one point, explaining what was going on. Her mother hadn’t gone fully into detail about what exactly was happening. Had she explained more, the reasoning for her father still being in the hospital would make more sense.
Psyche stood in front of the doctor with her arms crossed over her chest. She had been pulled outside of the room, her mother staying in there with her husband. The doctor spoke to Psyche about his condition before going a bit more into detail.
Doctor Wilson: “
Your mother doesn’t quite understand the severity of what your father is going through. I’ve tried to explain it, but she doesn’t understand why he will not wake up. It’s understandable. The shock of the whole thing does that to some people.”
Psyche nodded at him, realizing this was definitely more serious than just a heart attack.
Psyche Devyne: “
So what is the issue? Don’t people normally recover in a few days?”
Doctor Wilson: “
Well yes, they do. But your father’s case is a little different. He’s in a coma right now. That explains him being connected to all of the medical equipment. We are keeping his body working until he can wake up. We were lucky enough to get your father here fast enough. In the first few moments of his arrival, he went into cardiac arrest. We were able to revive him, but he quickly fell into a coma. At this time, he is basically living off of a machine. His body was and is too weak to heal itself.”
Psyche bit her lip, swallowing. She looked down to the ground.
Psyche Devyne: “
And… what is our next step?”
Doctor Wilson: “
We aren’t seeing many signs at this point to show us what would be the best form of action. There are many things that could happen now. He could recover over time, if his body becomes stronger somehow. He could awaken and basically be non-functioning. We are monitoring his brain, but he may lose all function. Or his body gives in and he passes. We have a choice. Either keep him on life support and see how that goes, or we remove him from it and see if his body can do it on its own. There is a chance of this, but it is not high. I want to be honest with you, but I also want to give you hope.”
Psyche Devyne: “
My father was a strong man. Very strong. I don’t understand how this all could have happened. He ate healthy. He did everything right.”
Doctor Wilson nodded. He heard this type of thing all the time.
Doctor Wilson: “
Even the most healthy people can still have heart attacks. I’m sorry you have to go through this. Do you have any questions for me?”
Psyche shook her head.
Psyche Devyne: “
No... I… I’m just going to go be with my parents.”
Doctor Wilson nodded again. The two turned from each other. Psyche went back in the room, sitting on the opposite side of her father from her mother. They spent the rest of the night talking back and forth, holding the hands of their father and husband.
- - - - - - - - -
The next day, Psyche had returned to the hospital. She had come later in the day, as her sleep schedule was completely off. She hadn’t even kept her phone on while she had gotten there. Her mum had left for a few moments to get coffee for them both. She turned on her phone, seeing a few texts from Bryan. She hadn’t responded to anything. She felt awful. As she stared at her screen, a notification came through from Twitter. Bryan was concerned. She read the message.
BW @LiveFromTheMoon
I sure hope @ThePsycheDevyne made it back to England okay, haven’t heard from her in a while.
6:45 PM – Jan 9, 2016Psyche frowned. She had been neglecting her boyfriend, who had been home alone, trying to recover himself. She responded to the tweet.
Psyche Devyne @ThePsycheDevyne
@LiveFromTheMoon I did, love. I’m sorry. Things have been… Really crazy here 
6:46 PM – 9 Jan 2016She knew he would understand that she wasn’t about to stay on twitter all day. Of course he would understand. His response came back seconds later.
BW @LiveFromTheMoon
@ThePsycheDevyne Wish I could have gone with you. I’ll be here for you when you get back.
6:46 PM – 9 Jan 2016Psyche read the message, smiling slightly. He was so amazing to her. Suddenly, loud beeping sounds came from the machine beside the bed. It startled her. Her head shot up to look at the machine, then to her dad. She turned her head as a nurse came into the room, followed by a doctor on staff. The nurse moved to Psyche, giving her a sympathetic look.
Nurse: “
I’m sorry, miss. Would you mind stepping outside for a moment?”
Psyche looked panicked.
Psyche Devyne: “
What is it? What’s going on?”
Nurse: “
It’s okay. We just have to check some things. We just need some space, love, alright? Just stay outside for a moment. He’ll be okay. It’s just kind of like an alarm.”
Psyche did as she had asked. She walked to the outside of the room, frowning. She didn’t know what to do. There was nothing she could do for her father, clearly. She knew they’d take care of him, but she didn’t know what they were doing. She also didn’t want to leave Bryan hanging. She felt like she needed to let him know she appreciated things, but also that things were actually crazy there. She sent one last tweet to him.
Psyche Devyne @ThePsycheDevyne
@LiveFromTheMoon thanks love… I gotta run. Something is going on…
6:49 PM – 9 Jan 2016The doctor and nurse finally finished what they had gone in to do. The doctor explained what they had done for her father, but she wasn’t listening. She just wanted to go back inside to be with him. She sat beside his bed again, holding his hand in hers. Her mother returned with the coffee’s seconds later. She handed Psyche a coffee, looking at her husband as she stood beside her daughter. Psyche looked up at her mother.
Psyche Devyne: “
Hey mum… why don’t you go home and get some rest? I’ll stay with dad, yeah? You’ve been here every day with little sleep. You need some time alone. I’ll be here. And you can call for updates.”
Mrs. Devyne: “
I don’t know that I should leave…”
Psyche Devyne: “
Mum… there’s nothing we can do. I will call you if something happens. I promise.”
She was going to keep the previous episode to herself. She was unsure if her mother had seen things like that happen yet or not, so she thought best to keep it away. If she said anything, she may want to stay. Her mother nodded.
Mrs. Devyne: “
I guess I could go and get some sleep. Lord knows I need it.”
Psyche Devyne: “
You’ll be better off. I love you.”
Mrs. Devyne smiled sadly at her daughter. She kissed her on the top of the head and then leaned in to her husband, kissing him on the cheek. She whispered something to him before straightening up. She waved to Psyche and left the room. Psyche turned her head back to her dad, watching his face for the next little while.
- - - - - - - - -
You know, Taryn… I respect you as well. You have done some amazing things in this company so far. You’ve gone up against some impressive talent and came out stronger than ever. You may not win, but you’ve still shown your resilience. As you said… the only thing that can bring you down is a chair. But that’s where I’m different from everyone else, Taryn. I don’t need a chair. I don’t need tools of destruction to win. I don’t need anything to beat you with. I just need to show up.”
Yes… I have a lot on my mind as of late. If it were up to me, I’d stay home with my family. But I have things to take care of in Boardwalk. I have my match against you. And eventually my match against Julliet. I am a fighter, Taryn. I come here to fight. I come here to do my job. If my father were able to, he’d tell me to get back in that ring and take what is mine. Beat those I am put up against and get back at those who need punishment. That is my goal. That is what I am coming back to do. My time back home is a time for reflection. A time to remember my father and spend every moment I can at the side of his bed. But it’s also to reflect on my actions in the ring. I have thought long and hard about how I’ve done things in the past. How things continue to go poorly for me. But that’s not going to continue happening. I’m going to show you just how much of a challenge Psyche Devyne can be. You think you’re only taken out by chairs, love? Not anymore. On Thursday night, it will be only me that takes you out. There’s no props or toys in that ring with us. Only our two bodies. I will come out on top, Taryn.”
Think of this match like this… I am fighting for my father. I am dedicating my blood, sweat, and tears to my father from this match. This is for HIM. What are you doing it for? Just because? Just to show that you’re just as good as everyone else? Fight for a bloody cause, Taryn. Fight for something. You need to bring everything you have to this match and put it towards something. Do it to get one step closer to a title. Stake your claim on something. I don’t care. Don’t just say that we’re doing this just to put on a good show. I already try to do that weekly. And I’m sure you do the same. What do you WANT from this place, Taryn? So far, I see nothing but a woman trying to get close to another. Or maybe you’re just here for that. Who knows?”
I’m coming into this match with as much focus as I can give. I have one thing in mind… and that is beating you. Beating you means I’m another person closer to getting to Julliet Brooks. She is my goal right now. I spoke of staking your claim on something. Right now, Julliet is what I’m driving my stake through. I claim her life. And like Zarek last week, he was just a pawn. He was another person for me to step over. Even though I won by default due to Julliet’s interference, I still won. You are the next step. And I will step over you next.”
Consider what I did to Julliet last week. She had her match against CJ. Her past lover. I cost her the match without touching her. I cost her the match by just being in front of her. She was scared. She lost focus. She lost. That shows what I am capable of, Taryn. That shows that I can dominate over one person with just my presence. And that is impressive. Much more impressive than your run. You are good. I give you that. But you’re not good ENOUGH. Taryn Willow will just be another name on the roster. Another face that nobody cares about. Another face that blends in with the crowd. I never blend. And I will continue to stand out in the crowd. People want to see me. People want to see what I do next. You? You’re just another pretty face in a sea of wrestlers. The person in the back row hidden by the rest of the crowd. Blending into the scene like a prop. No matter where I am in that set up, I’ll stand out. I’ll shine. And on Thursday… I’ll continue to outshine you.”
- - - - - - - - -
Psyche had stayed at her father’s side for hours now. She was still alone. Her mother had left long ago to rest. She needed a break. Psyche’s hand stayed in his. She hoped she would feel a squeeze, a movement, something. But nothing ever happened. He remained still, never moving. She frowned at him. Up to this moment, she hadn’t said a word to him, like you would see others doing. She felt like it was silly. But with the quiet at this time of the night and being alone, she felt like she should say something. She bit her lip, trying to find the words.
Psyche Devyne: “
Hi… Hi daddy.”
She watched his face, just incase he made any movements.
Psyche Devyne: “
I came here for you. To see you. I came to see you.”
She didn’t know what she should talk about. It was hard to talk to someone and not get a response back. Especially when that person used to be as animated as they came.
Psyche Devyne: “
I… I wish you could have seen my last match. Like you said. You wanted to see my next one. Maybe you can come when you wake up, yeah? I…”
Her words trailed off. She stayed quiet for a few moments before her mouth opened again.
Psyche Devyne: “
Come home to me.”
Her last word was quiet. Her mouth turned into a frown, her eyes becoming glossy.
Psyche Devyne: “
I waited for you. I waited for you to come see me. I wanted you to come see me fight. And I really don’t think you’ll have that chance…”
Tears filled her eyes, her words filled with sadness.
Psyche Devyne: “
Where are you? I want you here with me. Please come home…”
She raised her free hand, wiping wetness from her cheeks. Tears hit her legs, leaving dark marks on the fabric of her jeans. She paused again for a moment, looking at him.
Psyche Devyne: “
I hope I made you proud. I hope I made choices that you approved of.”
She sobbed quietly, closing her eyes for a moment. She knew he didn’t have long. The hope the doctor gave was false hope. Just a way to make himself feel better. She knew she was going to have to say goodbye… but she didn’t want to.
Psyche Devyne: “
I know you’re ready to go. But I want you here. I want my daddy. How can I survive without you? How can I keep myself going?”
She opened her eyes, looking at his face again. Tears continued to run down her face. She was heartbroken.
Psyche Devyne: “
But I know I have to let you go. I have to free you. You showed me how to be who I am. I thank you for that. I thank you for every second of your life. For every second you spent with me.”
She wiped her face again, trying to keep her sobs as quiet as she could. She didn’t want anyone to know that she wasn’t as strong as she put out. Not even the doctors and nurses.
Psyche Devyne: “
I love you, daddy…”
She whispered it, eyes still on him. She remained quiet the rest of the night, quietly crying. By the time the nurse came to tell her she had to go home, she had calmed herself. She would kiss her father on the forehead and mentally promise him that she would see him tomorrow.