(This is really the only thing I can get up before deadline. Thought I'd be home early on Sunday, but don't think I will be. Canadian Thanksgiving and all.

Psyche was in a cab on her way to the airport. It was always a weird feeling to make her way to the airport without actually travelling somewhere. This time she was picking someone up. As the cab pulled into the waiting area of the airport, Psyche asked the driver to wait for her, since she had previously made the arrangement with him that they were picking someone up. Psyche ran into the airport, luckily in the right spot for arrivals. She waited patiently for a few moments before people started to trickle out of the doors. A small woman with white-blonde hair like Psyche’s came out, holding a couple bags and dragging one behind her. She looked up, seeing Psyche, smiling big. She quickened her pace and made her way to Psyche. The woman dropped her things to the floor as she got to her, hugging her tightly.
Woman: “
It’s you!”
Psyche: “
And it’s YOU! I’m so happy to see you!”
The two continue hugging for a few moments more. They let go of each other, Psyche grabbing the larger bag the woman had been dragging. The woman grabbed the rest, following Psyche out to the cab. The driver popped the trunk and Psyche quickly piled everything inside. The two women walked to the back seat doors and slipped in. Psyche grabbed at the woman’s hand, holding it tight.
Psyche: “
I can’t believe you’re here, Natasha. This is so exciting.”
The woman, now known as Natasha, smiles at Psyche. Her lips are much thinner than Psyches, but still matched her small round face perfectly. She had blue eyes and her blonde hair was about the same length as Psyches. Natasha nodded at Psyche, agreeing with her.
Natasha: “
I know. I’m so I happy I can spend the next few weeks with you. This will be so much fun.”
Psyche now nodded back. The two still had their hands tangled together.
Psyche: “
I feel like I haven’t seen you in so long… But I saw you back in London.”
Natasha: “
That was an awesome trip. I miss London. I’ll have to go back one time with you so you can show me around more.”
Natasha didn’t have an accent like Psyche did. She was from California. The two had met during a nerd convention and had been friends ever since. A beautiful friendship, really.
Psyche: “
We will. I’m planning on going back for a trip soon. I miss home. Maybe you can come with me.”
Natasha: “
Ooh! Maybe! That would be fantastic.”
The two shared more small talk in the back of the cab, not getting too far into things with the driver being there. After a little while, they were at Psyche’s flat. They paid for the cab and brought everything inside. Psyche had already set up her spare room for Natasha. Everything was dropped off into the room and the two women went into the living room, Natasha sitting on the couch.
Psyche: “
Want anything to drink, love?”
Natasha: “
A beer would be fantastic…”
Psyche nodded and walked over to the fridge, grabbing two beers. She opened one and handed it to Natasha, opening the other for herself. She took a sip and sat beside Natasha, facing her.
Psyche: “
So… been to any cons lately?”
Natasha: “
No… just the last one we went to. There were a few small ones up in Canada, but it was a huge hassle, so I didn’t bother. And the ones here were also small as well. Con season is dying down for now, as you know.”
Psyche: “
For sure. Us nerds don’t go out in the winter months.”
She winked and the two laughed.
Natasha: “
Where’s Bryan, by the way?”
Psyche: “
Oh… he’s back in Atlantic City. We’re not going there until Monday, since I have the show here in New Orleans on Sunday. So you’ll hopefully meet him Monday. Unless he leaves early for the other place he works for. We’ll see. For now… we can just send him dirty pictures and make him sad that he’s not with us.”
Natasha: “
That is the meanest and most brilliant idea.”
Natasha laughed and took a sip of her beer.
Natasha: “
So how is the wrestling thing going, anyways?”
Psyche: “
Well-ish. Both places are very different for me. I do better in BCW, mostly. Have more fun there. This place is sort of more business-y to me. But I want to change that for myself. I want to have more fun. And that’s why it’s good you’re here. Cause you get to help me come up with some ideas.”
Natasha: “
Oh really? I don’t remember signing up for that…”
Psyche: “
I signed you up for it. Don’t worry. I have you covered, friend.”
Psyche winked at Natasha. Both girls giggle quietly and take sips of their beers.
Natasha: “
Well I guess we should start coming up with ideas now before we can too drunk to think of actual ideas that aren’t impossible.”
Psyche: “
Meh. I feel as if I’d still come up with impossible ones sober… so there’s not much difference. But yes… let’s try and think of a few, hm?”
The two women continue to chat and start building ideas. The scene fades out for now.
Psyche stands in front of a camera. Nothing is really going on behind her, just forestry. She was in a tank top and jeans, doing the casual Friday thing for the day. She puts her hands together up by her chest, as if she’s praying. Her fingers then slip together, leaving only her index fingers peeked and placed against her bottom lip. She starts to speak, leaving her fingers in place.
Psyche: “
You know… I haven’t been doing too well around here lately. Things have been going downhill quite quickly for me. I first lost to RJ… and now to Harley. What is going on with me? Am I just not focused enough? I’m not sure. But I know I don’t like it. I came here to make a name for myself. A positive name that is linked with winning. That’s not where we’re at right now, are we. So I want a change. I need a change.”
She drops her hands, leaving them in front of her.
Psyche: “
I need to bring that fun back to the ring. I’m doing it elsewhere, but here… I’m boring. I’m not standing out anymore. I’m not fun. And that’s just not me. So how do I fix it? How do I change how things are going?”
She raises a brow, contemplating for a moment.
Psyche: “
I know… I need to be who I am in BCW. I need to bring out the real me. Not this bullshit I am here. I need to bring out the real Psyche. The crazy girl that licks people and touches bums and other crap like that. Distractions are my game… and gosh do they work nicely. Now I don’t want to get too far into details about what I plan. But I will say that I will be a new person. Psyche will be the girl she was meant to be here.”
She smirks at the camera, nodding to herself.
Psyche: “
Who might my first victim be? Persephone Marquis, sounds about right. The new girl I’m facing this week on Live. This spoiled little rich… or not so rich anymore… girl that is facing me for her debut match. Now I could be nice and let her win her first match… but where’s the fun in that? I don’t know much about the girl other than what I read online about her. Daddy cut off her money source, so now she’s wrestling so she can get some money to buy more Prada purses and Gucci shoes. Or something else more expensive and silly. I wouldn’t know, honestly. I don’t buy things because Versace is slapped on the label. I don’t really know if this girl is daft enough to do such things, but I could see it. So what I’ll do for you, Miss Persephone, is beat you. That way… you’ll get a little bit of money for your loss and you can buy that fancy watch you want. All of us here will try and make sure that the only income you get is losing income. You won’t be spoiled here, love. This is much more different than what you had been used to for 18 years of your life. But good luck anyways… you’ll need it.”
Psyche smiled at the camera again, now finished with her promo. She had nothing more to say… And who could blame her? She wasn’t given anything to work with. She was excited to meet up against the spoiled rich girl. Maybe this would convince her that this whole thing wasn’t for her and Psyche could be the one that drives her out. Who knows? For now, Psyche was going to go over some ideas for how to improve herself in this business… and those ideas will be gold, once they actually come out of her head.
We fade to black.