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- Register:12/07/2008 01:08 AM
Date Posted:01/11/2016 02:39 AMCopy HTML
| | | | | | | | | | Rorie Steele | | | | | | | | | | | | | |  | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (!!!WARNING!!! - May Will contain whorish statements, sluttiness, sex, violence, bad language, and any other horrible things you can think of. BE ADVISED!) | | |
A fucking tag match? A MOTHERFUCKING TAG MATCH!? Who the fuck do these people think they are? Just gunna go ahead and throw Rorie in a tag match and just see what happens. What do you think will happen? Rorie's not a team player. She doesn't play well with others. She still hasn't even learned how to share... Unless it benefits her, of course. But this? This doesn't benefit her. This is a waste of her time. And she is about to be very vocal about that.
Rorie is sitting with her back against a mirrored wall. She takes a sip of the water bottle that had been sitting beside her. On her other side sat Devin. The two had just finished a rather strenuous workout session. Seeing as that is pretty much all the two did. Rorie had on a sports bra and leggings, where Devin wore a pair of black shorts and no shirt. He ran a hand through his hair and turned his head towards her.
Devin Hawk: "You think you're ready now?"
Rorie turned to look at him, raising a brow.
Rorie Steele: "Ready for what?"
Devin Hawk: "Your match, love."
Rorie rolled her eyes and took another sip of water.
Rorie Steele: "One: Don't call me 'love'. This is strictly business time."
Devin interrupted her before she could continue.
Devin Hawk: "You slapped my ass multiple times during our workout!"
Rorie Steele: "That's because I can do whatever I want."
She smirked.
Rorie Steele: "Two... I've never NOT been ready. I'm going up against Ari and Gen. One is absolutely useless while the other has prettiness going for her. That's about it. Neither will be able to take me."
Devin Hawk: "You know I've been training with Gen. She's quite good, love."
Rorie scoffed at him. He was doing it on purpose now.
Rorie Steele: "I've been meaning to talk to you about training with the enemy..."
Devin laughed, standing up.
Devin Hawk: "You jealous?"
Rorie Steele: "Not at fucking all. Just don't like being taught the same things as the woman who wants to TRY and take my title..."
Devin Hawk: "I don't teach you the same stuff, Rorie."
Rorie Steele: "Then you better not be fucking teaching her to be better than me."
Devin Hawk: "What are you going to do about it, hm?"
Rorie glared at him. She moved her body so that she was in a crouched position, ready to pounce on him.
Rorie Steele: "I'll fucking kill you. That's what."
Devin shook his head at her.
Devin Hawk: "As you'd say... 'whatever'."
Rorie shrugged her shoulders, not feeling like tackling him to the ground.
Rorie Steele: "Yeah... whatever."
Devin walked towards her, putting out his hands to help her up. She takes them absently and he pulls her up. He turns away, walking to the other side of the room. Before he can get very far, Rorie wound up, slapping him hard on the ass. He turned his head, glaring at her. She just laughed.
Devin Hawk: "I'll get you back for that later..."
Rorie just shrugged.
Devin Hawk: "I have to head out. I have a bunch of stuff to do today. I'll text you later, yeah?"
Rorie nodded at him and watched as he pulled a shirt over his torso. He picked up his bag and walked to the door. He brought his hand up, giving her a two finger wave.
Rorie Steele: "Talk to you later, sugar."
She was left in the room alone. She turned to look into the large mirror. She tilted her head to the side, examining her body. She smiled to herself.
Rorie Steele: "You see this? This is fucking perfection right here. The curve of my hips, the flatness of my belly, the beautifully crafted body that I made. This is what people should strive for. This is what people should want to be."
She ran her hands down her body.
Rorie Steele: "You've all seen it time and time again. Just how well this perfect body works. How I use it to get what I want. And how I use it to demolish the ones I meet in the ring. I became the champion for a reason. With ease, I took advantage of the situation I was in and won the thing that belonged to me. And around my waist is exactly where that title will stay."
She smirked.
Rorie Steele: "But this week... its not about this title. This week, it seems the bookers got a boner for tag matches. I was thrown into one. For what reason? Fuck if I know. I'm not a tag match person. I don't do well in them. Mostly because I can't stand other people. I don't play well with others. I may as well just fucking walk. Or take them all fucking out. Fuck all of these bitches."
She shakes her head, turning away from the mirror to pace the room.
Rorie Steele: "Gen... We've got our match coming soon. It'll be a tough match, but I'll come out the winner. Why? Because you're just not THAT good. You're definitely below me. May as well break it to you now. You may be getting tips from Devin... but sugar... that's not going to help you. Not for this match and not for ours. I'm the champ for a reason. And I'm not going to let a Rorie Steele clone take my title from me. That's just not going to happen. I do find it cute that you want to be exactly like me in multiple ways... but unfortunately for you, there's just one of me. And that me isn't going to let you take the title I ripped from the fingers of Faith. Not going to happen, sugar."
She laughs to herself and starts to circle the room.
Rorie Steele: "I'm not going to say shit about Ari. That worthless steroid-induced freak doesn't even deserve to have me talking about her. She's a waste of all of our time."
She stops at the mirror, leaning back against it.
Rorie Steele: "And then there's my partner. Tori. The obsessive little dwarf I need to tag with. Gods... please strike this girl down where she fucking stands. I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind. This girl is insane. She's clung herself to me. I feel extremely uncomfortable about it. And I don't want any part of it. If she touches me, I'll break her hand. I don't have friends. I don't keep them around for a reason. If you try, I will shoot you down. I'll wring your neck and watch you fucking die in my hands. Don't test me, little girl."
Rorie glared at the camera.
Rorie Steele: "That's all I have to say. You've all wasted enough of my time."
She walks to her bag, picking it up off the ground. She swings it over her shoulder. She walks out the door, slamming it behind her.
And scene.