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Date Posted:07/19/2010 01:32 AMCopy HTML

| | The scene opens to Syddnii and Acid, standing in the middle of a random hallway. Sydd is pointing to the end of the hall, explaining something to Acid, who's swaying slightly as he listens to her.
Syddnii: "Alright. So. You got that? Just to the end there and back to me."
Acid stares at Sydd for a few seconds and then looks at the end of the hallway. He shrugs and starts to saunter towards the end of the hall.
Syddnii: ".... Run, Acid...."
Acid turns to glance at her and then starts running. Within seconds, he trips and falls to the floor. Sydd bites her lip, trying to stop herself from laughing, but jogs over to him, putting a hand on his back as she bends down.
Syddnii: "Well that didn't work out so well..."
Acid: "Yea. There was a rock. Just like... right in the way."
Sydd turned her head to check. Yea.. no rock.
Syddnii: "Rightttt.... Okay. So how about we try this again."
Acid: "Sweet."
They both get up and Sydd walks back to where she was before. Acid starts to run towards the end of the hall again, his body slightly moving towards the left with each step. Sydd was laughing as he turned back around, running back to her now. When he finally got to her, he bent down, hands on his knees.
Acid: "Okay... *huff* So... *puff* What.. *wheeze*"
Acid holds up a finger to her, looking down at the ground. Sydd smirks at him and crosses her arms over her chest.
Syddnii: "What is this for? Well... if you want to help me with my bigger pranks, you have to be in PEEK condition."
Acid: "They're just.. *huff* Pranks..."
Sydd raised a brow.
Syddnii: "Just pranks?"
Acid: "Yes."
Sydd reached down and pulled his head up by his chin.
Syddnii: "My bigger pranks aren't like normal ones. You think it's easy to find a bunch of frogs to drop on Mr. Willitzer during a show? Yea... I had to get them ALL. Think it's easy to build your own boat that moves around the backstage area for two people to ride on?"
Acid raised a brow at her.
Acid: "When did you have a boat?"
Syddnii: "When we were pirates..."
Acid: "We who...?"
Syddnii: "Me and Tay-"
Sydd stopped and looked down, shaking her head.
Syddnii: "Nevermind. That's not the point. There's a lot of work that has to be done and a lot of training. Especially if we plan to kick the asses of a boy and a girl who think they can beat us at collision course."
Syddnii smiled at him.
Acid: "Well... then show me what you can do. Let's see you run there and back."
Acid pointed to the end of the hall. Sydd smirked at him and shrugged. She took off towards the other end of the hallway. She was pretty fast, too. Acid, of course, stared at her butt as she ran. It's the manly thing to do. :) On the way back, though, she wasn't running. She did flip after flip and handsprings and cartwheels and all that shit. Acid stared in disbelief. When she got closer to Acid, she stopped flipping and jogged the rest of the way to him. She smiled at him. He was still staring, jaw almost to the floor. Sydd laughed and rolled her eyes.
Syddnii: "Yea.. my brother made me join the cheerleading team when we were in highschool... Go Bulldogs!"
Sydd raised her arms in the air and then let them flop back down. She wasn't even that out of breath either. Acid frowned a bit at her.
Syddnii: "Don't worry. You don't have to do any flips. But let's try something else. Hit me."
Acid: "Scuse me?"
Syddnii: "Hit me. It's not that hard."
Acid raised a brow and punched her gently in the arm. Sydd shook her head.
Syddnii: "Harder, Acid. Harder."
Acid: "That's what she said...."
He winked at her and laughed. Sydd laughed back and shook her head.
Syddnii: "Just do it!"
Acid: "She said that too."
Sydd glared at him.
Acid: "Okay!"
He grabbed the bottle of JD that he had brought along with him before and took a HUGE swig of it. He made a face at her and the pulled his arm back. He punched her pretty hard, the sound heard throughout the hall.
Syddnii: "JESUS, ACID!"
Sydd threw her hand up to her shoulder.
Acid: "Oh man! I'm so sorry! You said to!"
Syddnii: "Not that friggin hard! Christ!"
Acid: "I'M SORRY!!!"
Sydd smirked at him and started laughing.
Syddnii: "I'm fine. Dummy."
Acid glared at her, but smiled as well.
Syddnii: "Kay that was good. Now. I think we need to do another practice prank. The one on Johnny probably isn't good enough. We need to hit closer in our neighbourhood. How about... Mr. Psychotic and his State?"
Acid smiled at her and nodded.
Syddnii: "Perrrfect. Let's go."
(TBC by me or Acid)
I'm a SKANK! |
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Rank:Diamond Member
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- Register:12/07/2008 01:08 AM
Re:-->Prank Training<--
Date Posted:07/19/2010 01:32 AMCopy HTML

RP: RE:-->Prank Training<-- RP2CC OOC: Burp!
Crazy fucking blue haired girl. We done a pretty good prank on Johnny I and already she's got a devious scheme hatching in that whacky head of hers. The two wander over to yet another lockerroom within the arena. Just as Sydd said, this was going to be alil closer to home since it had to do with the two dummies we'll be facing at Collision Course. Although Acid was kinda skeptical about it at first. Syddnii laughs
Sydd: Chicken now?
Acid: N-n-no, just wondering if that asshole has the gun he was using earlier.
Sydd: What? You can't dodge like Neo?
Acid: HEY! Whatever Keenu Reeves does I can do better. That includes math!
-trying to prove something to Syddnii, Acid kicks in the lockerroom door open. Finding Jenson and Dakota inside, talking about something unimportant. Acid just stood there, kinda like a deer looking at headlights. Being the short tempered, homicidal maniac that he is, Matt Jenson quickly grabs his shotgun and gets up from the bench. Acid's eyes widened and he makes a dash the fuck outta there. Jenson giving chase followed by Dakota-
-the three head down the hallway, Dakota's shouting can be heard echoing back until finally they all were out of sight. That training that Sydd gave Acid suddenly was paying off as she made her way into the lockerroom. Sydd saw alot of lil goodies left unsafe and exposed by The Jenson/Huntress combo. She had a devilish grin upon her face. The blue heard she-demon had something dastardly in mind-
tbc by Syddnii only |
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Rank:Diamond Member
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- Register:12/07/2008 01:08 AM
Re:-->Prank Training<--
Date Posted:07/19/2010 01:33 AMCopy HTML

| OOC: Hope the use of your characters is okay. It was ALL in good fun. :) Good luck, you guys!!! |
| Sydd smirked at the wonders that filled the room infront of her. And where were Matt and Dakota? Busy looking for Syddnii and Acid, of course. And they'd never know they went back to the locker room of the actual two on the search for the two. Confusing, huh?
Syddnii: "Sickkk..."
Acid looks at Sydd. He then looks around the room.
Acid: "What are you thinking, Syddnii?"
Sydd walks over to some of their stuff, picking it up, looking at it, rummaging. Funthings.
Syddnii: "We need to work fast..."
Acid: "What are we doing?"
Sydd looks over at Acid, smirking.
Syddnii: "You'll see."
The scene ends, but opens back up to the hallway. Sydd and Acid are nowhere to be seen. Matt and Dakota are going back to their locker room.
Matt: "I could kill them. Both of them."
Dakota: "Matt... not the gun."
The camera pans to their locker room as they walk in. A gasp is heard from Dakota, a sort of growl from Matt. The room was a mess. There was a bunch of panties hanging from random objects in the room. Most likely Dakota's. Clothes and other fun things were strewn around the room as well. The floors were covered. But... the piece de resistance... was the HUGE doublesided dildo that had been shoved in between the cushions of the couch. It was standing straight up, in such a proud way.
Dakota: "What the hell? That's not mine!"
Matt: "Mine either... *grunt*"
The camera cuts back to Syddnii and Acid, who are in hiding, laughing quietly. they could hear everything.
Syddnii: "Ohhhhh man. PRICELESSSSSSSSSSSS!"
Acid: "Hahhaha. Did you hear Matt? 'It's not mine' snort. HAHAHAH!"
Sydd and Acid get up from their place and start to quietly run down the hall.
Syddnii: "We were really lucky that this room was so close to theirs. I mean... what room has a doublesided dildo just chillin in it?"
Acid shrugs and the camera checks out the room that they were talking about. On the door, there was a sign. A sign that read...
The Spotlight Saints.
I'm a SKANK! |
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Rank:Diamond Member
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- Register:12/07/2008 01:08 AM
Re:-->Prank Training<--
Date Posted:07/19/2010 01:34 AMCopy HTML

RP: RE:-->Prank Training<-- (SD4rp) OOC: Last minute reply? Also, hope this counts for my roleplay on Showdown. And can I use Syddnii inappropriately one day? ;)
The Spotlight Saints, a minor decorated tag team from Euphoric Entertainment. They were in W2K as part of this contract thinger that Wiltzer and Bradford were doing with both feds and their talent. The Spotlight Saints, glorified pretty boys who had egos the size of Uranus (ur-anus, haha) and the intelligence the size of this shiny nickle in Acid's hand. See that nickle. Can't buy shit these days with a nickle. Sydd and Acid stood at the loominus doorway, looking up at the sign which informed them that this lockerrooom was for Tony Rich and Scott Addams. Acid gives a smile to Sydds and swings his knuckles against the door, tap tap tapping
Acid: (kinda girlish tone) Hoooouse keeping. You naket?
-Sydd giggles under hear breath while Acid presses his ear to the door. Didn't seem like anyone was there so he grabs the door handle and pounces in. Syddnii follows his lead, making a fake gun gesture with her hands and securing the perimeter-
Sydd: The coast is clear.
Acid: ten four good buddy -laughes- Hmmm, this place looks exactly how I picture their lockerroom to be.
Sydd: Average?
-Acid's eyes scan the room, didn't seem like much was there besides two duffle bags, a television, some Hot Pockets and body cream.....atleast that's what one assumed at first glance. Sydd walks up, grabs the cream and laughes-
Sydd: Upon closer expection Captain, it appears to be Ass Cream.
Acid: Holy fuck, I thought only Christian from the WWE uses that. -exclaims- It's all making sense.
Sydd: What a sick sad world this has become.
Acid: -chuckles again- Tell me about it. Ah well, time to rummage their crap and see if we can find something useful to prank them with.
Sydd: Now use my teaches wisely my Padawan.
-looking through Scott's duffle bag first, Acid turns his head with a huge smile-
Acid: I'm YOUR Padawan. Awwwwwww.
Sydd: -sticks her tongue out- Don't get to comfortable. You're still learning to be a Jedi remember. Found anything yet?
Acid: -huge grin- Ohhh did I.
-That huge grin was on Acid for a very good reason, he pulls out the EE Fatal Unity Tag belt. Sydd decides to go into Tony Rich's duffle bag and behold! the EE Fatal Unity Tag belt as well. So they both have the tag titles that The Spotlight Saints held in Euphoric Entertainment. Acid is staring at the belt, holding it pretty closely-
Sydd: Don't burn a hole in it Acid. What's the prank.
Acid: -shakes his head, gets back into frame of mind- Oh. Hmm. I was trying to think and it's pretty gross actually.
-Looking quite intrigued by this, Sydd motions to him-
Sydd: -smiles- Go on.
Acid: I seen the new episode of South Park the other night. It was kind of interesting cuz it dealed with annoying bikers and what the South Park kids did and say to them as they keep annoying the sht out of them. They called them fags alot, but not as a derogatory term, it was cuz they thought of the bikers as lame.
Sydd: And then?
Acid: -laughes- Annnnd theeen. What they first did was leaving a fresh, smelling gift on their motorcycle seats and a small flag that said "You're Fags" on it. Now, I don't think these guys are fags, I just think the Spotlight Saints are ghey.
Sydd: -nods with a smile- I'd have to agree with you there.
Acid: And I had Taco Bell about an hour ago. Feels like I need to go.
-Sydd's eyes grew wide and laughed-
Sydd: Groooooooooooossssssss.
Acid: -grins- Hand me the title m'lady.
-luckily for Syddnii, the lockerroom has a personal restroom. Acid took both Fatal Unity titles with him into the restroom. A good 10 to 14 minutes later. A flush is heard and a putrid smell is coming from the restroom. Sydd is scrunching up her nose while Acid goes into Scott's duffle bag again, spraying whatever cologne he had in there on his body. Sydd sniffed him and scrunches her nose again-
Sydd: You were better off with the shit smell. It's better than smelling like a mix of a camel and sewage. Ewwww.
Acid: -shrugs- Well, it's just for now, it will wear off in abit I'm sure. Anyhow, one more thing I need to do.
-going into his pockets, Acid pulls out a the reciept from Taco Bell earlier and tears it into two. He makes with the grabby hand towards Sydd who forks over a black marker for him. Acid writes something, gives the marker back to Sydd then pulls out a few toothpicks from his pocket, sticking them on the ends of each paper. He heads back into the restroom and a second later he comes back out with a big smile-
Acid: We can go now.
Sydd: -shys away- I'm still in shock you did that.
Acid: Hey, I'm trying to get back to meh roots Teach. These pranks are just the beginning.
-they exit the lockerroom while the cameraguy goes to the restroom, reluctantly. Trying not to show the fecal matter, he atleast got a good shot at what the flag said. It's just as Acid thought about the Spotlight Saints. Each Fatal Unity belt had a small pile of human waste and a small flag that said "You're Ghey!". Sick and crude, it's Acid's M.O. The scene fades to black-
tbc by no one |
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