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- Register:12/07/2008 01:08 AM
Date Posted:11/18/2015 20:29 PMCopy HTML

| Halloween is coming up soon. That's right, ladies and gents. The most wonderful time of the year is upon us. And I am extremely excited. Why? Because it's awesome. And that's the bottom line. If ya smell what the Devyne is cookin'. And all that jazz. Anyways, coming up on Last Call this week is a match Miss Devyne has been waiting for. Why? Because it is a costume contest. And because Halloween isn't really a thing in England. She never went trick or treating. Dressing up was always poorly done. That's why she ended up getting into cosplaying and making her own outfits. She was always interested in being part of the holiday, but it would never be like it was in America. One day she would go proper trick or treating. But for now... she had a few parties to attend and a costume contest to crash.
Like everyone else taking part in this contest, Psyche was going to have a bit of a show off party with her outfit choices. But not with who you would expect. Bryan was off doing his own thing. And the two were having a bit of a... lovers quarrel at the moment. Long story. Not getting into it. But Psyche still had an audience. She was in the form of Psyche's still-visiting friend Natasha. The two were in Psyche's hotel room in Atlantic City. Natasha sat on the bed, watching as Psyche threw clothing around the entire room. It was a mess. But a very colourful and interesting mess. Psyche finally found something she was looking for. She plopped a floppy hat on her head and turned to face Nat, holding her arms out.
Psyche: "Alright... what do you think of this one?"
She spins around in the sorry excuse for a costume.
Natasha: "Seriously, Psyche... that is just pitiful. What are you trying to be?"
Psyche: "A... human... creature? I don't know! What do people wear as costumes? We don't really do this back home. It only just started to get better. Everything else was thrown together last minute."
Natasha: "You do cosplay! And make your own clothes! How can you not have any ideas?"
Psyche: "They're just not coming to me... I don't know what to do..."
Natasha: "Alright... I'll help. Let's try the first one... after that, you can come up with some on your own..."
Psyche: "Okay. Deal. Help!"
Natasha stands up, looking around the room at all of Psyche's things. She grabs some items, placing them on the bed, arranging them into an outfit. Psyche smiles and nods.
Natasha: "You can be a girl from the Wild West!"
Psyche thought for a moment, still looking at the outfit. She got behind the camera, getting herself into the costume. When she had it on, she came into frame, grabbing another hat. She placed it on her head and twirled for the camera, prop gun in hand as well.

Natasha looked Psyche over, trying to decide if she was liking the outfit or not. It looked hot, but it wasn't what she should be going for.
Natasha: "Hmmm... I don't think it's right. You've got too much going on. You need to make it simpler."
Psyche nodded, removing some pieces of the outfit and adding back a few others. She finishes and spins for Nat once again.

Nat puts a finger on her lip.
Natasha: "This a Saloon Girl costume?"
Psyche nodded.
Psyche: "Exactly. It works, right? Check out the awesome skirt!"
Psyche spins again, the skirt fanning out in coloured fabrics.
Natasha: "While I like it a lot... It's still not right. Try something else."
Psyche frowned a bit, but did as her friend suggested. She threw around a few more things in the room. She finally settled on something black. She removed her clothing behind the camera again, stepping into a new outfit. She then picked up a black wig, fixing it onto her head. She stood in front of Nat again, hands on her hips.

Natasha: "Ooh... Morticia. I like it. Kinda has a vampire feel to it as well."
Natasha smirked, eyeing Psyche. The two girls smirked at each other. Just then, a knock is heard on the door. Psyche raises a brow towards Natasha. Who could it possibly be? Well really... it could only be one person. Psyche made a face, walking to the door, still in the same outfit. She opens it up, revealing Bryan, her soon to be EX BOYFRIEND. Just joking. He's still sticking around. But she's mad. He looks at her, confused. He leans back, checking the room number. He's not recognizing her. She raises a brow at him, watching his confused expression.
Bryan: "Uhh..."
Psyche shakes her head.
Psyche: "It's me, love."
Bryan squints at her, trying to find her face through the makeup she had been wearing. His eyes raise up, finally realizing he was actually seeing Psyche. Psyche nodded, giving him a bit of an annoyed look. She didn't look THAT different, really.
Bryan: "Wow. You definitely don't look like you. That black hair is really throwing me off. And the outfit."
Psyche: "I don't look that different, Bryan. It's just a wig. And a costume."
Bryan nodded, watching his girlfriend closely.
Bryan: "You still mad at me?"
Psyche: "Yes."
Bryan frowned.
Bryan: "I was just frustrated by the loss. I didn't mean to blame you..."
Psyche: "You shouldn't blame me. You distracted me too, love. Asking questions. I got bored. I wanted in. So I forced my way in."
Bryan: "Well I still had it taken care of."
Psyche: "Well So-rry I messed up your winning streak! I'm sorry I had to bring you down to my losing level."
She glared at him. Natasha sat quietly in the other room, trying not to listen to the conversation. Bryan frowned at her again.
Bryan: "I didn't mean anything like that. You're not a loser. You've had tough competition. You're not totally in your element in Boardwalk."
Psyche: "I'm not. But that doesn't mean I'm not trying. I wanted to prove myself to you. And I didn't get to. And that sucks."
She pauses for a second.
Psyche: "Ugh! Bloody hell! Your American slang is rubbing off on me!"
She lets out a frustrated breath, looking down. Bryan steps forwards, pushing the door closed behind him. He put his hands on her face, bringing her towards him for a kiss. She definitely gives in. Because she's weak and shit. Also he's pretty. She can't deny him that. He pulls back, leaning his forehead against hers. She lets out a sigh. She's fallen for his charms. The evil, evil man.
Bryan: "Why don't we get you out of that dress and wig, hm? Into something more comfortable?"
He smirks at her, hinting at something.
Psyche: "Sorry to burst your bubble, love. But there's two issues here. One... Natasha is sitting in the bedroom. And while I know none of us would have an issue with what you're suggesting at all, I have issue number two to deal with. That's the fact that I have to find a bloody costume for this Halloween costume contest thing."
Bryan frowned. He wasn't going to get laid. Right now, anyways.
Bryan: "You're doing that?"
Psyche: "Yeah. I wanted to take part in the show more than being special commentary. Even though... you know... I'll be more like the center of attention during that anyways."
She smirked. Bryan laughed a bit.
Bryan: "That's probably very true. I know where I'll be looking."
She smiled at him after kissing him on the cheek.
Psyche: "You're a sweetheart. But yes. I need to find an outfit. So how about we go back into the bedroom and try on some more outfits and find the best one, hm?"
Bryan nodded, liking that idea. That meant seeing Psyche without clothes on during outfit changes. We all like that. Score. The two head into the bedroom. Natasha was on her phone. She looks up, smiling at them. They're clearly happy with each other again.
Natasha: "Hey Bryan. Nice seeing you."
She smirks and winks at him. He can't help but smirk back. He sits beside her on the bed, leaning back on his hands.
Psyche: "Alright. So what are the thoughts on this?"
Natasha: "I like it... but it's still wrong. I know... not enough skin. Less covering!"
Bryan and Natasha nodded together. Psyche nodded as well, agreeing. She turned away, finding something new. She removed the tight black dress, dropping it to the floor, now just looking through her clothes in a bra and panties. Cause she does what she wants. She finally finds something new, grabbing all of the items and putting them on. She throws her hair into quick pigtails. She stands in front of them, throwing her hands out in front of her, showing off the outfit.

Psyche: "This! Baby Doll from Sucker Punch? What do you think?"
Bryan: "The schoolgirl kind of look is extremely sexy. But I feel like that's more of a me and you outfit..."
Natasha: "And me!"
Psyche and Bryan laugh.
Psyche: "And of course you as well. But I agree. I don't want to go the prep school way. Not my cup of tea. And I love tea."
She smirks, now trying to come up with something new. She pulls her hair out of the pigtails, trying to think of something. She snaps her fingers, thinking of something. She removes her clothes again, grabbing other items to wear. Natasha repositions herself, laying her head on Bryan's lap. he doesn't seem to mind. Psyche comes back to them, now wearing a flannel shirt, shorts, and a cowboy hat.

Psyche runs her hands down her sides, showing off the look.
Bryan: "Not cool enough. Not cool enough at all. You look like every other girl around. I actually don't like it as much."
Psyche: "Really? I'm not as sexy in a kind of southern look?"
Bryan: "Not when you look like everyone else. I like you how you normally are."
Psyche smiles sweetly. Such a nice compliment. She removes the outfit as she stands in front of the two. She puts a finger on her lip, thinking.
Bryan: "Now this I like. What are you supposed to be?"
Psyche raised a brow, looking herself over. She didn't realize he was being sarcastic at first. She rolled her eyes at him.
Psyche: "Shut up, Bryan. Prat."
Bryan laughed. He absently started running his fingers through Natasha's hair. Kind of petting her. She sounded as if she was purring. Psyche wasn't even paying attention, nor would it matter to her. She snapped her fingers, thinking of something. She put together a whole new outfit. This one a bit more elaborate.

Psyche: "What about this? I'm an elf!"
Bryan: "Now that's sexy... I like that one."
Natasha: "I agree. Super sexy elf. This is a contender."
Psyche smiles, admiring herself in the mirror for a moment.
Psyche: "Okay. One more outfit I think I'll try."
She gets out of the elf outfit, now changing into something else. This outfit was a lot tighter. She was behind the camera again. This required full nudity in order to get the outfit on. She get herself into the outfit and went back towards the two. Both were quite obviously watching. Natasha was smirking for unknown reasons.

Psyche: "Okay... this time.. I'm a sailor! What do you guys think?"
Natasha: "And contender number two goes to....."
Bryan: "This one is the most fun to get in and out of, that's for sure. On my end, anyways. I'd just be scared of it ripping or something coming off. You have no extra coverage if something happens."
Psyche: "Technically, yes. That is very true. But I wouldn't do anything to make that happen."
Bryan: "You never know what these ladies will do. They might start something. Then you're in a disadvantage."
Psyche nods, agreeing with the logic.
Bryan: "Plus... I want you to keep this outfit for home also. So... uhh... keep it on for a bit, hm?"
He smiled wide at her. Natasha laughed, patting her hand on Bryan's thigh.
Natasha: "It's alright, Bryan. I'm sure she wouldn't pass up using a sexy outfit to get you riled up."
Psyche smirked at the two. Nat was right. This would be fun.
Psyche: "Okay.. well I have one more idea... but we'll leave that alone for now. Besides... all of that stuff is back home anyways. I have to wait to show you when we get back to New Orleans. Sound like a plan?"
The other two nodded at her. Bryan was shifting his position a bit as he continued to watch his girlfriend. Natasha laughed once again. She knew what was going on.
Natasha: "Alright. You know what? I'm going to head down to Bryan's room. Give me your key. I'm going to let you to get some time alone. You need it over the tiny fight you had. Grab yourselves some dinner and then do what you please. Then we can all play later. Maybe board games. Maybe other things. But you two have fun, alright?"
Natasha smiled, sitting up from her laying position. Bryan handed her his key, not protesting. She gave Bryan a kiss on the cheek and then got up, walking to Psyche. She hugged her and kissed her as well.
Psyche: "You sure, love? No dinner?"
Natasha: "Nope. This is your time. I'll get dinner on Bryan's room."
She smirked.
Psyche: "Thank you, doll. I'll text you a bit later, yeah? Have fun! Order a dirty movie on Bryan as well!"
Psyche laughed, the others joining in.
Bryan: "Just don't go crazy."
He winked at her. Natasha smiled and walked to the door, leaving the hotel room. Psyche turned her attention back to Bryan. She walked over to him, straddling his lap. She put her hands on his shoulders.
Psyche: "Let's get some food... then we'll go for a ride on the boat, yeah?"
Bryan laughed.
Bryan: "Maybe... or maybe..."
He kissed her on the lips for a moment. After a few seconds, he pulled back. He looked at the camera and smirked.
Bryan: "Maybe something else completely. Something just popped up. See you later, BCW land..."
He pressed a button, turning off the camera. And the scene turns to black.
| +.Blackroses.+ |