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- Register:12/07/2008 01:08 AM
Date Posted:11/18/2015 20:30 PMCopy HTML

| The scene starts up with Bryan Williams and Psyche Devyne sitting in a car. They are parked in a parking lot, car turned off. Psyche shifts in her seat to face Bryan, a frown on her face. She's pouting.
Psyche: "I really don't want to learn how to drive, Bryan. I already know how."
Bryan: "You don't, really."
Psyche: "I do. I know the PROPER way of driving. You clearly do not. I'm on the wrong bloody side of the car."
Bryan: "This is how you drive here in America. You need to learn so you can be more independent and stop wasting money on Uber."
Psyche: "But I don't mind spending that money! And I like meeting new people. I'd rather do that instead of driving incorrectly."
Bryan: "It isn't incorrect. You're incorrect."
Psyche glared at him.
Bryan: "Sorry... You're not incorrect. But let's just try, huh? We're in a deserted parking lot. You'll be fine."
Psyche: "Can't I just give you a nosh off instead?"
Bryan looks confused.
Bryan: "A what?"
Psyche: "Oh... like... suck you off. Give you a blow job, or whatever. Road head, yeah?"
Bryan sighs.
Bryan: "As much as I would extremely enjoy that, I'm going to have to say no."
Psyche pouts again.
Psyche: "That's not fair. I don't want to learn!"
Bryan: "You can do that later if you want. For now... you're learning."
Psyche: "No way. I'm not going to do it now. Lost your chance, love. Should have taken me up on the offer. Instead, I have to drive this silly and incorrect car until we crash. Ready, then?"
Bryan: "Damnit. Okay. Let's just start it, okay?"
Psyche goes to start the car, but looks for everything on the wrong side. She let's out a frustrated sigh and moves to look at the other side. She starts the car and goes to shift the gear, once again going to the wrong side first. Another frustrated sigh.
Psyche: "This is bullocks. I hate it already."
She get's to the proper side again, feeling awkward about the placement of everything. She moves the car slowly at first, getting her bearings for everything. Driving on the other side was extremely weird for her.
Bryan: "Okay. Now try to drive as if you're on the left side of the road."
Psyche: "No... I should be on the right."
Bryan: "Not in America, sweety."
Psyche: "Stupid America."
She does as he says and drives on the wrong side of the road. She doesn't enjoy it at all. After a few minutes of driving, she starts to understand how it all works and gets more comfortable driving. After a few more minutes, she's whipping around the parking lot like a race car driver. Bryan is holding on for dear life.
Psyche: "Alright. I think I'm ready for the road!"
Bryan: "Really? Already? I thought we'd have to do this a couple days. And you're driving like an insane person."
Psyche: "Don't care. Going on the road!"
She heads towards the parking lot exit. The road there is one lane each side. She assumes it is easy. She makes a proper right turn and starts to drive.
Psyche: "See? I'm doing fine. Don't be frightened, love."
She moves a hand off of the wheel, reaching her hand over to Bryan's thigh to "comfort" him. Really she was just copping a feel. She was now looking at him devilishly. The hand on the wheel, however, had other plans. Reverting back to the other side of the road made more sense. The car moved into the other lane into oncoming traffic. A car starts to come that way, heading right towards them. Bryan looks up from where her hand had moved to and turns rigid.
Bryan: "Psyche!"
She looks away from him, just in time to see the other car. She quickly veered back to the right, avoiding the other car. The person pressed firmly on their horn, letting them know they were displeased.
Psyche: "Bloody fucking hell!"
She keeps both hands on the wheel now. She continues to drive straight. Now a long stream of cars are coming quickly towards her. She starts to panic.
Psyche: "Nope! Nope, nope, nope! I don't like this! I really don't like this!"
Now there's cars behind her. She's going way slower than the speed limit, which she already doesn't understand. Limits were extremely different in England. She's panicking more, now.
Psyche: "I'm done. I can't drive anymore. I never want to drive here again! No!"
Bryan nodded, understanding. Probably for the best not to have her drive again. He instructs her to pull over and she does. She puts the car into park and turns it off. Bryan get's out of the car, going around to the driver side. Psyche just climbs over to the passenger side. Bryan puts a hand on her leg once they're both settled.
Bryan: "It's okay. Don't worry. You'll be fine, okay?"
Psyche: "Yeah. I'm fine. I much prefer this side of the car, even if it doesn't have a steering wheel."
Bryan nods at her. He starts the car, getting back onto the road easily. They start driving. Psyche has other plans, however.
Psyche: "And... since you just saved me, pretty much, I'm going to give you a present. Since we have a bit of time before we get to the beach."
She smirks at him and unbuckles her seatbelt.
Psyche: "Just don't get in a wreck, alright, love? I'm not buckled in."
She winks at him and repositions herself for a new activity.
Psyche is sitting on a blanket on the beach. The sun is starting to set. She is in a white sundress, black sandals on her feet. She has her hair up in a messy bun now. She puts a hand on her forehead in a salute, shielding her eyes from the sun, where she's looking. Laying beside her is Bryan, not paying much mind to what she's doing. He's got his eyes closed, just enjoying her company, really. She starts to speak to the camera set up in front of them.
Psyche: "Oh Eric... You need to bite your tongue. Before I make you swallow it. And you might as well swallow your words back, too. You're not going to be the champion for long, love. You know, Craven. You're honestly right. Something in my brain did click about that title. Unfortunately, it's not what you think. What clicked.. is that I can't stand you and I want you to lose everything you have. You may wonder... 'Why, Psyche? Why mess with someone else's successes?' I'll answer that for you with another question. Why the fuck not? Your reign is infuriating at best. I can't stand seeing you every week with that title. It doesn't belong to you. Neither does the one on your girlfriend. You can't claim to be the best without proving yourself; that I agree with you on. But what about someone like me who comes along and beats someone like you? Someone that's already almost done the rounds? Wouldn't that mean... that by default, I'd be the best in this company? Since I'd be beating the one that already beat the others? If I prove I'm better than you, wouldn't that mean I'm better than everyone else too, then? Makes sense to me, really. And I really like my odds on being better than you."
She winks at the camera, a smirk playing across her face.
Psyche: "You talk about our last match as if you weren't close to losing as well. I almost had you at points too. But I lost focus and almost failed because of it. And that's my problem. I take responsibility for it. I don't put that blame on anyone but myself. People around here like to pass blame on others. It's bloody ridiculous. But let's drop that for now. You say you have lots to lose in this match and I have nothing. It's funny... Because I, too, have something to lose. And that's the match itself. I don't want to lose it. I don't want to lose my chance to defeat you. I came here for something as well. And that was to fight. At first, winning or losing didn't matter. I didn't care... I just wanted to give a few people a good going over. But I have changed my tune. Now.. I just want to win. And I'll do whatever it takes to do it. And I mean whatever."
She continues her smirk.
Psyche: "You'll lose that title at some point, Craven. That I know 100%. I just plan on it being me that takes it. I just want bragging rights, now. I'm happy there's nobody to ruin the match this time. That just means I can show you that the first time we met up was a fluke. Like I said... I lost focus. I don't plan on doing that again. And another thing... put on some fucking clothes during your promos. You're giving off a bad impression. And while you have an extremely sexy body..."
She pauses, rethinking what she had said. Honestly.. if this happens again...
Psyche: "While your body is appealing visually... Nobody needs to see that. You're a bad, bad boy, Eric."
She laughs quietly to herself. Bryan is still laying beside her, likely sleeping. She focuses on the camera again, a disapproving look on her face.
Psyche: "But honestly, Craven... No one wants to hear you. No one wants to see you. They say silence is golden... You've proved that to be true. Because everything you say is worthless. You would have been better off saying nothing at all. You don't deserve that gold on your shoulder. You're wrong as the champion. Extremely wrong. Spare me your sweet little praises towards me. Acting like you are all high and mighty. Acting like you're really the good guy here. You're not. You're the guy everyone wants to take down. And like a villain... You won't get your happy ending. Because that's what you are. This sickly sweet play you have going on is just a front to hide who you truly are. You think that nobody sees it? Accept your fate, Eric. You're not a shepherd. You're not the one leading everyone in BCW. You're just a sheep. Following in everyones footsteps. Following the true leader. And I'll be that true leader. I will be there to guide you. But for you... I'll do it a little different. I'll guide you to a lake. Where you'll fall down a hill... into the water. You'll drown because of me. And I won't lift a finger to help you. You must lose one of the flock sometimes to be successful. Unfortunately for you... you'll be that casualty."
Psyche glares at the camera. Her final words had a tinge of anger in them. Bryan's hand shoots up, placed gently on her lower arm. She turns her attention to his hand. He runs it along her skin to her own hand, gripping it in his. He gives her hand a gentle squeeze. She calms for a moment, smiling at Bryan.
Psyche: "My apologies. I got a bit carried away. My words are true, however. But I will do as you will for me. At the end of this match, no matter the outcome... I will shake your hand back. You are an amazing competitor. And you have deserved the title... in the past. But no longer. The Craven Show is at its end. And it will be replaced by something better. Someone better. Good luck, Craven. You will need it."
Psyche smiles one last time at the camera. She runs her thumb along Bryan's hand for a second and then moves to turn off the camera, sending the feed to black.
| +.Blackroses.+ |