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- Register:12/07/2008 01:08 AM
Date Posted:11/18/2015 20:30 PMCopy HTML

| Today was going to be a very difficult day. Only a few days before the biggest match of her career in BCW and she has to say goodbye to one of the only people keeping her sane. Natasha, Psyche's friend that had been visiting for all this time, was leaving. She was flying back home after a few weeks spent with Psyche. And it wasn't going to be an easy goodbye.
Psyche: "Okay, Natasha... do you have everything packed? All of your things together? Forget anything? Anything at all?"
Natasha nods at Psyche. Two luggage bags sat beside her, leaning against the wall. Natasha frowned at her friend.
Natasha: "I don't want to go home. I want to stay here."
Psyche: "I know. But you have to get back to your real life stuff."
Natasha nodded again. Psyche walked over to her friend, giving her a big hug.
Natasha: "You and Bryan made this the most amazing vacation I could have asked for. Honestly. I couldn't ask for better friends."
Psyche: "We feel quite the same way, love. Now we still have a few hours before we need to get you to the airport at 10. How about we go and have some fun?"
Natasha: "Really? Like what?"
Psyche: "Hmmm.... Give me a minute. I'll come up with something..."
Psyche paces for a few moments, trying to come up with a plan. She has a finger on her chin, thinking that maybe that will help her think of something brilliant.
Psyche: "Ooh! We could go for a walk."
Natasha raised a brow at her friend.
Natasha: "A walk. That's your idea? A walk? On my last day here, you can only come up with a walk?"
Psyche frowned. That seriously was all she could come up with.
Psyche: "Wait... I know. We could call up Bryan! And get you beyond plastered for your flight! You can pretend you aren't and see if you can still get on the flight. If you can't, too bad. You stay another day."
Natasha: "I can't drink like you can, Psyche. I'm not big on doing the drinking thing."
Psyche made another face, trying to think of something else.
Psyche: "Well what about if we still go and get Bryan and then... We could go on a ghost tour!"
Natasha thought about the idea for a second. The timing was perfect for it. And it was something that they had talked about doing. Just then, Bryan came through the door.
Bryan: "Natasha! You're still here. I thought you already left without saying goodbye."
Bryan goes in for a hug. Natasha nuzzles against him. Psyche smiles at them. They had some really good times together.
Psyche: "Hello, love. Do I get one of those too?"
Bryan laughed, letting go of Natasha. He moves over to Psyche, giving her a kiss.
Bryan: "Such pretty girls I have the privilege of being around. I'm a lucky man."
Psyche: "Yes you are.. And hey! We had an idea! Since Natasha is leaving tonight, we thought we'd go on a ghost tour just before her flight. There's a place that does them right down the street. Want to come?"
Bryan shrugs, not sure about it.
Bryan: "Really? You guys want to do one of those? They're supposed to be pretty lame. You sure?"
The two women nod furiously.
Bryan: "Alright fine. We'll go. Get your stuff together and we'll head over now."
The two girls squealed in excitement and the three walked out into the night.
Psyche comes out of the darkness, hands clapping together. She has a smirk on her face, head shaking back and forth. A short black dress is covering her body. Her hair is left down on her back.
Psyche: "Congratulations Eric! What a fantastic television debut. That was... so impressive."
Psyche loses the smirk and put her hands down beside her.
Psyche: "And by impressive, I mean extremely boring. I almost fell asleep listening to you speak. You have this lovely voice that is extremely soothing and makes you tired. While that sounds like a compliment... it isn't. I'd maybe suggest getting off the telly and going into reading bedtime stories. You'll put children to sleep in no time. Even when you're talking about wrestling. That show could have had so many other people on it... but they chose you. And that was just... the wrong decision. You may be the Champion... but you're not as impressive as you'd like to think. I'm normally very sweet, as you know. But I'm changing my tune a bit, here. I'm also changing my mind about that championship of yours. Not because I need it to prove anything to anyone... I just don't want you to have it. You have this power couple thing going on with Faith. Both have championships. Sadly... this week... you'll both be losing your titles. No longer the two champions of this place. You've got a lot of work to do."
Psyche laughs, thinking of both of their faces when they lose.
Psyche: "You keep giving me all this credit. I don't need you to be nice to me, love. I don't need anything from you other than that belt. You love to blame others for your loses and praise yourself for wins that you had help with. I helped you win that match against Sean. And do you want to know WHY I did that? Because I didn't want that title from Sean. I wanted it from you. I wanted to steal it... from you. And I'm proud to say that I will be doing so this week."
She smirks again, watching the camera. She walks a bit closer, the camera now focused lower on there body. She bends over, showing her cleavage to the camera. She pulls all of her hair to one side and places her hands together between her thighs below the hem of the dress.
Psyche: "Eric... I know you keep saying that I won't get into your head. You're so passionate about Faith and not doing anything that will make her cross with you. But the fact of the matter is... its kind of inevitable. You can't honestly say that I don't get you all hot and bothered."
Psyche stands up straight again, backing away from the camera again. She tilts her head back and runs a hand through her hair. She brings her hair to the other shoulder and continues running her hand down the front of her body. A finger continues down the front of her dress, down to her belly button. She raises a brow to the camera.
Psyche: "I hope you're not alone when you watch my promos. I wouldn't want Faith thinking you're doing anything naughty during any of them. I mean... remember that one I did in the bath tub? I'll bet you have that one saved somewhere for alone time, don't you."
She winked at the camera.
Psyche: "In all honesty, though... you aren't going to come out of this match as a winner. I really doubt that will happen. You're not really on my level, Craven. Especially right now. You may have almost gotten the better of me in the past... but that won't happen again. You're going to lose, love. And you're going to enjoy every moment of it. I can promise you that as well."
She winked again. She clearly had something up her sleeve for this match. It was going to be interesting, regardless.
Bryan: "Did she just say a guy died right on the ground where I'm standing?"
Psyche: "Yes. Right there."
Psyche pointed at his feet, smiling. She laughed out loud.
Bryan: "That's gross. This is dumb."
Psyche: "Bryan... shush. I'm listening to the pretty lady speak."
Psyche looked back at the tour guide. She was far from a pretty lady. Bryan made a face. He put an arm around Psyche's shoulder. Psyche grabbed his hand, holding him there. Natasha came up on his other side, putting her arm around his back. He threw his other arm over her shoulder as well, but she was much shorter, which made the whole thing look a bit awkward.
Tour Guide: "So here is where the remains of Bobby MacLean were found in 1897. It is said that his ghost is sometimes seen in the house we're about to head into. Bobby was a scientist who did many experiments on locals. People didn't realize until it was too late that the missing people had gone missing because of Bobby. It is also said that you can sometimes hear the voices of the victims of Bobby MacLean."
Psyche: "Ooh... spooky. Bobby sounds like a right wanker."
The three of them followed the small group into the house. It was set up with barriers around some of the rooms so that onlookers wouldn't touch any items. Everything was supposedly in tact from all those years ago when this whole thing happened. Everyone continued through the rooms, but Psyche, Bryan, and Natasha stayed a bit behind, looking more at all of the things in the particular room they were in.
Bryan: "I think I heard something..."
The two women ignored Bryan's words.
Psyche: "Wouldn't it be fun to have sex in here? I kind of want to have sex in here."
Bryan looked at her like she was insane.
Natasha: "I agree. There's something about this room that makes you feel sexy. I don't know what it is."
Bryan looked back and forth between the women, confused by them. What the hell were they talking about? Didn't he also just say he heard something? He looked around the room. It was a bedroom, complete with a small bed that couldn't fit anyone. But that was normal back then, apparently.
Psyche: "I also feel extremely sexy in here."
Natasha: "You look sexy... Doesn't she look sexy, Bryan?"
Natasha ran a hand down Psyche's spine, caressing her skin. She left her hand on the small of her back.
Bryan: "Well.. I mean... she's always sexy... But really? In here? I seriously heard something..."
Natasha: "Stop worrying about the things you're hearing and just come here, would you?"
Psyche: "Right over to that bed. With us..."
Psyche smirks at him. She takes one step towards Bryan, putting her hand on his waistband. She grabs hold and pulls him over to herself and Nat.
Bryan: "Jesus Christ! What is up with you two!?"
Psyche: "I just want some action, Bryan. So does Natasha...."
Bryan: "What the... Woah! Woah! Okay... fine. Fine."
Psyche had placed her hand now lower from his waistband. She had a huge smirk on her face. Then, within seconds, the two ladies started laughing hysterically.
Psyche: "Oh my god, Bryan! The look on your face! What did you think was going on?"
Bryan looks between the two women, now frustrated.
Bryan: "I knew it! I knew something was up! You two are insane!"
Natasha: "What did you think? We were possessed by some ghost or something?"
The girls continue to laugh. Bryan is visibly embarrassed. Psyche throws her arms around his waist and gives him a peck on the mouth.
Psyche: "Don't worry, love. I'll make it up to you tonight. I promise. For now, let's finish up this tour and then we can get our little Natasha here to the airport for her flight."
Natasha: "I wish I didn't have to miss the later part. But such is life, I guess. We'll do it again, I'm sure."
Natasha smirked and reached behind Bryan, giving him a little spank. He made a face.
Bryan: "Later better be really good. You owe me big time."
Psyche: "Oh it will be... I promise. Now let's finish up this tour, hmm?"
Psyche smirked at Bryan and wrapped her arms around him again. The three finished the tour and after another couple of hours, brought Natasha to the airport and said their goodbyes.
| +.Blackroses.+ |