Rank:Diamond Member
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- Register:12/07/2008 01:08 AM
Date Posted:11/18/2015 20:27 PMCopy HTML

| Psyche Devyne's win against Kat Jones was one for the books. Psyche did what she set out to do in that match. And that was to prove Kat wrong and beat her. She took control of the match after quite a battle and got Kat to tap out to the Psycho. It worked perfectly. Psyche got her chance to celebrate by jumping on some tables and being a complete show off. Because she could. But now what would she do? Kat has ignored her since the show and she hasn't spoken to anyone else either. She's mostly been travelling back and forth between states for other shows. In fact, she was currently back in Atlantic City for a show she had tonight. Since she had a bit of spare time before, she thought she'd cut a promo. Cause why not?
Now Psyche isn't like everyone else. She doesn't have anyone around to talk to about her matches. She must resort to talking to herself like a lunatic. Eric Craven, however, has a sick girlfriend he can talk to. Someone he can chat with to make himself seem less alone and stuff. But honestly. Who needs friends? PFFT.
Psyche is in her hotel room in AC, grabbing random clothing items and stuffing them into her gym bag. She was getting her gear ready for her show tonight. She turned her head up towards the camera, a big smile on her face.
"Eric Craven... our super awesome champion for BCW. I honestly don't know which champion, but I probably don't care very much either. See, Eric... you kinda have me all wrong. I sorta don't care about your title. I'm just being honest here. I don't need a title to tell myself that I'm the best. I just prove it every week in general. Look at my match with Kat at Southern Uprising. That match was more interesting than most of the others, I'd think. That could just be me giving myself more credit than I should, but I sometimes do that."
She winks at the camera and bends back down to her bag. She's rummaging through it, trying to locate something while still talking.
"I also really like how you're trying to study my matches I've had. It's extremely cute. Haven't you noticed I don't really do the same thing in each match, move wise? Why do you think that is? It's so people like you can't study me and pretend to learn my style. Sadly for you, I'm not very predictable. You can study all you'd like, Eric, but you won't learn much."
She shrugged her shoulders and straightened up, walking towards the bathroom to grab more items.
"And another thing... one of the constant things you seemed to notice was that I did quite well with getting under my opponents skin. You seem to have this idea that I used that to win my match. I don't see it as a negative thing, as you seem to. I see it as using other peoples weaknesses to my advantage. Their weaknesses being that they can't focus when someone is messing with them. You honestly think I have nothing I could do to get into your head, Eric? I have a few tricks up my sleeve, love. Don't you worry about that. All the things I've done so far have been child's play. I'm in the big leagues now. I'm facing a "Champion". And that means I have to step up my game a bit for you."
She walks back into the bedroom area and throws the rest of the stuff into the bag. She zips it closed and stands up straight, putting her hands on her hips.
"Try everything you can, Eric. Try to be technical and use your high flying skills. I'm technical as well. I doubt there will be more than a small handful of things you know more about than I do. As for your Japanese fighting style... I can take a kick. I haven't caught any from you, but we'll see how forceful they really are. I look forward to you trying to beat me. You are heavier than me, yes... but I can use that to my advantage. I've done it before and I can do it again. This match will be rather entertaining, to say the least. And when I win and prove that I'm just as good as you, then maybe you'll reconsider changing your fighting style. But you never know. You seem like a good competitor and you clearly have gold to prove that. I just like to text that out in a match and see if you truly are worthy of holding what you have there. Good luck, Eric. I'll be waiting in the ring for you."
She winked at the camera and grabbed her brag from the floor. She swung it over her shoulder and walked out of her hotel room, heading to her next show.
| +.Blackroses.+ |