-------OOC: This was written in collaboration with Devin Hawk. Just an FYI. Rorie Steele stands outside of the gym, mentally preparingherself for the sparring session she was about to have with Devin Hawk. She hason a pair of short leggings and a fancy sports bra that definitely showscleavage. Over top, she has on a black zip up hoodie, warming her from theoutside weather. She is pacing beside her car, trying to talk herself intogoing inside. RorieSteele: “Okay, Rorie. Just… go in there. He’s just a stupid guy. Stupid. Verystupid. Neanderthal stupid.” Shenodded to herself, smiling. RorieSteele: “He’s a fucing dick! He kicked you a bunch of times this morning. Whodoes that? And we have bruises! Nobody bruises me. Ever. I’m going to fuckingkill him. I’m going to kill him. I’m going to fuck… CHRIST SAKES, RORIE. Getyour shit together. This isn’t another dude we can just bang. This is a dudewe’re going to hurt in many different ways. Sex can wait. Maybe. Or maybenever. Cause fuck this guy.” Sheshook her whole body, getting the jitters out of the way. She grabbed the bagshe had beside her and walked towards the building. Inside of the building,there’s two sets of stairs that leads up and down...Rorie, already being hereonce, knew to find him..to find the Kickboxing area, she had to go down. Downto the basement of this dingy little gym in the middle of no where in NewOrleans. Leave it to him to find this place, right? Anyway, the room downstairswas very small...no air ventilation at all. This is how Devin trained. You gotused to it over time, but at first? It hits you hard if you don’t paceyourself. Inthe middle of the room a heavy bag hung by a thick chain connected to theceiling. Rorie would walk into the room, almost immediately throwing her bagdown against the wall and turned to find Devin on the other side, stretchingand warming up. Devin wore a pair of loose fitting black gym shorts and asleeveless shirt. At first he didn’t notice her walk in...or maybe he did, andhe hasn’t acknowledged her yet. It wasn’t until she cleared her throat loudlyand walked into the room that he stopped, looking up to her. There was noemotion on his face, just a cold...blank stare. He broke his silence, in thatBritish accent that he knew she liked... DevinHawk: “Hey. You showed up again. Surprise, surprise.” She,in fact, really HATED his accent (loved). Because it was stupid. She gave him adirty look as she began to stalk him from the walls of the room. RorieSteele: “And you’re here… not doing anything else with your life… again. Isn’tTHAT a surprise…” Shestopped her movements, glaring at him from where she stood. RorieSteele: “You know I’m going to kick your ass, right?” Hestood up straight from his warm ups, never taking his eyes off of her for asecond. DevinHawk: “Heard that one before, Rorie. And yeah I’m here, big surprise right? Youknow, one of us has a match to prepare for, ‘champ’.” Hesaid moving closer to her, kicking aside the blocking pads that are normallyused when sparring. These two? Nah they weren’t going to spar. The look in hereyes told him that she really wanted to go...which he was more than willing toallow her. To try. DevinHawk: “So...big, tough Rorie. Kick my ass. I don’t think it’s going to happen,though.” RorieSteele: “Oh really? You don’t think that will happen? You’re the one alwaysplaying off on how fucking tough YOU are. Please. I can’t wait to get yourshoulders down.” Shesmirked at him. She stepped closer, the two meeting in the center of the room.Rorie got down a bit in a proper stance, getting ready for a real fight. Hereyes stayed on his the whole time. Hefinally showed a little expression. His lips crooking into a slight smirk as hewatched her take her stance. Oh, this should be easy - he thought to himself.Fourteen years he’s practiced this Kickboxing thing. She wanted a real fight?This wasn’t wrestling now. He reached his hands up to the collar of his shirt,pulling it away from his neck just slightly before lifting it up and over hishead - tossing it to the side. There was no stance from him. He stood perfectlystraight, just watching her.. DevinHawk: “You’re move, love. C’mon..” Eggingher on, waving her forward with his hands. As he pulled off his shirt, she bither lip on the inside. Fucking stupid men. She stood up straight now,completely forgetting she hadn’t removed her sweater. Stupid thing was just toocozy. But she knew she’d get too hot if she kept it on. She unzipped thesweater and removed it, throwing it off to the side. RorieSteele: “We’re both done removing clothes now, right? Nothing else on your end?Dickhead.” Sheshook her head at him. Just HAD to go and do what she told him to do earlier,didn’t he. Honestly. He looked down at himself and then back to her after sheasked the question. Arching an eyebrow, he didn’t bother to answer it. Hechuckled under his breath, bounced from foot to foot for a moment and stopped.He finally took a stance, balling his hands together into fists and holdingthem just inches away from his chin - slightly hunched over. Immediately shetook her stance again, and...it looks like the two were actually going to fightnow. Hestepped closer, still in stance, and feinted throwing a jab which cause her tostep back and him to smile. DevinHawk: “Oh c’mon Rorie. Flinching already?” Shesnarled, stepping right into him...which is when he grabbed her and judo threwher over his hip and down onto the mat underneath them. She clenched her teethafter hitting the mat. She pushed him away from her and got up, glaring at himonce again. RorieSteele: “Nice…” Shegot into a stance again, getting ready for his next move. As he went for her,she quickly ducked out of the way, turning behind him quickly and giving him aswift kick on the ass. RorieSteele: “Wanna try again?” Heturned to her, licking his bottom lip before dragging his teeth against it. Hislips turned back in a nasty snarl, nostrils flaring. Eyes narrowing. DevinHawk: “So, we’re throwing kicks now?” Hereyes remained locked on his, and she nodded her head. Now she wasn’t sure whatthis was going to lead too. For all she knew, he was going to roundhouse herpretty little head, knocking her out. He cracked his knuckles onto each other,focusing. Back into stance, they watched each other closely...waiting to seewho would make the first move. She bounced from side to side, trying toanticipate the next move. Devin faked a left jab, causing her to move to herright....which led her into a quick right kick to her leg from Devin. A fakeoutattack. Fucking dick. RorieSteele: “Seriously? You’re such a bitch.” Sheglared at him. She was ready to gouge his eyes out now. They both got back intotheir stances. He tried going for another kind of fake out, but she wasn’t thatstupid. She checked another attempt at a leg kick, blocking it with her own,before she lashed out and landed a quick succession of jabs to his ribcage. Hestepped back a step, favoring that area just a little. She, however, favoredthe leg he kicked a few moments ago. Was beginning to sting now. She shiftedher weight onto the other leg, waiting for the next attack. RorieSteele: “We’re not going to play nice… are we…” Devindidn’t answer verbally. He shook his head side to side, before bringing hishands up again, ripping the rubber band from his hair. Running his hand throughit, he messed it from the slicked ponytail he wore prior. He was nowlegitimately ready for this fight that this was turning out to be. He droppedback into stance, his eyes tearing a hole right through his gorgeousvictim...erm...opponent. He pressed his tongue against the back of his top rowof teeth, stalking closer to her. That’s when he threw up his leg, roundhousekick!....She ducked though, but stepped back. Her eyes wide as he spun aroundon his foot to turn around, facing her again. Motherfucker actually tried toroundhouse her. She blinked a few times, stunned that he tried to do it. RorieSteele: “Did you just-... Are you-... MOTHERFUCKER!” Sheran for him, trying to tackle him down. He side stepped quickly. She was losingfocus. This prick right here. I tells ya. She stopped for a moment, thinking.This could go one of two ways… he could kick her ass, possibly, and have braggingrights… or she could kick HIS ass… by cheating. And cheating was always fun.She put her hands on her hips, watching him closely. He seemed confused for amoment, as she didn’t go back into her stance. She just watched him. Suddenlyher arm shot up, grabbing the bottom part of her sports bra. She lifted it,flashing extra skin to him. His eyes watched her every movement, not knowingwhat she was doing until she actually did it. His stance immediately dropped,his eyes focused on the sight she was showing him right now. He didn’t knowwhat to say...to do. This was supposed to be a fight...but...apparently notanymore. In the blink of an eye, her shirt was back down. She ran as fast asshe could towards him, spearing him to the ground. She sat up on him and heldhis shoulders down with her hands. She moved, putting her forearm along hischest, still holding him down with her weight. She slapped her hand on the mat.One. Two. Three. She smirked down at him. RorieSteele: “I win.” Heremained motionless, hands pinned to the mat under him. His eyes locked up onher as she wore a smile on her face. This lasted for a moment before she stoodup, walking away with a cocky swagger. Devin sat up, watching her every move. DevinHawk: “Cheap. But. You pinned me. Congratulations. Feel better now?” RorieSteele: “Very much so.” Shesmiled sweetly at him, batting her lashes. RorieSteele: “Like I said… Champion for a reason.” Devinrolled his eyes as he pushed himself up to his feet. He began to unravel the tapefrom his wrists as he made his way over to his bag on the side of the room.During their exchange, he began to sweat. It was rather hot in this littleroom. Reaching inside he pulled out a water bottle. He took a long swig fromthe bottle before dumping a little onto his head. Retrieving a towel, he wipedhis face and placed it ontop of his head to soak the water without actuallyrubbing it dry. DevinHawk: “Well, ‘champ’, I don’t think you’ll win very many matches usingthat technique. But you’re alright.” Hesaid, smiling as he took another drink from his bottle. She watched him drinkmore water. Her eyes rolled, showing how unimpressed she was. RorieSteele: “Whatever. It’ll work every fucking time. Loser. I’m going home now. Tomy home. Where I live. SO BYE.” Sheturned around, bending down to pick up her bag. She really didn’t need to bendthe way she had, nor did she need to do it for as long, but she did it anyways.Just to be a bitch. She finally came back up and swung her bag over her shoulder. RorieSteele: “Douche." And with that… she left.