“I decided to google ‘things to do alone’. Everything wasgenerally terrible. I chose two items on the list, however. Enjoy.” It was Psyche’s voice, but the screen was black. A fewseconds later, the picture goes to a forest, a trail seen. The camera is bouncing,as if attached to someone who is running. The camera moves to being in front ofPsyche, in her outstretched arm. She smiles and waves at the camera with herother hand, continuing her run. “Hi, hi, everyone! I am running my butt off, as you can see.Doing some cardio to prep for my upcoming match. And what better place to do itthan on an amazing trail in the forest.” She sounds a bit out of breath due to the running, but stillable to speak pretty normally. "I feel like a magical faerie princess. Just sayin'. Now I mentioned that I was doing some googling. Why?Because I can. I thought it would be interesting to see what people do whenthey are alone. Or have no friends. Or hate everyone around them.” She smiles sweetly. “Not the fans, of course. I like all of you. But there areSOME people in BCW that I just don’t like very much, ya know? Anyways… Ithought that since I tend to be alone a lot, I could find something fun to do.You can only play video games for so long. I haven’t actually hit my video gamelimit… but it’s nice to do something else for a few hours, yeah? So one of thethings this list suggested was to go for a run. So here I am. Running! And itmakes sense, right? It’s a way for me do work out. A way for me to get faster.It’s a pretty smart thing to do.” She pauses for a moment, catching her breath a little bitbefore speaking again. “Once again, I must talk about Erron. The guy just continuesto fucking make no sense. I feel like I just tune things out from him becauseall of his words are just that. Words. Randomly put together. The only thing Ipay attention to is his face. Because I can’t deny that the man has a goodface.” She pauses again for a second, her face turning quizzical.She looks a bit disappointed in herself for a moment. “Shit… I didn’t mean to say that. Let’s just forget I saidthat he’s attractive, yeah? …. Wait… Did I say attractive? I meant good face.” Another pause. “Forget I just said everything I just said…” She shakes her head, continuing to run. “So anyways… Just… forget. So Erron mentioned that he wantsto strangle me until I basically die. Now I ask you this, Erron… Do you REALLYwant to hurt me? Do you? Do you really want to make me cry?" She laughs at her own little joke. Culture Club, guys.Yeaaaaa. “Like I’ve said before… a little choking isn’t bad foranyone. It’s good, in fact. I might like it and catch you off guard. What willyou do then? What if I enjoy the pain you try and inflict on me? What if I’minto sadomasochism?” She raises her free hand up, shrugging her shoulders andemphasizing it with her hand added in. “You don’t know… And I do enjoy inflicting pain… so it mightbe the case. Maybe you’ll find out.” She smiles big at her camera. She kind of looks past it fora moment. “Ah. I’m hitting the clearing. This means… my run is overand it is time for part two of my ‘things to do alone’… thing. See you again ina minute, yeah?” --------- The screen goes black once again. After another few moments,the camera cuts on again, seemingly on a tripod now, fixed onto Psyche. 
She’s now in a bath tub, bubbles covering her specificparts, but still giving some nice visuals for the guys. Wink wink. “So here’s part two. This was the last thing on the list.Which was really the only good thing on the list. I wouldn’t normally suggesthaving a long bath alone, but it’ll be nice, I guess. Plus… it’s a nice way torelax after a run. I’m smart, hey?” She puts her finger to her temple and then points at thecamera, raising her brows and then winking. “Now as I was saying about that beautifooooo-…. Uhh…” She stops speaking again for a moment, trying to think ofsomething to say to fix what she was just about to say. “Beauti-…fuck…face? Erron…” She nods for a second. “I hate you…” She says it really quiet. “As I was saying. Erron thinks he’s got me beat at Last Callalready. He has all these plans for me and everything. Like how he’s going to killme and use his... big, strong hands to choke me out.” Another frustrated face. “Goddamnit.” Another word under her breath. “And he also came out in this stupid suit. He looked dumb.His regular outfits are a lot better. Just saying." A pause. “And since we’re all throwing up photos of us dressed up allfancy and wearing fancy clothes in promos, let me just throw this one out. It’sof me. In a very nice outfit that I wore the other night. View it now.” 
The picture was inserted into the video. It even did a superfancy movement thing going from the top of the picture to the bottom. She wasgoing to throw in a spin out edit after, but thought it was too gaudy. “See that? I can look good dressed up too. How do you feelabout that? Bitch.” She smiled sweetly at the camera. This promo was seriouslygoing well. She kind of sat up a bit in the tub, not really remembering thatshe was not wearing clothing, but didn’t go high enough to reveal anything.Plus bubbles. “I really want to say some words that are just going to fallflat against your own extremely scary ones… but I can’t think of any. Probablybecause you used all of them in your promos. Like… seriously… every fuckingword ever. I’m getting very bored of this back and forth between us. We’re likean old married couple. Are we having our first fight?” She winks at the camera again. “I’m seriously exhausting my words at this point. Wasting mybreath. Because all I want to do… is simply kick your ass at Last Call. I don’tneed words to describe what I’m going to do to you. I don’t need to give you aplay-by-play on how things will go down. That will just make me predictable.Much like you’ve made yourself. Now I’m waiting for a chokeout. Waiting for youto try and bash my skull in. Waiting for you to ruin my short career. And love…Being that predictable is going to get you to lose.” She shrugs. “Just keep thinking you’ll beat me, love. Maybe that willhelp you win. But if I can help it… you won’t. You think you’re going to sykeme out? That’s my game, love. It is my name, after all. I don’t think as highlyof myself as you seem to assume I do. I just know that I enjoy trying to get whatI want. And what I want… is you on your back. And that can possibly be taken inmultiple ways.” She realizes what she said and puts on a very fake smile. “Ignore that too..” She looks down, playing with the bubbles in the bath for amoment. “You’re no better than me, and right now, I’m no better thanyou. I don’t know how you’ll fight in the ring… You say all this shit aboutwhat you plan to do, but that could all just be talk. We’ll just have to see, Iguess.” She smiles once again, showing a bit of confidence. “Oh. And another thing… Puppies do play with their food. Lookat a dog bone and tell me a puppy doesn’t play with it while they eat away atits delicious edibleness. They play with it and enjoy chewing on it. And so doman-children like you.” She nods to the camera. She moves her body and puts bothhands on the side of the tub, now facing the camera straight on. “Lastly… consider what I said earlier about friends you have…My advice may change your life.” She smirks and moves once again. She now crosses her armover her chest, now most of her torso seen in camera view. She waves at thecamera with her free hand. “You’re hot. Kaybye!” She pushes her free hand towards the camera, making thescreen go black.